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40万吨年过氧化氢法制环氧丙烷 ---分离及副产品回收单元设备设计毕业论文

 2022-02-11 19:40:05  


摘 要


关键词:环氧丙烷 过氧化氢直接氧化法 承压设备 SW6


Propylene oxide (PO), also known as methyl epoxy ethane or propylene oxide, is the third major propylene derivative other than polypropylene and acrylonitrile. It is an important basic organic chemical raw material. Propylene oxide is widely used in automotive, food, construction and cosmetics industries. At present, the main industrial production methods of propylene oxide in the world are chlorohydrin, CO oxidation and direct oxidation of hydrogen peroxide. The direct oxidation of hydrogen peroxide has become the focus of research and development because of environmental protection without pollution, and tends to mature, showing a good prospect of industrialization. The reaction was carried out under low temperature and medium pressure (pressure 2.6MPa, temperature 55 degrees Celsius). With methanol as the solvent, propylene and hydrogen peroxide, 50% of the mass concentration, feed from the bottom of the reactor and react on the surface of the high efficient titanium silicon molecular sieve catalyst, and the reaction products are extracted from the top of the reactor. The reaction has high conversion and selectivity. The epoxy propane device mainly involves the reactor, tower, storage tank and heat exchanger. According to the requirements of the NB/T47041-2014 tower container, GB150-2011 "pressure vessel" and GB12337-2014 "steel spherical tank" and other relevant national standards, the ether concentrator is designed for the Propylene Spherical Tank and the secondary product recovery unit. According to the conditions given, reasonable design of spherical tank and tower can make economic optimization. SW6-2011 software is used to design and check the strength of the equipment, and the design results must meet the requirements.

KeyWords: Propylene oxide Hydrogen peroxide Direct oxidation Pressure Equipment Sw6


摘 要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 环氧丙烷的应用及合成工艺 1

1.2 几种环氧丙烷生产方法对比 2

1.3 环氧丙烷生产流程 2

1.3.1丙烯分离单元工艺流程 3

1.3.2副产品回收单元工艺流程 4

1.4 课题研究路线 5

第二章 副产品回收单元主要承压设备设计及强度校核 6

2.1 醚浓缩塔结构设计 6

2.1.1 设计基本参数 7

2.1.2 塔壳体和封头厚度计算 8

2.1.3 裙座 8

2.1.4 人孔 11

2.1.5 吊柱 12

2.1.6 喷淋装置 13

2.1.7 液体再分布器 13

2.1.8 填料支承结构 14

2.1.9 除沫器设计 14

2.1.10填料床层限制器 14

2.1.11 开孔补强与接管 14

2.1.12法兰 16

2.2 强度校核 16

第三章 丙烯分离单元主要承压设备设计及强度校核 17

3.1球罐设计基本参数 17

3.2球罐基础资料 17

3.2.1.建造地区气象资料 17

3.2.2.场地条件 18

3.2.3.工作介质 18

3.3球罐的主要设计参数确定 18

3.3.1.设计压力和设计温度 18

3.3.2计算压力 18

3.3.3.腐蚀余量 19

3.3.4.焊接接头系数 19

3.3.5.厚度附加量 19

3.3.6 材料的选用 19

3.4球罐的型式及结构排版计算 19

3.4.1.球罐的结构型式 19

3.4.2.混合式结构排板计算 20

3.5球壳计算 25

3.5.1壳体计算厚度 25

3.5.2设计温度下球壳的计算应力校核 26

3.5.3 设计温度下球壳的最大允许工作压力计算 26

3.6支柱结构 26

3.7拉杆 26

3.8人孔 27

3.9开孔补强与接管 27

3.9.1 开孔补强 27

3.9.2 接管 27

3.10法兰 27

3.11 强度校核 28

第四章 设备布置及管道布置设计 29

4.2 设备布置图 29

4.3管道布置图 29

第五章 经济评价 31

5.1 丙烯分离单元承压设备经济分析 31

5.2 副产品回收单元承压设备经济分析 32

5.3 副产品回收单元工艺段经济分析 34

总结 35

参考文献 36

附录 38

  1. 绪 论

1.1 环氧丙烷的应用及合成工艺


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