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 2022-02-21 19:54:13  


摘 要



关键词:网络金融 租车 java web

Design and Implementation of Java - based Campus Car Rental Social Platform


The design of the platform is mainly based on car rental as the main body, refer to the existing car rental platform, including WeChat public number, platform sites, app and so on. Through the reference to the model of these platforms, the campus car rental social platform design for the campus area of ​​college students to provide automotive information management, no booking online car rental, social activities and other functions of college students for the majority of student groups to provide a free travel, Practice driving, to solve large campus, student travel difficulties, to participate in college students social activities,expand college students circle, improve social ability of the site system.

 Through the design and development of the platform system, after the system is running, the students can enter the website system as a tourist or a registered member, and can use the idle rental vehicle in the vicinity quickly through the online car rental, To facilitate their own travel, or to participate in college students social activities, and actively enhance their social skills, the main design of the functional modules include: car rental function module, participate in the release of activities module, platform special information module, the user management center module, As well as the background management center module. The design and implementation of the website system platform makes it difficult for college students who travel difficult to travel. The students who take the driver's license have the opportunity to be familiar with their own driving skills, and students who want to participate in social activities can be more easily realized. Is conducive to the university campus travel, student travel convenience, but also class travel, improve the cohesion of the class.

Keywords: network finance car rental java web


基于Java的校园租车社交平台设计与实现 I

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究思路与方法 1

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1国内外研究现状 3

2.2汽车租赁与校园租车 5

2.3主要技术 5

第三章 平台分析 6

3.1租车社交平台功能需求分析 6

3.2 平台功能基本流程 7

3.3两种用户的用例图分析 9

3.4平台功能分析 11

第四章 平台设计 12

4.1 主要功能结构设计 12

4.2数据库设计 13

第五章 平台实施 17

5.1平台测试 17

5.2平台后台测试 21

5.3平台测试总结 21

参考文献 26

致谢 28

第一章 绪论



现如今,大学生在在校期间内,学习驾驶并考取驾照的现象越加普遍,而考到驾照的学生,由于在校期间内,经济能力是有限的,在获得驾照之后很少有机会能够练习驾驶的技术。而于此同时 ,大学建校地址一般都离市区可能比较偏远,很多周末出去玩的学生,出行更加依靠公共汽车或步行,很不方便。因此,开发一个方便大学生租车的网络平台有一定的现实需求和意义。


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