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 2022-01-23 21:49:20  


摘 要



关键词:P2P网络借贷 风险问题 管控对策 互联网金融

Analysis of P2P Financial Risk and Its Control Countermeasures


In recent years, the P2P network loan industry has developed at an astonishing speed. However, at present, domestic microfinance only relies on "china association of microfinance" to host its work. Therefore, the development of P2P online lending is a bit uncontrolled. However, it is these imperfections that indicate that P2P Internet lending will have a broad development market in China in the future. Once the legal policy, system supervision and credit investigation system are implemented to a certain point, P2P Internet lending will go straight ahead on the standardized road. Not only that, China's unique unbalanced regional development, as well as the government's policy of vigorously promoting Internet finance in recent years, also determine that there are still a large number of potential participants in P2P Internet lending. In 2011, "China's most rigorous online lending platform"-ha ha loan collapse immediately attracted the attention of the whole society, thus related financial fields began to focus on and discuss the risks of P2P online lending in China. There is no doubt that China's P2P Internet lending is on the way of groping forward with rapid development but constant standardization of its own behavior.

The research object of this paper is P2P network loan. Firstly, the concept of P2P network loan is introduced. Secondly, the development status of P2P platform in China is analyzed by using some data. The main operation modes of P2P network loan in China are introduced to the public. On this basis, the risks existing in P2P network loan are discussed in great length and corresponding countermeasures are put forward. At the end of the article, I express my good hope for P2P.

 Key Words: The P2P network lending;Risk problem;Control measures;Internet banking

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究框架 1

第二章 P2P网络借贷的发展 2

2.1 P2P网络借贷的概述 2

2.1.1 P2P网络借贷的定义及特征 2

2.1.2 P2P网络借贷的起源 2

2.2 P2P网络借贷的发展历程 2

2.2.1 第一阶段以信用借款为主的初始发展期 3

2.2.2 第二阶段以地域借款为主的快速扩张期 3

2.2.3 第三阶段以自融高息为主的风险爆发期 3

2.2.4 第四阶段以规范监管为主的政策调整期 3

第三章 我国P2P网络借贷现状 5

3.1 我国P2P网络借贷发展状况 5

3.1.1 P2P 网络借贷成交量及规模 5

3.1.2 P2P 网络借贷平台区域特征 6

3.2 P2P网络借贷主要运营模式 7

3.2.1 无担保的纯线上交易模式 7

3.2.2 有担保的线上交易模式 7

3.2.3 线下交易模式 7

3.2.4 线上线下结合模式 8

第四章 我国P2P网贷运营中存在的问题及风险分析 9

4.1 我国P2P网贷运营中存在的问题平台 9

4.2 我国P2P网贷存在的风险分析 11

4.2.1 P2P网贷平台自身的风险 11

4.2.2 P2P参与者的信用道德风险 11

4.2.3 P2P网贷法律监管的风险 11

4.2.4 互联网金融行业竞争风险 12

第五章 推动我国P2P网络借贷发展的对策及建议 14

5.1 政府 14

5.1.1 出台并完善相关法律法规,加强金融监管工作 14

5.1.2 健全并完善个人信用体系 14

5.1.3 加强对公众的教育及风险意识 14

5.2 个人 15

5.2.1 提升用户自身的风险防范意识 15

5.2.2 用户需要学会分散投资 15

5.3 借贷平台 15

5.3.1 加强对P2P借贷双方的双向审核 15

5.3.2 提升自身平台的网络技术水平,增强竞争力 16

结论 17

参考文献 18

致谢 20


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