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 2022-01-09 20:30:25  


摘 要





关键词:烟气冷却器 换热 脱硫 酸雨







Design of WGGH cooler for flue gas desulfurization of 100MW unit


Wet flue gas desulfurization in power plants due to the high humidity of the flue gas is easy to cause acid rain around the power plant. The use of dust before desulfurization and high temperature raw flue gas to heat the wet flue gas will reduce the probability of acid rain around the power plant, which can save energy and reduce desulfurization. Equipment investment, increase the discharge temperature, and ensure the surrounding environmental protection and safety. The flue gas cooler is specially introduced to solve this phenomenon. The flue gas cooler is an important equipment in various industrial productions such as power, chemical, pharmaceutical, and energy. The coolers are generally Cool down the temperature of high temperature materials. In these processes, the temperature rise and the change of the fluid state are realized by the cooler.The structure of the cooler is relatively fixed.At the same time, the manufacturing cost and applicability are comprehensively considered in the chemical industry.Fin-tube coolers are often used. The device has stable performance, suitable cost and wide application.

This cooler is designed to raise the temperature of flue gas after desulfurization in the power plant while cooling the original flue gas. In order to meet the environmental protection requirements and reduce the local acid rain phenomenon, a special type of equipment is added. At the same time, this type of equipment belongs to heat exchange equipment, so in the design and manufacturing process Follow the technical requirements for materials, flanges and other standards in GB151-2014 and GB150-2011 standards, follow the provisions in the standards for the design of steel chemical containers, material selection, etc., and make detailed designs for shells, heat exchange tubes, accessories, etc. Calculate and check


Key Words: Flue Gas Cooler; Heat Exchange; Desulfurization ; Acid Rain


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1前言 1

1.2 设计任务 4

1.3热量传递的概念与意义 5

1.3.1热量传递的概念 5

1.3.2化学工业与热传递的关系 5

1.3.3.传热的基本方式 5

1.4换热器的概念及意义 6

第2章 工艺设计 7

2.1原始参数 7

2.2 计算理论烟气量 8

2.3 计算燃烧烟气量 8

2.3.1理论空气量 8

2.3.2理论烟气量 8

2.3.3实际烟气量 9

2.4 原烟气物性参数计算 10

2.4.1原烟气成分摩尔分数计算 10

2.4.2原烟气流量计算 10

2.4.3原烟气比热容计算 10

2.4.4原烟气动力粘度计算 12

2.4.5原烟气导热系数计算 12

2.4.6原烟气普朗特数计算 13

2.5 冷却后原烟气物性参数计算 14

2.5.1湿烟气成分摩尔分数计算 14

2.5.2湿烟气流量计算 14

2.5.3湿烟气比热容计算 15

2.5.4湿烟气动力粘度计算 16

2.5.5湿烟气导热系数计算 16

2.5.6湿烟气普朗特数计算: 17

2.6烟气物性参数汇总 18

第3章 烟气冷却器结构设计 19

3.1 传热量设计 19

3.2 换热管结构设计 19

3.2.1换热管结构选择 19

3.2.2换热管间距设计 20

3.2.3换热管排列型式设计 20

3.2.4最窄流通截面质量流速 21

3.2.5壳程原烟气换热系数计算 21

3.2.6管程水换热系数计算 22

3.3 冷却器热阻计算 23

3.4 实际传热面积计算 24

3.4.1冷却器的传热系数 24

3.4.2冷却器的传热面积 24

3.5 冷却器换热阻力校核 25

3.5.1管程沿程阻力损失 25

3.5.2管程回弯阻力 26

3.5.3管程总阻力 26

3.5.4烟气侧阻力 26

3.6 联箱结构设计 27

第4章 总结 28

致 谢 30

参考文献 31

第1章 绪论





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