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 2022-04-11 20:48:33  


摘 要


关键词: 技术联盟 治理模式 模式分类

Study on the classification of governance model in technical alliance


With the trend of economic globalization, technological alliance has become a mainstream mode of technological cooperation among enterprises and countries. On the basis of precedent achievements related, this paper firstly explains the broad and narrow meaning of technological alliance and the reasons why technological alliance can be established. Then the paper illustrates the classification of governance patterns according to four standards including the degree of formality, the ownership of the transaction relationship, the type of leading power, as well as the property of investors and investment organizations. The paper also focuses on the type of governance models under the property of investors and investment organizations. Then aimed at the four governance patterns containing public, private, mixed and network pattern in accordance with the classification standard of property of investors and investment organizations, this paper analyses the differences of their performances and forming reasons from the aspects of beneficial exclusiveness and consumption competitiveness. At the same time, based on the case analysis of the public technological alliance under the national standard of energy-saving and emission reduction and the private technological alliance between Hewlett Packard and Canon, this paper analyzes the differences of public and private governance patterns in the aspects of beneficial exclusiveness and consumption competitiveness. As for different characteristics and different functions of these governance patterns, the last part of this paper tries to give some suggestions from the prospective of government, enterprises and university scientific research institutions.

Key Words:Technology alliance; Governance model; Pattern classification

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 导论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究现状 1

1.3 研究目的和意义 3

1.4 研究内容和方法 3

第二章 技术联盟治理模式概述 4

2.1 技术联盟相关概念 4

2.2技术联盟治理模式的分类标准 6

2.3 以投资主体、组织性质为标准的分类 8

第三章 技术联盟治理模式类型分析 9

3.1 公共型治理模式 9

3.2 私有型治理模式 10

3.3 混合型治理模式 10

3.4 网络型治理模式 11

第四章 典型案例分析 13

4.1 全国节能减排标准化技术联盟 13

4.2 惠普佳能技术联盟 14

4.3比较分析 15

第五章 结论与启示 17

5.1 研究结论 17

5.2 相关启示 18

参考文献 20

第一章 导论


1.1 研究背景


1.2 研究现状


徐强(2011)认为,企业技术联盟在推动全球经济的发展中起到了不可替代的作用,它是在经济全球化和知识化趋势中发展产生的。他强调,技术联盟在完善的市场体制下才能真正起到推动和规范市场秩序的作用。王宇婷、张华(2011)提出,在对立竞争向合作竞争关系的转变过程中,技术联盟是企业等多种主体在激烈的竞争环境中持续生存发展的重要方式。Florin J和Whitelock J(2012)基于一个失败和两个成功的不对称联盟进行定性研究,确定了对称和非对称技术联盟之间在关键概念上的差异,为企业处理与联盟伙伴之间的关系提供帮助。


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