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An Intercultural Analysis of Junzi Education and Gentleman Education 跨文化视角下的君子教育与绅士教育比较研究毕业论文

 2022-01-30 19:32:56  


摘 要

1. Introduction 5

1.1 Research background 5

1.2 Need of the study 6

2. Literature review 7

2.1 Previous studies at home and abroad 7

2.2 Limitations in the previous studies 8

3. The similarities and differences between Junzi Education and Gentleman Education 9

3.1 Similarities 9

3.1.1 Pursuit of perfect personality 9

3.1.2 The cultivation of social elites 10

3.1.3 Moral education 11

3.2 Differences 11

3.2.1 Historical reasons 11

3.2.2 Inner transcendence and overt behavior 13

3.2.3 Different curriculum systems 13

4.Conclusion 16

References 17


I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to those who have helped me a lot with my BA thesis writing. Without their help, completion of this thesis would have been impossible.

Firstly,my deepest gratitude goes to my supervisor, Mr. Chen Haitao, for his constant effort in guiding me through the various stages of writing this paper. During my study, he helped me with choosing the topic, collecting the literature references, and correcting the way of study and the content of the paper. His profound insights broadened my horizon. Without his patient guidance, the work would not have the chance to complete. Under his continuous encouragement and generous support, I will treasure this experience in my future life.

Then, I would like to thank all the other teachers for their enlightenment, knowledge, encouragement and help throughout my undergraduate study at Nanjing Tech University.

In addition, special thanks go to my dear friends and fellow students, who have accompanied me throughout the four years at the university.

Last but not least, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my parents and for their love and support all these years.

Guan Zhongqin


China is famous for its culture for about 5,000 years, and Junzi Education is an indispensable part of culture. Junzi Education, based on Confucianism, aims to cultivate the Junzi who is “the saint inside and the king outside”. It also is the embodiment of Chinese traditional education thought and education practice. However, Gentleman Education, influenced by the Renaissance, refers to a mainstream education mode which is derived from the Locke’s Gentleman Education thought that took shape in Britain from 17th century to 19th century with its main goal of cultivating careered and home gentleman.

This paper compares similarities and difference between Junzi Education and Gentleman Education from the intercultural perspective in education, the historical reasons, and educational contents.

This paper is divided into three parts. The first part is the introduction to elucidate research background and the need of the study, as well as literature review. The second part is the analysis of the similarities and differences between Junzi Education and Gentleman Education. And the last part is the conclusion.

Key words: Junzi Education; Gentleman Education; Intercultural analysis




关键词: 君子教育 绅士教育 跨文化分析

1. Introduction

1.1 Research Background

China is known as a state of etiquette, it pays attention to "Virtue"(美德), on the contrary, the western countries value "Intelligence". Under the influence of the virtue culture, the Chinese forms an educational tradition that values moral education. Besides, during the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States period(春秋战国时期), Junzi Education gradually shapes its educational core that is aimed at cultivating the Junzi personality, and becomes the subject of Chinese traditional education. Meanwhile, with the development and change of history, Junzi becomes the moral standard of the Chinese people and a true portrayal of the Chinese people's spiritual outlook. However, Britain, an Island State, leads the development of modern civilization in the world with Gentleman Education.

Both Junzi Education and Gentleman Education are the classics of world education. They regard personality education as the core in order to cultivate the elite talents who can maintain long-term stability and lasting development of the country.

In terms of the word of Junzi, it has a long history and is an important symbol of traditional Chinese culture. Before the emergence of the word "Junzi" in Book of History(《尚书》) and Book of Changes(《周易》), a prototype of a Junzi has been formed in Chinese culture. In Book of Songs(《诗经》), Junzi becomes a common word for alleged characters. After the Spring and Autumn Period, the meaning of the Junzi changes a lot. Until the Han Dynasty, it has a fixed meaning which is the upper class of the society, the talented person, the person with virtue, the honorable name for others and the scholar. Just as Tan Changliu says, "Junzi is born with the Chinese civilization." (Tan 2011) As to Junzi Eduction, it is aimed at cultivating a Junzi. As Mr. Yao Zhongqiu says, "Junzi Education runs through Chinese culture."(Yao 2012)

But in Britain, Junzi Educaiton can be Gentleman Education, Junzi can be gentleman. The New Oxford English Dictionary interprets the "gentleman" as: a chivalrous, courteous, or honourable man; a polite or formal of referring to a man. "gentleman" is a compound word consisting of "gentle" and "man". It is originated from the Medieval English and from old French gentilz hom, which means that the man in noble birth. Before the Middle Ages, the words for gentlemen included “kalokagathos”, “eleutheros”, and “eleutherios”. The meaning of the British gentleman stems from the ancient Greece and Rome. In the continuous development of history, it forms its own special meaning, which eventually becomes the symbol of British culture. However, the meaning of Gentleman Education has a broad and narrow sense. Gentleman Education in the broad sense refers to the "European Gentleman Education" that emerges during the Renaissance. European Gentleman Education is aimed at cultivating new types of gentlemen. During the period of European society transformation, it represents the active appeal of the social freshman's assets and is the important European education thought. The narrow sense of Gentleman Education specifically refers to "British Gentleman Education." It is a combination of the development of the times and the British native culture. This study explores the narrow sense of Gentleman Education, which is called "British Gentleman Education."

1.2 Need of the study

This study intends to understand and grasp the connotation of Junzi Education and Gentleman Education through the systematic comparison. It analyzes the similarities and differences between Junzi Education and Gentleman Education. Through the comparative study, we can look into the basic elements of the classical education theory .

2. Literature review

2.1 Previous studies at home and abroad

China's long-standing Confucian culture has made a tremendous contribution to world civilization, but about the study of Junzi Education, the author find that there lacks the research. The foreign study of Junzi Education often covers in the study of Confucianism or sinology which gives positive evaluation to Chinese Junzi and Confucianism. For example, William Theodore de Bary compares Junzi as prophet and believes that the most important function of the Chinese Junzi is to have the same mission of propagating truth as the prophets in the Old Testament.(William 1991) Professor Zhao Junhe believes that in the view of Confucius ,"benevolence" is a virtue of the inner human nature and everyone is born with it. We should seek for its modern value. With the advent of the new century, the whole society recognizes the values of “benevolence” , and then enjoys the world that is rapid development of economy and science and technology(Zhao 1996).On the other hand, the pedagogic textbooks in China's higher education also lack thematic discussion on "Junzi Education."

As Junzi Education as concerned, Zhu Huipeng sums up the core content of traditional Junzi Education as four aspects: honesty, filial piety, etiquette, and perseverance. According to the requirements of the times, it puts forward the spirit of “truthfulness, goodness, beauty and bravery” and the requirement of Junzi literacy in Junzi. " (Zhu,2011)

The understanding of the Chinese Junzi in the United Kingdom begins from The Marco Polo Chronicle in the 14th century. In 1691, the British publishes the first English translation of The Ethics of Confucius and opened the study of Confucius doctrines and Junzi. In the 19th century, the British missionary Jacober translated 10 volumes of the The Thirteen Classic into English, including The Analects of Confucius, which becomes an important document for Western countries to understand Confucianism and Junzi. David Hume(1711-1776) worships Confucius very much and advocates using Confucianism to defeat the theological rule of Europe. Herbert George Well(1866-1946) says that Confucius's teachings focused on a noble idea of life. He embodied this idea as a standard or ideal, an aristocratic person—a Junzi( Wells 1919).

In conclusion, the study of Junzi Education is relatively scare, on the contrary, Gentleman Education is abundant.

2.3 Limitations in the previous studies

Through the analysis of the existing research results, the research status of Junzi Education and Gentleman Education show the following features and deficiencies. Firstly, in terms of Junzi Education, there are many studies on "Junzi",and lack of special studies on Junzi Education. The field of Junzi Education in practice has taken off, but the field of theoretical study is still insufficient. At present, research on the formation background, basic theory, and implementation path of Junzi Eduction is not only weak, but there is also little research on the basic concept of "Junzi Education."

Secondly, in respect of Gentleman Education, the Chinese researches centre on theory, in the contrast, the western researches emphasize the practice. There are obviously more researches on the theory of Gentleman Education in China than in Britain, and the theoretical research on Gentleman Education in China is mainly focused on the research of Locke's Gentleman Education thought.

Thirdly, judging from the current situation of the two kinds of education, China has studied more Gentlemen education and seldom studied Junzi Education; Britain, it pays more attention to Gentleman Education and rarely pays attention to Junzi Education. This phenomenon is thought-provoking, which needs researchers to explore the root cause.

3. The similarities and differences between Junzi Education and Gentleman Education

3.1 Similarities

3.1.1 Pursuit of perfect personality

Whether Junzi Education which regards benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith as the training standard and the highest ideal, or Gentleman Education which aims to cultivate strong body, good morality, general knowledge, elegant etiquette, elegant expression and abundant wisdom, they all show the pursuit of perfect personality.

The essence of the Junzi Education pioneered by Confucius is to teach people with virtue. Junzi Education takes morality as the core, benevolence as the basis of morality, and extends love from the filial piety of human relations to others, therefore, the traditional moral education is formed. A Junzi should possess the “The Five Morals Principles(五常德)” that are benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and faith which are followed by the traditional Chinese. Junzi personality is the perfect embodiment of "The Five Morals Principles". On the basis of the general moral requirements, Junzi personality needs to become the social personality or altruism. For example, righteousness is not only a way of communication, but also is ideal of life and the pursuit of independent personality.

In terms of Gentleman Education, under the influence of The Renaissance and Reformation and the ancient Greece and Rome’s Liberal Arts Education, its education contents receives the impact. After the Renaissance, the main thought of the British Gentlemen Education is the harmony of mind and body and all-round development. Elliot, Locke, and others attache importance to the comprehensive development, like the development of morality, intelligence, and physique, at the same time, Gentleman Education pays attention to the cultivation of personality. Moreover, it particularly stresses on the moral education which is putted in the first place and commits to creating a perfect gentleman image.

In order to emphasize the importance of morality in the perfect education, both Junzi Education and Gentleman Education have different degrees of discussion on moral self-interest. Confucius says “Empathetic people don't worry(仁者不忧)” that is the Junzi morality. Locke also discusses the selfishness of virtue and says, "Lack of virtue, whether in the world of living or the dead, I think he is not happy at all."( Locke 1693)

At the last, altruism is the basic feature of morality. The discourse of Confucius and Locke on moral egoism reflects the comprehensiveness and dialectical nature of moral cognition. As the Chinese often say”Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil; if the reward is not forthcoming , it is because the time has not arrived yet ; and when the time arrives , one will get all the recompense he deserves (善有善报恶有恶报,不是不报时候未到).” The Western countries take good deeds as the passport to heaven.This selfishness is complementary to altruism.

3.1.2 The cultivation of social elites

Junzi Education and Gentleman Education are both education for cultivating social elite talents, which indicates the common characteristics of cultivating talents.

The primary purpose of Chinese Junzi Education is to cultivate the Junzi who possesses morality, knowledge, capability, wisdom, and official position. The Junzi who has position becomes the main body of the Chinese bureaucratic system, he takes the responsibility of governing the country and enshrining the people. In order to adapt to the agricultural civilization, Chinese education needs to cultivate the elite under the guidance of Confucianism.

The British Gentleman Education takes Locke's advocate of virtue, wisdom, etiquette and knowledge as the main target of education . This “business person” refers to the “officer” who is British official at all levels, including members of local two-tier parliaments, officials of various departments, and military talent, of course, it also includes entrepreneurs who are directly engaged in the development of capitalist economy. These talents are the elite group and core force that lead the social industries to the right track and promote the development of the country. The object of the Gentleman Education is mainly from the nobles. The goal is to cultivate leaders who can lead social development.

3.1.3 Moral education


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