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 2022-03-15 20:23:19  


摘 要


本文根据氯硅烷介质的特殊性以及管壳程温差较大的特点,设计双管板换热器和重叠式热交换器的组合装置,用于多晶硅生产用氯硅烷气体的冷却。在总结相关文献的基础上,根据GB/T151-2014《热交换器》、GB150-2011《压力容器》等标准要求完成了工艺计算、结构设计和强度校核。经计算,得到组合装置中两台换热器传热面积分别为A1=80m2、A2=130m2。其中一台采用双管板 U型管结构,另一台采用固定管板无膨胀节结构,换热管采用Φ25×2.5规格,管束采用正三角形排列方式。运用SW6软件分别对双管板和重叠式换热器支座等关键结构进行强度计算和应力校核,结果表明两台换热器结构尺寸均满足安全要求。运用CAD软件绘制了工艺流程图、设备装配图及主要结构零部件图等。最后对换热器组合装置进行设备材料成本和制造加工成本核算,完成产品评价。

关键词: 多晶硅 双管板换热器 重叠式换热器 强度计算


The solar energy was exploited as an trend in the developing society. Polysilicon

was made as the basic material of photovoltaic industry and the method of polysilicon

was always a hot topic. In industry, polysilicon was producted by the method of silane process and the design of heat exchanger was significant for the cooling process.

The aggregate unit of double tube plate heat exchanger and overlap heat exchanger was designed due to the particularity of the silane medium and the large temperature difference between the tube and shell, which was used for cooling the silane gas in the production of polysilicon. On the basis of summing up the relevant literature, the process calculation, structural design and strength check was calculated according to GB/T151-2014 "heat exchanger", "GB150-2011 pressure vessel" and other standard requirements. By calculation. the heat transfer area of two heat exchangers in aggregate unit was A1=80m2 and A2=130m2, respectively. The heat tube was designed by the size of Φ25×2.5. The bundle was arranged in a regular triangle.The double tube plate U tube structure was adopted on one of the aggregate unit .The fixed tube plate without expansion joint structure was used on the other. The strength calculation and stress checking of the key structures such as double tubesheet and overlap heat exchanger were carried out by using SW6 software. The results show that the structure sizes of the two heat exchangers meet the safety requirements. The process flow chart, equipment assembly drawing and the main structure, parts and components plans were drawn by CAD software. Finally, the equipment material cost and manufacturing processing cost of the heat exchanger unit were calculated and the product evaluation .

KEY WORDS polysilicon / double tube plate heat exchanger/ overlapping heat exchanger / strength calculation

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2 双管板换热器和重叠式换热器简介 1

1.3 双管板换热器的研究现状及发展 1

1.4主要设计思路 2

第二章 氯硅烷换热器工艺计算 3

2.1设计任务和设计条件 3

2.2设计方案 3

2.2.1 换热器工艺流程设计 3

2.2.2 氯硅烷气体流量 4

2.2.3 流程安排 4

2.2.4 物性的确定 4

2.3计算传热面积 5

2.3.1 热负荷的计算 5

2.3.2 冷却液流量 5

2.3.3 平均温度差(逆流) 5

2.3.4 传热面积 6

2.4 工艺结构尺寸 6

2.4.1 换热器规格 6

2.4.2 换热管排列方式 6

2.4.3接管内径 7

2.5 换热器压强降核算 7

2.5.1 双管板换热器压强降核算 7

2.5.2 重叠式换热器压强降核算 9

2.6 核算总传热系数 10

2.6.1双管板换热器传热系数核算 10

2.6.2重叠式换热器传热系数核算 12

2.7本章小结 13

第三章 氯硅烷换热器结构设计 14

3.1设计参数 14

3.2 筒体设计 14

3.3 封头设计 15

3.3.1封头厚度计算 15

3.3.2 封头选型 15

3.4 接管结构设计 15

3.4.1管程进口接管 15

3.4.2 管程出口接管 16

3.4.3 壳程进出口接管 16

3.5法兰选型 17

3.5.1管箱法兰 17

3.5.2接管法兰 18

3.6管板 19

3.6.1管板材料 19

3.6.3结构形式 19

3.6.2结构尺寸 20

3.7换热管 20

3.7.1材料选取 20

3.7.3排列方式 20

3.8换热管与管板连接结构 21

3.9 折流板 22

3.10拉杆 23

3.10.1材料选取 23

3.10.2结构形式 23

3.10.3拉杆尺寸 23

3.11鞍座 24

3.11.1 支座工作载荷计算 24

3.11.2 鞍座选型 25

3.12本章小结 25

第四章 强度计算 26

4.1筒体强度计算 26

4.1.1筒体厚度校核 26

4.1.1 圆筒上的轴向应力 26

4.2封头强度计算 27

4.2.1封头厚度计算 27

4.2.2压力试验应力校核 27

4.3法兰强度计算 28

4.3.1 法兰螺栓强度计算 28

4.3.2法兰强度校核 29

4.4管板强度计算 30

4.4.1管板厚度计算 30

4.4.2管板应力校核 30

4.5开孔补强计算 31

4.6本章小结 33

第五章 设备经济评价 34

5.1成本核算 34

5.2产品评价 34

第六章 总结与展望 35

6.1总结 35

6.2展望 35

参考文献 36

致谢 38

附录 39

第一章 绪论



1.2 双管板换热器和重叠式换热器简介



1.3 双管板换热器的研究现状及发展



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