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 2022-05-11 20:53:45  


摘 要




第一章首先对最密切联系原则的定义加以概述,国际社会在理论与实践的发展中对该原则作了更加精准的定义,但在移植入我国的过程中理解有些许偏差。回顾历史沿革,从“法律关系本座说”的理论起源 ,到英美法系国家的司法判例打下实践基础,最后到美国《第二次冲突法重述》的正式确立。





关键词:最密切联系原则 冲突规范 法律适用法 特征性履行

The Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship in private international law


Since the 20th century, the international civil and commercial exchanges have become increasingly frequent, and therefore the international community put forward higher request of the standardization and rationality of the applicable law. The traditional conflict rules are too rigid and inflexible, and it is difficult to adapt to changes in the new situation, then the most significant relationship theory arises. The Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship works as a “collection set” which is essentially a way to increase the flexibility of applicable rules to collect different theories and values. At the same time, it needs more judges’ power of discretion and is easier to cause wrong results.

The Chinese practice about the theory is also developing step by step. Regarding Law of Application of Laws which was promulgated in 2010 as the boundary, the previous legislation presented multi-level and dispersion, suitable concentration trend. This law rose the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship to the height of the “complementary choice-of-law principles”. Therefore, it promoted reasonable application in practice.

There are five parts in this article:

Chapter one overviewed on the definition of the theory, the community makes a more precise definition of the doctrine in the development of theory and practice, but in the process of transplantation into China there was a little deviation. Review the historical evolution, from “Legal Relationship Seat Theory”, to the countries of Anglo-American law system of judicial precedent practice foundation, to formal establishment in the United States the Second Restatement of Law of Conflict.

Chapter two presents the practical analysis method the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship. First we discussed on its object to objects, including the “field” and the “law”; Secondly, this paper discussed the principle of the judgment standard, and academic circles have two ideas: in accordance with the objective connection point and in accordance with the value factors. Both have advantages.

Chapter three discussed on the advantages and disadvantages of the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship. It made up the lack of rigid conflict rules, balanced the different value orientation and applied to law to adjust to the need of the society. But it also easily led to judge the abuse of discretion, the expansion of the law of court, and under the continental law system it is difficult to survive.

Chapter four detailed described the Most Significant Relationship theory in the international private law legislation in foreign countries, international treaties and domestic practice. Especially the article enumerated Chinese legislation, and respectively analyzed the provisions before and after 2010. The article used statistical analysis and case analysis, and in 2011, for example, summarized the problems in the judicial practice of our country. Then emphatically analyzes on the application of the contract area and the new outlook.

Chapter five made an analysis, the article induced the reasonable method of using the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship, and put forward to some constructive suggestions to improve it as a system.

Key Words: Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship; Conflict rules; Applicable Law; Characteristic performance;

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 III

一、最密切联系原则的概述 1

(一)最密切联系原则的含义 1

(二)最密切联系原则的历史发展进程 1

1.理论渊源:萨维尼确立的“法律关系本座说” 1

2.实践判例:美国司法实践 2

3.正式确立:美国的《第二次冲突法重述》 2

二、最密切联系原则的实践分析方法 3

(一)最密切联系原则的客体 3

(二)最密切联系原则的衡量标准 4

1.依客观连结因素的判断标准 4

2.依价值因素的判断标准 4

三、最密切联系原则的利弊分析 5

(一)优势所在 5

1.符合法律调整社会的功能要求 5

2.平衡多种价值取向 5

3.弥补硬性冲突规范的不足 6

(二)实践运用中的缺陷 6

1.产生法官无限制的自由裁量权 6

2.大陆法系下生存与发展的困境 6

3.造成法院地法适用的扩大 7

四、最密切联系原则在国际与国内的适用情形 7

(一)最密切联系原则在部分外国国家的适用 7

1.部分外国国家不同的适用情形 7

2.以美国为例:以分析政府利益为前提的分割方法 7

(二)最密切联系原则在国际条约中的体现 8

(三)最密切联系原则在中国立法过程中的适用 9

1.2010年之前的立法状况 9

2.《法律适用法》的颁布及特点 10

3.涉外合同领域的立法现状 11

(1)立法概况 11

(2)引入“特征性履行”方法 11

(3)“强制性规则”概念的提出 11

(4)合同立法中存在的缺陷及对策 12


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