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 2022-01-09 19:15:01  


摘 要

为了减少NOx的排放,国内外越来越多地采用SCR烟气脱硝技术。SCR烟气脱硝技术中,浓度场分布不均匀容易造成NOx和NH3的混合和反应不充分,不但极易造成喷氨过量,导致副反应的发生,同时会影响脱硝效率及经济运行。为了提高浓度场的均匀性,本文对氨混合器部件进行了模拟分析。利用流体力学软件Fluent进行数值模拟,采用 k-ε湍流模型进行仿真计算。通过优化氨混系统的结构,研究静态混合器的形式、偏转角度、喷口位置等与系统压降,氨混效果等宏观性能之间的关系。


关键词:SCR脱硝系统 静态混合器 数值模拟

Study on structure and performance optimization of static hybrid ammonia system for SCR denitrification system


In order to reduce NOx emission, more and more SCR flue gas denitrification technology is adopted at home and abroad. In SCR flue gas denitration technology, the uneven distribution of concentration field is easy to cause the mixing and inadequate reaction of NOx and NH3, which not only causes excessive ammonia injection and side reaction, but also affects the denitration efficiency and economic operation. In order to improve the uniformity of concentration field, the component of ammonia mixer is simulated and analyzed in this paper. The numerical simulation is carried out by using the fluid mechanics software Fluent, and the K turbulence model is used for the simulation calculation. By optimizing the structure of the ammonia mixing system, the relationship between the configuration of the static mixer, the deflection angle, the position of the nozzle, the pressure drop of the system and the mixing effect of the ammonia was studied.

The results show that the mixer can improve the distribution of concentration field, and the velocity field caused by the mixer is not even in the range of technical requirement. Reasonable arrangement of the number of ammonia injection pipes and the distance between the ammonia injection pipes and the mixer can effectively improve the mixing degree. The mixing effect is best when the angle between mixer plate and flue is 60°. Finally, according to the actual size, the results show that the relative standard deviation CV of ammonia nitrogen is 5.64% and the relative standard deviation CV of velocity is 9.68% ,which met the technical requirements. Therefore, the static mixer can improve the distribution of the concentration field, simplify the spray ammonia grid, and provide guidance and suggestions for the design of the static mixer type ammonia mixing mechanism.

Key Words: SCR denitrification system;Static mixer; Numerical simulation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 NOx危害及控制技术 2

1.2.1 NOx的危害 2

1.2.2 NOx控制技术 2

1.3导流板研究现状 3

1.4 混合器研究现状 4

1.5本文主要研究目的和内容 6

第二章 SCR烟气脱硝技术 8

2.1 SCR技术原理 8

2.2 SCR系统布置方式 8

2.3 SCR系统国内外研究现状 9

2.4 SCR系统设计关键 10

第三章 数值模拟及结果分析 13

3.1几何模型及网格划分 13

3.2数学模型及计算方法 14

3.3 SCR反应器基本参数确定 14

3.4 模拟及计算结果分析 20

3.4.1 有无混合器的模拟分析 21

3.4.2 喷氨口与混合器距离的模拟分析 22

3.4.3 喷氨管数模拟分析 25

3.4.4 混合器夹角模拟分析 28

3.4.5 烟道高度模拟分析 32

3.4.6 实际工程尺寸综合模拟分析 34

第四章 结论与展望 36

4.1 全文总结 36

4.2 工作展望 37

致谢 38

参考文献 39

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义


自20世纪70年代以来, SCR脱硝系统广泛应用于发动机和工厂领域来降低 NOx 的排放,并根据具体情况使用不同类型的催化剂。通过广泛应用现有低氮燃烧技术以及SCR脱硝技术,为限制污染物的排放做出了巨大贡献。虽然SCR脱硝系统可以有效地去除固定污染源的废气,以其高效、节约成本等优点著称,但是想要提升SCR脱硝效率,对于系统整体的性能也有一定的要求。首先SCR脱硝系统的设备整体规模较大,烟囱布置也有所限制,同时对于烟气流速、氨氮比、温度场等也有着较高的要求。


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