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 2022-03-26 17:50:57  


摘 要


关键词:老年人 养老方式 养老意愿

Research of the influence factors of the elderly

pension mode selection based on the data of CLASS 2012


A shrinking family size and extended life expectancy constantly, traditional family endowment is unsustainable and endowment pressure is increasing. Therefore, it’s of great significance to understand the existing pension mode as well as the factors that influence the pension mode selection to improve the elderly life quality and to some extent alleviate the pressure of the pension. From the start of the CLASS survey data (2012), this paper is to explore the influence factors of the elderly pension mode selection based on the related literature of influence endowment intend and quantitative analysis of the data. We can find effects of age, gender, health status, income and other factors on the influence factors of the elderly pension mode selection. What’s more, we hope that suggestions are given according to different situations of the old man endowment way choice. Income, culture degree and presence of endowment insurance has a certain degree of influence in pension mode selection according to the survey. Member of the family endowment is still the most tend to the old way of pension.

Key words:The elderly;Endowment way;Endowment intend

目 录

中文摘要 I

Abstract II

一、绪论 1

(一)选题背景 1

(二)文献综述 1

1.养老方式的相关研究 1

2.养老意愿的相关研究 2

3.养老方式选择影响因素的相关研究 2

4.现有研究的不足 3

(三)理论基础 3

1.生态系统理论 3

2.社会交换理论 4

二、研究设计 5

(一)核心概念 5

1.老年人 5

2.养老方式 5

3.养老意愿 6

(二)研究设计及研究方法 6

1.研究性质 6

2.测量指标及其操作化 6

3.研究方法 6

4.数据来源与收集分析 6

三、养老方式的描述性分析 8

(一)养老现状的描述性分析 8

1.经济来源 8

2.医疗保障 9

3.日常照料 10

4.精神慰藉 11

(二)养老方式选择的描述性分析 11

四、养老方式选择的影响因素分析 13

(一)自变量与因变量 13

1.因变量 13

2.自变量 13

(二)老年人养老方式选择的影响因素分析 14

1.年龄 14

2.文化程度 15

3.经济状况 15

4.养老观念 16

(三)老年人养老方式选择的趋同性分析 16

五、研究结论与讨论 18

(一)研究结论 18

(二)基于结论的讨论 19

(三)研究的不足 19

参考文献 20

致谢 23

附件1 CLASS(2012)调查问卷 24






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