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 2022-03-15 20:15:15  


摘 要



关键词:浮头式换热器 结构设计 强度校核 经济成本核算

The design of C4/C5 heat exchanger


This paper focused on the design of C4 / C5 cooler. The main contents included heat process calculation, heat exchanger structure and strength design and heat exchanger manufacturing, inspection, and economic cost accounting.

we were assisted to finish the design of the C4/C5 cooler by introducing the relevant knowledge of the heat exchanger. C4/C5 cooler design was divided into process design and structural design of two parts. The first part was about the process design part, according to the design task book gave the process operating parameters, the design work of the heat transfer calculation and pressure drop calculation, the heat transfer area, the conformation of the heat exchanger model were done . Meanwhile the process above still included the pressure drop and wall temperature calculation. And then the structure and strength of the design of the cooler were done mainly based on the relevant national standards, also the geometric size and location size of the calculation or selection of the parts of the connection design, the tube plate arrangement of the way were included in this part. Finally, the economic cost of the cooler was calculated and the future development trend of the cooler was prospected in this article..

The each aspects of the floating head heat exchanger were introduced in detail in the design manual.

Key word: floating head heat exchanger; Structural design,; Strength Check; Economic cost accounting







摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

前言 Ⅲ

第一章 换热器概述 1

1.1 换热器的应用 1

1.2 换热器的主要分类 1

1.3 浮头式换热器设计 2

第二章 热工艺计算 3

2.1 设计条件 3

2.2 核算换热器传热面积 3

2.3 压力降的计算 8

2.4 换热器壁温计算 10

第三章 换热器结构设计与强度计算 12

3.1 管箱设计 12

3.2 开孔补强计算 14

3.3 水压试验 14

3.4 换热管 14

3.5 管板设计 15

3.6 折流板 16

3.7 拉杆与定距管 17

3.8 法兰与垫片 18

3.9 钩圈式浮头 19

3.10鞍座 20

第四章 换热器的腐蚀、制造与检验 21

4.1 换热器的腐蚀 21

4.2 换热器的制造与检验 22

第五章 经济成本核算 22

5.1 换热器成本 22

5.2 设计成本 23

5.3 制造成本 23

5.4 其它成本 24

第六章 总结与展望 25

参考文献 26

致谢 28

第一章 换热器概述


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