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Aspen plus模拟优化戊二胺的精馏工艺参数毕业论文

 2022-02-22 20:14:14  


摘 要

戊二胺(1, 5-二氨基戊烷)即尸胺,是一种重要的化工精细品,主要用于合成聚酰胺材料PA5X用于替代传统尼龙66,以及作为化学中间体应用于吡啶、氰酸酯等方面。生物法制取戊二胺绿色环保,但生物转化液成份复杂对提取精制要求较高。目前主要的提取分离方法有:盐结晶析出法,凝胶型离子交换树脂法,精馏法。由于转化液中的赖氨酸、氯离子等在结晶和树脂交换过程中影响戊二胺的纯化,且生物转化液的成份物化性质差异大,可以通过精馏分离直接获得所需要的产品,且操作流程简单高效。因此本课题选择精馏法作为研究对象。本课题主要用到的两个模型是DSTWU模型和RadFrac模型。选择NRTL这个物性方程求解物料平衡,相平衡和能量平衡之间的关系。用逐板计算方法模拟精馏过程,结合模拟结果与设计值之间的差异,并且通过灵敏度分析,模拟回流比、塔压、塔顶回收率等操作参数对精馏过程产品纯度和收率的影响,对精馏工艺进行优化,用得到的优化工艺指导实验。根据实验结果进行物料衡算,追踪精馏过程流股物料的分配,使戊二胺精馏过程更加高效经济。

关键词:戊二胺 模拟优化 物料衡算


Pentadecylamine (1, 5-diaminopentane), a cadaverine, is an important chemical fine, mainly used for the synthesis of polyamide material PA5X for the replacement of traditional nylon 66, and as a chemical intermediate used in pyridine, Cyanate esters and so on. Biological method of taking pentanediamine green environmental protection, but the bioreactor composition of the complex requirements of the extraction and refining higher. At present, the main extraction and separation methods are: salt crystallization method, gel type ion exchange resin method, distillation method. As the lysine and chloride ions in the conversion liquid affect the purification of the pentanediamine during the crystallization and resin exchange, and the physical and chemical properties of the bioreactant are quite different, the desired product can be obtained directly by distillation and The operation flow is simple and efficient. Therefore, this topic chooses the distillation method as the research object. The two models used in this topic are DSTWU model and RadFrac model. The property equation of NRTL is chosen to solve the relationship between material balance, phase equilibrium and energy balance. The distillation process was simulated by plate-by-plate method, and the difference between the simulation results and the design values ​​was carried out. The purity and yield of the product were determined by the sensitivity analysis, simulated reflux ratio, tower pressure and overhead recovery rate. Influence, optimize the distillation process, and use the optimized process to guide the experiment. According to the experimental results of material accounting, tracking the process of rectification of the distribution of material flow, so that the process of more efficient and efficient pentylenetetraamine distillation.

Key Words: Cadverine;Simulation and Optimization;Material balance

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 前言 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 戊二胺的简单介绍 1

1.2.1戊二胺在工业中的应用 2

1.2.2戊二胺在医学中的应用 2

1.2.3戊二胺在农业上的应用 2

1.2.4戊二胺在动植物领域的研究 3

1.3 戊二胺的分离纯化方式 4

1.3.1凝胶型离子交换树脂法 4

1.3.2盐结晶析出法 4

1.3.3萃取法 4

1.3.4精馏法 5

1.4 Aspen Plus基于精馏模拟优化应用 5

1.5 本课题的研究目的及内容 6

第二章 实验器材和方法 7

2.1 实验试剂 7

2.2 实验仪器 7

2.3 检测方法 8

2.3.1.赖氨酸检测 8

2.3.2.正丁醇检测 8

2.3.3戊二胺检测 8

2.4 生物转化液物理化学性质 9

2.5 实验流程 9

第三章 实验内容 10

3.1 实验室现有戊二胺精馏工艺 10

3.2 稳态模拟 10

3.2.1料液物理化学性质 10

3.2.2模拟条件 10

3.3 RadFrac模拟计算 11

3.3.1 RadFrac模拟 11

3.3.2 进料位置模拟优化 12

3.3.3 回流比模拟优化 12

3.4 基于模拟工艺的实验论证 12

第四章 结果与讨论 14

4.1 DSTWU模拟结果 14

4.2 RadFrac模型模拟结果 16

4.2.1RadFrac模型脱水模拟结果 16

4.2.2RadFrac模型脱醇模拟结果 17

4.2.3脱水工艺进料位置模拟优化 19

4.3 精馏实验结果 20

4.4 物料衡算 21

4.4.1戊二胺的物料衡算 21

4.4.2正丁醇的物料衡算 21

4.5 结论与展望 22

参考文献 23

致谢 25

第一章 前言





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