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系统功能视角下Martin Eden两中译本元功能对比分析Two Chinese Versions of Martin Eden A Comparative Analysis of Their Metafunctions from the Perspective of Systemic Function毕业论文

 2022-06-12 20:36:48  


摘 要

List of Abbreviations iv

List of Tables v

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Research background 1

1.2 Need for the study 1

1.3 Layout of the thesis 2

2. Literature Review 3

2.1 Systemic functional linguistics 3

2.1.1 Background 3

2.1.2 Definition 4

2.1.3 Categorization 4

2.1.4 Previous studies on systemic functional linguistics from the perspective of translation 4

2.2 Previous studies on Chinese versions of Martin Eden 5

3. Theoretical Framework 7

3.1 Interpersonal function 7

3.2 Ideational function 9

3.3 Textual function 11

3.3.1. Theme and rheme 11

3.3.2 Cohesion and coherence 12

4. A Comparative Study of the Metafunctions in the Two Versions 13

4.1 Interpersonal function: A comparison of Wu’s and Sun’s 13

4.2 Ideational function: A comparison of Wu’s and Sun’s 17

4.3 Textual function: A comparison of Wu’s and Sun’s 21

5. Conclusion 25

5.1 Major findings of the study 25

5.2 Limitations and suggestions 25

References 27


The writing of this thesis is one of great challenges I have ever met in my life so far and its completion depends on guidance, encouragement and love of many people. Here I would like to express my sincere thanks to those who have given me their valuable advice, support and love.

First and foremost, my deepest thanks go to Associate Professor Hu Aihua, my supervisor, who has offered me thought-provoking suggestions and insightful guidance. Every bit of the progress I have made in my study reflects her patient guidance. During my working on the paper, she always reads the drafts with patience and provides revision recommendations in no time and I am so grateful for that. Without her instructive help, there would not have been the outcome of the present thesis. What’s more, it’s my honor to benefit so much from her personality and guidance, which will be a treasure in my life.

I would also like to thank all the other teachers who have taught me for their enlightenment, knowledge and support during my study in Nanjing Tech. University.

I feel equally grateful to my dear friends and fellow classmates for their encouragement and generous help throughout the four years on the campus.

Last but not least, I would like to extend great gratitude to my parents for their enduring love and support which always motivate me to make continuous efforts and move on.

Wang Meiqi


As an outstanding novel about the growth of the titular hero, Jack London’s semi-autography Martin Eden can teach young people numerous lessons and valuable experience in many ways. Systemic Functional Linguistics is mainly advocated by Halliday, who believes that all cultures can reflect the general metafunctions through their language, which provides a new way to comprehend human language. Therefore, this thesis makes a comparative study of both Wu Lao’s and Sun Fali’s Chinese versions of Martin Eden from the perspective of ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function.

This study is a qualitative research. With regard to interpersonal function, both versions are able to convey the semantic meanings but Sun’s not only is consistent with the tone of the source text in mood, but also can express characters’ attitudes much better than Wu’s. In terms of ideational function, Wu’s prefers literal translation with forms similar to those of the source text while Sun’s favors free translation with forms different from those of the source text. However, both can convey ideational meanings. In light of textual function, Sun’s resembles Wu’s in lexical cohesion, but the former is more acceptable and cohesive and organized in terms of thematic structure as a result of the differences between English and Chinese in the textual organization.

It is hoped that the thesis can contribute to the further application of Systemic Functional Linguistics to translation studies as well as spread the English culture throughout China.

Keywords: Martin Eden metafunctions Wu Lao’s version Sun Fali’s version comparative study





关键词:《马丁•伊登》 元功能 吴劳译本 孙法理译本 对比研究

List of Abbreviations


China National Knowledge Infrastructure


Systemic Functional Linguistics


Source Text




Wu Lao


Sun Fali

List of Tables

Table 2.1

Chinese Versions of Martin Eden

Table 3.1

Giving or Demanding, Goods-and-service or Information (basic types of speech role)

Table 3.2

Mood Structure: An Example

Table 3.3

Transitivity of Material Process with an Actor

Table 3.4

Transitivity of Material Process without an Actor

Table 3.5

Transitivity of Mental Process

Table 3.6

Transitivity of Mental process with Phenomenon as Subject

Table 3.7

Transitivity of Relational Process

Table 3.8

Theme-rheme Structure

Table 4.1

Mood of ST1

Table 4.2

Mood of Wu1

Table 4.3

Mood of Sun1

Table 4.4

Transitivity of ST3

Table 4.5

Transitivity of Wu3

Table 4.6

Transitivity of Sun3

Table 4.7

Transitivity of ST4

Table 4.8

Transitivity of Wu4

Table 4.9

Transitivity of Sun4

1. Introduction

1.1 Research background

As an American realistic novelist and short story writer, Jack London born in1876 produced quite a few works that concentrated on the powerful nature and the struggle for survival. London sympathized with the poor, believed in socialism and took active part in the labor movement; therefore, his early works revealed miserable situations of the working class under the rule of Capitalism and spoke for them. However, after his fame and fortune rose, he, for being discontented with a normal life, decided to build a ship and sail around the world in 1906 but in vain. He committed suicide in 1916.

Martin Eden, a semi-autography, draws on London’s early life experiences. Nevertheless, the main part of the story is fabricated though the images and experiences of Martin are similar to those of London’s. The novel vividly depicts how Martin, a poor and shallow sailor, ranks into the upper class and how he commits suicide in the sea after feeling disgusted with the hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie, the fickleness of the world and the falseness of his American Dream.

SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics) is a linguistic theory mainly advocated by Halliday in the 1960s, who believes that all cultures can reflect the general metafunctions (ideational function, interpersonal function, textual function) through their language, which thus offers a new way to comprehend human language. Therefore, this thesis will make a comparative study of both Wu Lao’s and Sun Fali’s Chinese versions of Martin Eden from the perspective of metafunctions, aiming that we can both deepen the application of SFL to translation studies and obtain a more comprehensive appreciation of the language of Martin Eden.

1.2 Need for the study

The thesis has both practical and academic meanings. First of all, as an

outstanding novel about the growth of a young man, Martin Eden can teach numerous young people lessons and experience in many ways such as how to study themselves, how to improve themselves, and how to understand love and life, etc. Secondly, so many Chinese versions that show both fidelity to the source text and confirm to Chinese expressions, can enhance the spread of American culture and help readers appreciate the charm of the English language. Last, the thesis can further prove that SFL can be a good way to evaluate translational texts when applied to translation studies.

Therefore, this thesis is to analyze the two Chinese versions of Martin Eden under the guidance of SFL, which can give scholars more hints in terms of the combination of SFL and translation studies.

1.3 Layout of the thesis

The present thesis is comprised of five chapters. Chapter One gives the description of the research background, need for the study and layout of the thesis. Chapter Two focuses on the review of literature, including previous studies on SFL and the Chinese versions of Martin Eden. Chapter Three illustrates theoretical framework relevant to the study. Chapter Four, the most significant part, conducts a comparative study of metafunctions in both Wu Lao’s and Sun Fali’s versions of Martin Eden. The thesis comes to a conclusion in Chapter Five.

2. Literature Review

Previous studies on SFL and the Chinese Versions of Martin Eden will be reviewed on in this chapter.

2.1 Systemic functional linguistics

2.1.1 Background

Halliday put forward and developed his SFL firstly on the basis of the theory of J. R. Firth who founded the linguistic school of London in 1957. Meanwhile, Firth borrowed the context of both culture and situation from Malinowski’s theory and believed that language was a behavioral potential. Then, Halliday further improved contextualism and developed field, tenor and mode in the context of situation. Therefore, it is true that Malinowski has paved the way for Firth and Halliday.

Furthermore, the linguistic school of Prague guided by Bȕhler, a famous psychologist, exerted a great influence on Halliday’s theory. Halliday’s ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function are the further summary of Bȕhler’s representational function, conative function, referential function and expressive function coupled with textual function that can reflect characteristics of language itself (as cited in Wu, 2012). At the same time, the theme and information of the linguistic school of Prague constituted an important part of textual function in Halliday’s systemic functional grammar.

Last, Halliday obtained a lot of inspirations from L. Hjelmslev’s (1961) glossematics. Welter Simon told him that linguists were supposed to deem language as a research subject, take a serious attitude towards discourse, and need to both make the theory faithful to reality and inspire imagination (as cited in Halliday 1988). Luo Changpei from China taught him how to study a copula different from Indo-

European one (as cited in Halliday 1983). Wang Li infused the idea that linguistic study should combine spoken and written language and regard clauses as the main grammar unit, and language was a multileveled and probabilistic system (as cited in Halliday 1983).

2.1.2 Definition

Considered a social semiotic approach to language, systemic functional linguistics serves as an organic combination of systemic grammar and functional grammar. Systemic grammar regards language as the process of making choices under the influence of context. Language or any part of language realizes its meaning by making choices in a course of system. Functional grammar tells us that language is a communicating tool developed for achieving functions. Therefore, in essence, SFL is functional and semantic but not formal and syntactic; it studies texts instead of sentences; it pays attention to usage rather than grammaticality (Halliday, 1994a, p.4505).

2.1.3 Categorization

In functional grammar of systemic functional linguistics, Halliday believes that all languages will reflect the general metafunctions.

Ideational function is used for human beings to communicate what is happening in the world and inside humans. In interpersonal function, language is usually applied to assist people in expressing their feelings, attitudes and helps achieve some goals. Language should be linked to the matter of subject as well as focus on how to organize a text with language, the use of which is known as textual function.

2.1.4 Previous studies on systemic functional linguistics from the perspective of translation

In recent years, hundreds of articles under the guideline of functional grammar have been published such as in Hatim amp; Mason’s, Bell’s and Munday’s. In other words, Hatim amp; Mason (1990/2001) analyzes the process and texts of translation coupled with sociolinguistics, discourse studies and semiotics. Bell (1991/2001) develops the definition and discussion of tenor first advocated by Halliday. Munday (2001) gives a comprehensive insight into functional theories of translation. It is obvious that an increasing number of people try to apply systemic functional linguistics to translation studies.

More and more Chinese scholars take notice of the issue from the perspective of systemic functional grammar. According to the data collected from the CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), there are about 1,600 articles from 2011 to 2014 and only about 400 from 2000 to 2005. For example, Huang Guowen (2004) gives a brief description of translation studies under the framework of SFL and six procedures with case studies, which contributes to the relevant development. Furthermore, Si Xianzhu (2014) states the theoretical meaning and practical value of systemic function towards translation studies and comes up with some measures and problems, believing the issue will be resolved in a beautiful prospect by reviewing the related literature.

2.2 Previous studies on Chinese versions of Martin Eden

Chinese versions of Martin Eden are listed in Table 2.1:


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