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 2022-02-14 20:30:53  


摘 要



关键词: 原因 对策 介入方法

The Intervention of Social Work on Campus Violence

- Taking R School as an Example


Since the reform and opening up, all walks of life to be abandoned, the economic recovery, while enhancing our competitiveness, but also improve the overall living standards of the people. At this moment, China's economic restructuring, driven by the rapid development of China's related industries, so the community will be a variety of problems and contradictions. In recent years, the campus violence is endless, adolescent physical and mental health has a negative impact, and thus, become the country and local governments are widely concerned about the issue. This article looks up the detailed information, and R school as a research object, fully understand the root causes of the violence on campus, so that citizens aware of the importance of prevention of campus violence, while the proposed violence against the campus violence for the decision-making on the basis of violence .

According to relevant information, the current probability of violence in our country has increased every year, the physical and mental health of students, the normal development of teaching has many adverse effects. In view of this, this article has detailed the current literature on the study of violence related to campus and explore the cause of the causes of violence, the type of violence known to the classification of detailed, enumerate the R school campus violence case Analysis, analysis of the victims to the students what kind of harm, analysis of campus violence in the R school trends, in response to these circumstances put forward the corresponding prevention and control mechanism. The full text of the case analysis method, with practical problems, to explore and study how social work involved in R school. In order to reduce the probability of violent incidents on campus, I believe that it is necessary to establish a sound and effective prevention and control system, such as: good environmental management work; to strengthen students' awareness of self-prevention, regular universal legal knowledge, to promote setbacks Education, the school as much as possible to create a good, warm, healthy reading environment, to promote their healthy and happy growth.

Key words: Reason countermeasure intervention method

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

一、导论 1

(一)选题的背景 1

(二)选题的意义 1

(三)校园暴力的概况 2

1.国外研究概况 2

2.国内研究概况 2

(四)研究方法 3

1.收集资料的方法 3

2.分析资料的方法 3

二、当前R学校校园暴力的现状 4

(一)R学校校园暴力的表现形式及特点 4

1.校园暴力行为频发且恶劣程度愈发严重 4

2.针对R校园暴力行为尚无完善的防治对策 5

3.R学校校园暴力的表现形式 5

(二)R学校校园暴力行为的原因 5

1.个人原因 5

2.家庭原因 5

3.社会原因 6

4.学校原因 6

(三)R学校校园暴力对受害者学生的危害 6

1.影响受害者学生学习成绩的提高 6

2.危害受害者学生的身体健康 7

3.妨害受害者学生的心理健康 7

4.阻碍了受害者学生先进思想和优秀品德的培养 7

三、对R学校校园暴力的社会工作介入 8

(一)社会工作介入的必要性分析 8

(二)社会工作介入的可行性分析 9

(三)针对R学校校园暴力社会工作介入的方法 9

四、针对R学校校园暴力的对策 11

(一)加强学生个体预防 11

(二)加强家庭教育 11

(三)加强社会教育 11

(四)加强学校教育 11

五、总结与反思 13

结语 14

参考文献 15

致谢 17






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