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 2022-01-07 21:30:58  


摘 要


关键词:农民工返乡创业 时空差异 乡村振兴 GIS

Distribution of Temporal and Spatial Differences of Migrant Workers Returning to Hometown to Start Business in Rural Rejuvenation Based on GIS


Based on the existing research, this paper mainly completes three typical periods: the period of restricted population mobility (before reform and opening up), the period of rapid urbanization level improvement (reform and opening up to 2010), and the transitional development period of coastal areas (2011-present) During the period, the data analysis of the flow of Chinese migrant workers mainly uses the spatial analysis function of GIS to analyze the characteristics of the spatio-temporal changes of the flow of migrant workers in China, and analyze its influencing factors, in order to provide a basis for the reasonable flow of migrant workers in China in the future. The main conclusions are as follows: First, the size of the floating population continues to increase in the three typical periods, but the growth rate gradually slows down, and the peak appears during the period of rapid urbanization. Second, according to the inflow and outflow situation, the net population inflow area was southeast before 2011. Coastal areas, North China, Liaoning and other places, along with the rapid economic and social development, have obviously become fewer in the transitional development period of coastal areas, and the distribution range is relatively scattered, mainly in large cities and surrounding areas in the country. Before the transformation and development of coastal areas, the net population outflow areas were mainly located in central China, southern China (excluding Guangdong) and southwest, Heilongjiang, Jilin, etc., and gradually transformed into northeastern areas, very few cities in southeastern coastal areas, and most of the central and western regions. The time-space difference of migrant workers returning home in my country is mainly affected by economic, natural and political factors, among which economic factors are the most important factors.

Key Words: Migrant workers return home to start their own business; Space and time difference; Rural revitalization; GIS

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内外研究现状的述评 3

1.3 主要研究内容和方法 3

1.3.1 研究内容 3

1.3.2 研究方法 3

1.4 资料来源与创新之处 4

1.4.1 资料来源 4

1.4.2 创新之处 4

1.5 技术路线 5

第二章 研究概念及理论基础 6

2.1 概念界定 6

2.1.1 农民工 6

2.1.2 返乡创业农民工与农村流动人口 6

2.2 研究的理论基础 6

2.2.1 推拉理论 6

2.2.2 乡村振兴战略 7

第三章 数据收集与处理 8

3.1数据收集 8

3.1.1 人口数据 8

3.1.2 地图数据 8

3.2数据处理 8

3.2.1 数据选择 8

3.2.2图表类型选择 9

3.2.3 数据处理 9

第四章 农民工返乡创业时空特征 10

4.1 时间特征 10

4.1.1 人口流动受限时期 10

4.1.2 城市化水平快速提高时期 11

4.1.3 沿海地区转型发展时期 13

4.2 空间特征 14

4.2.1 流入情况 14

4.2.2 流出情况 16

4.3 农民工返乡创业时空差异影响因素 18

4.3.1 经济因素 18

4.3.2 自然因素 18

4.3.3 政治因素 19

第五章 农民工返乡创业时空差异分析——江苏省为例 20

5.1省际迁移 20

5.2 省内迁移 20

第六章 结论与展望 22

6.1结论 22

6.2不足与展望 22

参考文献 23

致谢 26


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