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 2022-03-15 20:12:23  


摘 要







关键词:U型管式热交换器 工艺计算 结构设计 强度校核

Design of Converter Primary Cooler


Heat exchangers are energy-saving devices that achieve heat transfer between materials and are widely used in the chemical industry. In this paper, U-tube heat exchanger as the research object, the main contents are as follows:

(1) Describes the development of heat exchangers, classification and materials to understand the basic structure of heat exchangers and the basic principles.

(2) According to the original data on the heat exchanger design, including the heat exchanger process calculation, structural design and strength check.

(3) The external design of the heat exchanger includes: the design of the cylinder, the design of the head, the design of the tube box and the bearing.

(4) Heat exchanger parts design includes: the size of the heat transfer tube, the thickness of the tube plate and the size of the baffle.

In addition to the above design, but also includes container flange, pipe flange, hole and reinforcement, take over the parts, other accessories design selection. In the completion of all structural design, strength check on the basis of CAD drawings and drawings to complete the drawing, and ultimately complete the heat exchanger design work.

Key Word: U-tube heat exchanger; Process calculation; Structural design; Strength Check

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2本次设计任务 1

第二章 冷却器的工艺计算 2

2.1热工计算 2

2.1.1原始数据 2

2.1.2定性温度与物性参数 2

2.1.3物料与热量衡算 3

2.1.4有效平均温差 3

2.1.5初算传热面积 4

2.1.6换热器结构设计 4

2.1.7管程传热与压降 5

2.1.8壳程传热与压降 5

2.1.9总传热系数 6

2.1.10传热面积与壁温核算 7

2.2详细结构设计与强度设计 7

2.2.1 结构设计 8

2.2.2筒体 8

2.2.3封头 9

2.2.4管程接管补强计算 9

2.2.5壳程接管补强计算 10

2.2.6换热管 11

2.2.7折流板 11

2.2.8拉杆 11

2.2.9管板计算 11

2.2.10换热管与管板连接 13

第三章 冷却器的安装、使用、维修 15

3.1设备安装 15

3.2设备使用 15

3.3设备的维护和检修 15

第四章 经济评价 17

4.1单元设备价格估算 17

4.2设备成本节约 17

4.2.1 采用新的热交换器信息管理系统 17

4.2.2应用新材料 17

第五章 结语 18

参考文献 19

致谢 21

附录:SW6强度校核 22

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景







1.2 本次设计任务

在已知参数下,根据冷却器制造工艺特点及设备设计有关知识,进行热交换器的设计计算,完成热交换器设计,确定其结构尺寸大小,并编制制造工艺规定,完成强度计算。热交换器应严格按照GB150-2011《压力容器》、GB/T151-2014《热交换器》和TSG 21-2016《固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程》等国家标准进行设计,保证热交换器安全可靠[5-7]。



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