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 2022-01-11 21:09:20  


摘 要








关键词:锻制平封头 新旧标准 过渡区半径

Study on plastic design of flat head of high pressure vessel


Pressure vessel is a kind of special equipment, which is extensively involved in all walks of life. It works in a certain pressure, high temperature, high pressure, inflammable, explosive and so on are generally the characteristics of its medium, in the event of an accident, often lead to life safety, environmental pollution, property loss and many serious adverse consequences. There are many types of heads for pressure vessels, such as flat caps. And forging flat head is a kind of flat cover, generally speaking, hand hole cover, manhole cover and high pressure container, these products are small diameter, large pressure, in these products are often used in the flat cover.

With the rapid development of The Times, China has updated many previously used pressure vessel standards, such as GB150-1998 and GB150-2011, which are mainly studied in this subject. After the GB150-1998 standard is updated to GB150-2011 standard, the contents in it are also greatly updated, and the influence on the size of flat head is also very large. The updated GB150-2011 is closer to the American ASME standard, so this paper simply studied the influence of the updated standard on the size of flat head, and got some conclusions.

(1) Using ANSYS finite element analysis software, the two-dimensional geometric model of forging flat head was established and the corresponding stress intensity of the geometric model with different radius was calculated.

(2)The transition radius of forged flat head established by gb150-1998 is much larger than the model established by gb150-2011 and ASME standards.

(3)GB150-1998 standard is applied in a forging flat head with a relatively long straight edge segment. Due to the influence of boundary effect, the maximum stress is located at the connection between the cylinder and the straight edge segment on the basis of stress cloud diagram alone, so the result is not reliable.

(4) GB150-1998 standard is applied in a forging flat head with a relatively long straight edge segment. Due to the influence of boundary effect, the maximum stress is located at the connection between the cylinder and the straight edge segment on the basis of stress cloud diagram alone, so the result is not reliable.

(5) The updated gb150-2011 requires far fewer materials than the original standard gb150-1998 and is more economical.

Key Words:Forging lat head;Old and new standard;Transition radius


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 压力容器国内外研究现状 1

1.2 封头国内外研究现状 3

1.2.2 封头国内研究现状 3

1.2.3 封头国外研究现状 7

1.3 研究内容 7

1.4 研究意义 8

第二章 有限元法及ANSYS软件简介 9

2.1 有限元法的基本理论 9

2.1.1 有限元法的产生 9

2.1.2 有限元法的分析步骤 9

2.1.3 有限元法的分析过程 9

2.2 ANSYS软件简介 10

2.2.1 ANSYS 17.0的交互界面 10

2.2.3 ANSYS的分析步骤 11

2.3本章小结 11

第三章 锻制平封头的有限元分析 12

3.1 锻制平封头的几何结构 12

3.2 单元类型的选择 13

3.3 定义材料属性 14

3.4 划分网格 15

3.5 施加载荷和约束 16

第四章 锻制平封头的有限元分析结果 18

4.1 各个标准下模型的尺寸 18

4.2 应力分析 19

4.3 应力评定 21

4.4 本章小结 25

第五章 经济性评定 26

第六章 总结和展望 27

6.1 总结 27

6.2 展望 27

参考文献 29

致谢 31

第一章 绪论

1.1 压力容器国内外研究现状




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