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 2022-01-26 12:29:44  


摘 要



关键词:热管 烟气脱硫脱硝 分离式热管式换热器 设计计算

A separated heat pipe heat exchanger for desulfurization and denitration


With the recent "13th five-year plan" "electric power coal hole mid-term evaluation and late outlook" implementation report, the country on the use of fossil fuels, especially the coal consumption of enterprises increasingly strict control, the emission requirements for large sewage enterprises are also gradually increased.How to meet the flue gas emission requirements of national environmental protection departments while ensuring the smooth operation of enterprises is a problem that every large coal burning enterprise has to face.Based on the actual demand of jiangsu fengyuan DE co., LTD., this paper aims to solve the problems such as how to reduce the emission of sulfur and nitrogen pollutants in boiler flue gas, how to arrange the plant reasonably, and how to improve the energy efficiency of heat pipe heat exchanger.

In this paper, the basic methods of desulfurization and denitrification commonly used in industry are analyzed and summarized. Combined with the advantages of separated heat pipe heat exchanger, the design and calculation of separated heat pipe heat exchanger for desulfurization and denitrification are carried out.Secondly, the rationality and cost of the design are evaluated, and the feasibility of the design is demonstrated from the perspective of energy saving and economy, and the flexible arrangement of heat exchangers can be guaranteed in the effective plant space.Finally, the development of desulfurization and denitrification technology and separated heat pipe heat exchanger are prospected.

Keywords: heat pipe;flue gas desulfurization denitrification; separated heat pipe heat exchanger ;design calculation

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题的研究背景 1

1.2热管技术进展 1

1.3脱硫脱硝的技术综述 2

1.4课题研究的意义与必要性 3

第二章 脱硫脱硝的基本工艺 4

2.1脱硫脱硝的必要性 4

2.2脱硫脱销的技术概要 4

2.2.1 活性焦炭吸收 4

2.2.2石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫 4

2.2.3利用海水碱性脱硫技术 5

2.2.4 低氮燃烧技术 5

2.3选择性催化还原方法(SCR) 5

2.4选择性非催化还原技术(SNCR) 6

2.5小结 7

第三章 分离式热管换热器 9

3.1背景概述 9

3.2热管换热器概述 9

3.3分离式热管换热器简介 9

3.4选择分离式热管换热器的原因 10

3.5未来展望 11

第四章 热力计算及经济校核 12

4.1基本参数 12

4.2计算传热量Q 12

4.3计算低温烟气的出口温度和对数平均温差 13

4.4计算迎风面积和迎风面管排数B 14

4.5计算换热器总传热系数 15

4.6计算管子的排布情况 18

4.7计算通过分离式热管换热器的压力降 19

4.8成本经济校核 21

第五章 总结 22

参考文献 23

致谢 25

第一章 绪论


目前,能源的供应成为限制我国工业发展的重要因素之一。我国工业年耗原煤约10亿t,煤炭在我国的能源消费中所占的比重为70%以上。但是随着工业的高速发展,煤炭燃烧对人类赖以生存的生活环境也造成了巨大的破坏,燃煤烟气中的SO2和NOX是导致酸雨、雾霾等环境污染的直接因素,硫氧化物和氮氧化物不仅破坏了自然环境,也严重危害了人们的身体健康。随着人们的环保意识逐渐加强,国家也针对环境保护出台了一系列政策法规,将大气治理视为环境保护的重要部分,根据《炼焦化学工业污染物排放标准》[1],对焦炉工业提出排放的新要求: 焦炉烟气经除尘后烟囱排放废气NOX质量浓度 ≤150mg/m3、SO2质量浓度≤20mg/m3、烟尘质量浓度≤10mg/m3;除此之外,国家还对大型煤耗企业的烟气污染物排放提出了更严苛的要求。以火电厂为例根据GB13223—2011《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》[2],规定现有锅炉烟气排放指标: 200mg/m3≤SO2质量浓度≤400mg/m3、100mg/m3≤NOX质量浓度≤200mg/m3。总体而言,由于我国化石能源需求量大,工业耗煤机组多,清洁能源使用占比低等问题,环境治理的形势依旧严峻。



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