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 2022-04-25 20:05:01  


摘 要



关键词:智能家居 安卓开发

PowerSmart Home — Android Development


The concept of Smart Home has been a popular topic among IT industry these years, and a lot of products have been put into market. For instance, remote switch control, using smartphone Apps interactive with electrical appliances to realize a smart effects, etc. But in the area of Smart Home Supervisory, the actuary effects do not realize a level that can be put into practice, although many companies are working hard. For example, when detecting something unusual in home, the application cannot tell whether a illegal interloper or a pet apart, even there are no monitoring functions realized and users checking App on phone every time are needed. Without any doubt, it will increase the burden for users and no “smart” concept in there.

Our work can fill the gap in smart home monitoring area this time. By combining image processing algorithm and artificial neural network learning, we can monitor precisely and decrease false positives enormously, alert messages can be pushed to smartphones when there are anything wrong, users can check home status, including images, temperature and humidity, gas leak and so on. I am one of the team members to build Android application, and my main responsibilities are: alert messages pushing, getting real-time image, acquiring data about temperature, humidity and gas, auto-setting monitoring functions, setting equipment remotely, and so on.

Key Word: Smart Home , Android Development.

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1研究内容 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3研究现状和发展趋势 1

1.3.1起步期(1994年-1999年) 1

1.3.2创业期(2000年—2005年) 2

1.3.3犹豫期(2006年-2010年) 2

1.3.4演变爆发期(2011年—至今) 2

第二章 系统分析 4

2.1 智能家居系统设计原则 4

2.1.1便捷实用性 4

2.1.2可靠性 4

2.1.3标准性 4

2.1.4方便性 5

2.1.5轻巧性 5

2.2 需求分析 5

2.2.1 远程操控监控系统的打开与关闭。 5

2.2.2 险情图片发送到手机。 5

2.2.3 获取传感器信息 5

2.2.4 能区别设置设防区域和显示区域。 5

2.2.5 记录家庭地理坐标 6

2.2.6 地理围栏功能 6

2.2.7 设置传感器灵敏度 6

2.2.8 设置安保电话 6

2.2.9 Notification警情推送 7

2.3性能分析 7

2.4 本章小结 7

第三章 安卓系统及开发环境搭建 8

3.1 安卓系统简介 8

3.2 Android系统架构 8

3.2.1 Linux内核层 9

3.2.2系统运行库层 9

3.2.3 应用框架层 10

3.3 Windows下的安卓开发平台搭建 11

3.3.1 Java虚拟机JDK 12

3.3.2 Eclipse安装 12

3.3.3 ADT插件的安装 12

3.3.4 ADT相关设置 13

3.3.5 测试环境选择 13

3.4 本章小结 13

第四章 程序设计 14

4.1 用户界面设计 14

4.2 程序模块设计 14

4.3 本章小结 16

第五章 程序实现 17

5.1 开发文件结构 17

5.2 工程变量和方法定义说明 17

5.3推送功能 19

5.4 定位功能 22

5.5开启保持后台运行的服务 27

5.6 与Windows端连接收到报警图像 28

5.7使用SharedPreferences保存键值对 29

5.8 本章小结 30

第六章 软件测试 31

6.1软件测试意义 31

6.2 软件测试截图 31

6.3 本章小结 35

结束语 36

参考文献 37

致 谢 39


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