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 2022-01-11 20:39:42  


摘 要


通过查阅中、外期刊,丙烯塔的结构设计要求及国内外相关的研究现状及趋势;对外文文献的翻译不仅了解到了国外的先进技术还增进了对专业英语的学习;主要根据GB /T 150—2011 《压力容器》、TSG 21-2016《固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程》、NB/T 47041-2014《塔式容器》、NB/T 47013.13-2015《承压设备无损检测》、NB/T 47015-2011《压力容器焊接规程》以及HG/T 20652-1998《塔器设计技术规定》对丙烯塔进行结构设计与强度计算。



Propylene plays a pivotal role in the chemical industry. Its main sources are steam cracking and by-products from refineries, and its production efficiency is relatively low.However, the increasingly scarce petroleum resources cannot meet the global demand for propylene, so the process of dehydrogenation of ethylene propane to propylene is of great practical significance.The propylene tower is also the key equipment for the dehydrogenation of ethylene propane to produce propylene. It has the advantages of simple structure, small pressure drop and high mass transfer efficiency. Therefore, this paper chooses to design an propylene tower.

By consulting Chinese and foreign periodicals, the structural design requirements of propylene tower and the relevant research status and trends at home and abroad;The translation of foreign literature not only helps to understand the advanced technology of foreign countries but also improves the learning of professional English.According to GB /T 150-2011” pressure vessel”, TSG 21-2016” technical supervision regulations for safety of fixed pressure vessel”, NB/T 47041-2014 “tower vessel”, NB/T 47013.13-2015 “non-destructive testing of pressure equipment”, NB/T 47015-2011 “welding regulations for pressure vessel” and HG/T 20652-1998 “technical regulations” for tower design, the structure design and strength calculation of propylene tower were carried out.

Keywords: ethylene propane dehydrogenation; Propylene; Propylene tower


摘要 3


第一章 绪论 6

1.1丙烯的地位及现状 6

1.2 丙烯工艺 6

1.2.1 MTP工艺 6

1.2.2 煤化工生产丙烯MTO工艺 7

1.2.3 煤化工生产丙烯DMTO工艺 7

1.2.4 煤化工生产丙烯SMTO工艺 7

1.3丙烯塔 7

1.4本课题的内容 9

第二章 丙烯塔的工艺计算 10

2.1 工艺条件 10

2.2 塔物料衡算 10

2.3 相对挥发度 10

2.4计算回流比R 12

2.5 计算塔板数 12

2.6塔径计算 12

2.7塔高计算 13

2.8溢流装置计算 13

2.9 塔板流动性能的校核 14

第三章丙烯塔的结构设计 15

3.1 设备介绍 15

3.2 设计计算参数 15

3.2.1 设计温度 15

3.2.2 工作压力PW 15

3.2.3 设计压力 15

3.2.4 腐蚀裕量C2以及钢材厚度负偏差C1 16

3.3 筒体材料选择及其厚度 16

3.3.1 材料选择 16

3.3.2 筒体厚度 17

3.3.3对圆筒的强度校核 17

3.4 封头设计 18

3.4.1封头选型 18

3.4.2 封头厚度 18

3.5 密封装置设计 18

3.6 支座设计 19

3.7 开孔补强 20

3.8 耐压试验 21

第四章 丙烯塔的强度计算 22

4.1 筒体的强度及稳定性校核 22

4.2 封头校核 22

4.3 裙座校核 22

4.4 SW6校核 23

第五章 经济分析与总结 33

5.1 设备成本 33

5.1.1 设备价格估算 33

5.1.2 总投资估算 33

5.2 总成本估算与分析 34

5.3 收益估算 35

5.4 总结 35

参考文献 36

致谢 38

第一章 绪论




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