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 2022-06-16 21:28:23  


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关键词:反讽 矛盾心理 情节设置 女性主义 幻灭感

1. Introduction

1.1 About Katherine Mansfield

Katherine Mansfield was born on 14th October, 1888 at Tinakori Road, Thorndon, Wellington, New Zealand. The house was built by her parents. Mansfield lived there with her parents, her three surviving sisters, Vera, Charlotte and Jeanne, her grandmother and her two teenage aunts. Her childhood and adolescence were the material for several of her best stories. Being a successful banker, a supporter of the family, her father insisted that his children should be well-educated. In 1903, she and her two older sisters attended Queen’s College, an advanced institution for women education in London. She studied music, read much, and joined the staff of the the College Magazine. The three sisters returned home in 1906. During her first study in England, Katherine Mansfield was influenced by the glamour of the English literary life deeply especially by Oscar Wilde. When she came back to Wellington, she was fed up with the narrowness of the middle-class life, bourgeois social conventions, and the stifling domination of hyper-masculine father there. With a small allowance from her father, she left for London alone in 1908 to take on a literary career and never again visited her country of birth. Then, She left New Zealand for the UK and settled down there. In 1917, she was diagnosed with extrapulmonary tuberculosis, which led to her death at the age of 34.

1.2 About her works

Katherine Mansfield is one of the most famous short story writers in the world and she was used to emphasizing the theme by describing an event or some characters. She seemed to immerse herself in the story to think and speak in the character’s tone. It seemed that Mansfield was not the teller of the story but the role in it. Unlike her peers, she chose short-story form which had been largely ignored by English writers to depict trivial events and subtle changes in human’s inner world. In her tragically short but productive life she wrote approximately 90 short stories that are published in five books respectively. In a German Pension (1911), Bliss and Other Stories (1920), and The Garden Party and Other Stories (1922) were printed during her lifetime. And two collections---The Dove’s Nest and Other Stories (1923) and Something Childish and Other Stories (1924), as well as her journals and letters were arranged and published by Murry after her death.

In her story, she always described the disillusionment of women, which also reflected the man-centered society at that time. In her opinion, there was no happy ending between men and women for women often were the victim of the cold and bully man. She was not a real feminist, but she referred to the feminism indirectly by describing different kinds of woman’s lives.

1.3 Need for the study

Practically speaking, many scholars have studied various kinds of themes on Mansfield’s short stories, among which feminism is the most common and controversial topic shared or analyzed by scholars. Certainly, feminism is a symbol for the social development and human progress, allowing and inspiring more and more women to seek their independence, rights, self-reliance and self-esteem.

However Mansfield is not a feminist. No one can judge that her short stories have a clear tendency of feminism and Mansfield has never admitted it. On the contrary, Mansfield attempted to uncover the disillusionment of those traditional women enslaved by their fathers and husbands through the technique of irony or special plot arrangement or analysis of ambivalence and some relevant detailed descriptions.

Moreover, disillusionment is an apparent feature of Mansfield’s short stories. That feeling flourishes from Mansfield’s personal experience, which is considerably worth studying.

  1. Literature review

2.1 Previous studies on irony

Lu Ruirong (2005) noted that Mansfield is an important figure in the field of British short novel for her distinctive writing style. In her sarcastic novels, she successfully reveals the social issues and human nature by description of details and characters’ psychoanalysis, by frequent use of free indirect speech and contrast skills. Her lively language and penetrating analysis enable the readers to appreciate its artistic beauty while uncovering the theme. And this scholar chiefly analyzed the feature of irony in Mansfield’s classic A Cup of Tea.

Lu Ruirong supposed that by analyzing the use of irony Mansfield wanted to convey the subject of feminism. Actually, the virtual matter of the use of irony or a series of detailed descriptions is to uncover the disillusionment of women.

Irony is a subtle form of humor that involves saying things that are the opposite of what you really mean and witty language used to convey insults or scorn. Sometimes, it highlights the theme of a story properly compared with the other rhetorical device. Both Chen Xiaoju (2009) and Yanghong (2009) wrote papers about the irony in Bliss to uncover the inequality and unbalance between men and women, and women became more and more frustrated and hopeless in such a cruel and cold society. Men and the whole society should show more respect and sympathy to women, who are not child-bearers. On the contrary, they are the holy existence to satisfy the development of human beings.

In a word, these scholars all considered that irony is a beautiful and practical artistic method to highlight the theme of a short story, but only Lu Ruirong thought that Mansfield wanted to convey the subject of feminism by using irony.

2.2 Previous studies on ambivalence analysis

Tang Qi (2013) noted that there were quite abundant descriptions on ambivalence in A Dill Pickle. For example, “the man character was certainly far better looking now than he had been then. He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and indecision. Now he had the air of a man who has found his place in life, and fills it with a confidence and an assurance which was, to say the least, impressive. He must have made money, too. His clothes were admirable, and at that moment he pulled a Russian cigarette case out of his pocket.” That gave Vera a glimpse of hope and illusion. “As he spoke she lifted her head as though she drank something; the strange beast in her bosom began to purr . . . ” Obviously, Vera’s mind was perturbed but she was too reserved to express her true feelings on her lover.

In a word, ambivalence is the direct way to show characters’ inner activities, helplessness and illusion.

2.3 Previous studies on plot arrangement

Chen Hong (2007) noted that Mansfield took good advantage of psychological activities of Meadows throughout the whole text, with the help of singing techniques of the song taught in the class to express inner feeling of the character, perfectly combining the content of the letter with the lyrics. Mansfield did not narrated the story from the respective of logical sequence to uncover the love conflict between Meadows and her finance first.

2.4 Previous studies on her seeming feminism

Li Juan and Zhao Jianhong (2005) noted that although Mansfield does not want to regard herself as a feminist, her works reveal deep thought of feminism. And this view is universally accepted by many scholars. Tang Dongmei (2009) noted that UK was still a society under the control of the patriarchal culture in the early 20th century and there was no social status for women. On the contrary, women were forced to be “family angels” to satisfy and please their husbands. Therefore, feminists at that time were sparing no effort to seek a way that could make them escape from the oppression and limitation of the Men-centered society. Tang Qi (2013) noted that there are three obvious aspects to uncover Mansfield’s awareness of feminism in A Dill Pickle, deep desire for love, challenge to the traditional thoughts of women, the relevant protagonist’s ambivalence.

Liu Sufang and Cai Xiaohui (2011) noted that Mansfield was born in a wealthy family and her mother was a practical traditional woman at that time, who was controlled by the reality authorized by men. Mansfield was traitorous and wacky considered by her family members and she had never got the warm love she should have had. Thus, gradually she became independent or even obstinate and unruly like a mustang, which was linked to her educational background as well as her inner growth. In a word, Mansfield is an obstinate and independent woman, alluding to Vera in A Dill Pickle. At this point, the view from Liu Sufang and Cai Xiaohui coincidentally supports the idea of Tang Qi on the motivation of challenge to the traditional thoughts of women.

Li Na (2014) noted that Mansfield was used to describing women from a variety of ages, educational backgrounds, classes, etc. She noted that the seeming feminism in Mansfield’s short stories consisted of four kinds of women. 1. The little girls yielding to the cruel social surroundings 2. The young girls surviving in the world without any help and hope. 3. Middle-aged women being tied to the home, the trivial housework, whose central life interests were complete her husband and her children. 4. The old women with no social position and sympathy. These four kinds of women refers to a whole life of a woman and also uncovers Mansfield’s writing perspective. She was always concerned about the existence of women, the ugliness of the unfair society and she expected more respect and sympathy on women, who are not the child-bearers, which reaches to the main idea of Mansfield’s feminism.

In a word, women at that time had no right to fulfill such little dream. It was a tragedy for women in that society. They could not dominate even their own fates. With no position, no social resources, no opportunity to earn money, the only way for women to live well was to please their husbands. The tragic life of various female characters serve like a mirror reflecting the cruel reality of that society, and this is also considered by many as the feminism attitude involved in Katherine Mansfield’s short stories.

2.5 Previous studies on disillusionment

Liu Sufang (2011) noted that Mansfield created many characters like middle class women during that specific period, the reason for which is that Mansfield was born in a middle class family and got acquainted with a number of well-known figures. Thus, she was able to understand and realize that living situation of those women who weren’t as joyous and glamorous as they looked. Actually, the “disillusionment” originated from Mansfield herself. She wanted to hunt for a more promising future for those women who lived like canaries imprisoned in the decayed patriarchal society.

Yang Hong (2007) noted the true life of married woman was not a noblewoman with extremely modern lifestyle or exquisitely well-made dress, but the company of a husband without trust, respect, loyalty, belief and care, which gave a false impression, cheating thousands of women. In Mansfield’s short story Bliss, Bertha immersed herself in an illusive happiness, until she heard, “I adore you”, said by her husband to the other women. The word hurt Bertha’s heart firmly. A sense of “disillusionment” brought up. Yang Hong (2007) noted that the strong emotion strengthened the sense of irony to the work and finally led to the character’s tragedy, with the dramatic sense of disillusionment. Just as Lu Ruirong (2005) said that the irony deepened the theme of the heroine’s sudden disillusion of Bliss.

In addition, Niu Jianwei (2002) noted the different periods of disillusionment. Disillusionment is an ugly and negative part of one’s whole life and you always discover it when you are absorbed in a great happiness.

2.6 Purpose of writing

My thesis is to study the real subject of disillusionment by describing the features of irony, the detailed description and analysis of ambivalence.

  1. Detailed description

3.1 Detailed description in A Dill Pickle

The hero just cared for himself and he always ignored Vera’s thoughts and feelings. “Loathe it.” She shuddered. “And the worst of it is that the older one grows...” The man interrupted Vera, and then, “He interrupted ......again”, which Likes six years ago, the man’s typical behavior is constantly interrupt Vera’s conversation. He completely ignored Vera’s complex feelings and embarrassed mood.

All of hero’s memories were about bright colors, sunny day and pleasant exchange. In fact, what had remained in Vera’s mind was an absurd scene over the tea table. “Do you remember that first afternoon we spent together at Kew Gardens?” From this description, we can see that the two person don’t have the common language. With different perspectives, it’s too hard to compose their disagreement on their thoughts and values. In other word, a collision between woman’s thinking and man’s thinking, which also uncover the difference between women and men.

3.2 Detailed description in A Cup of Tea

Depicting human nature by description of details and characters’ psychoanalysis, by frequent use of free indirect speech and contrast skills. Her lively language and penetrating analysis enable the readers to appreciate its artistic beauty while uncovering the theme.

There are some events in this story that can support the author’s feminism idea. The first is about a little box. In a shop, Rosemary is attracted by an exquisite little box which costs twenty-eight guineas. Twenty-eight guineas doesn’t cost much for her such a wealthy woman, but Rosemary hesitates and left. “And people hurried by, hidden under their hateful umbrellas. Rosemary felt a strange pang. ” There’s a feeling of depression and pain going through her body. Why Rosemary feel pang. Because she has no power to change her current life. She is deprived of independence, even a negligible decision on buying a little box, which is also a persecution of the male-centered society. she can’t do everything but to abide by the regulation of the society she lives in.

3.3 Detailed description in The Singing Lesson

The short novel echosed Meadow’s depressed inner part. All notes were so heavy that these little girls couldn’t convey the exact sentiment of the song, which was the reason for Meadow’s disappointment and suffering.

In the beginning of the short story, “With despair-cold, sharp despair,-buried deep in her heart like a wicked knife” uncovers Meadows’s current feeling. With a sad tone, Meadow has negative attitude towards her surroundings, including the Science Mistress. Thus, Meadows replied her grimly, “It is rather sharp.”

And she felt a mocking light in the Science Mistress’s eyes. Because she received a letter from her fiance. “I feel more and more strongly that our marriage would be a mistake. Not that I do not love you. I love you as much as it is possible for me to love any woman” and the word “disgust” was scratched out lightly and “regret” written over the top.

The letter from Meadows’s fiance was the direct reason why Meadows became so different from her usual look. Likewise, Meadows totally ignored the chrysanthemum, made no reply to her greeting, but said in a voice of ice, “Page fourteen, please, and mark the accents well.” That behavior made students realize the anger of Meadows.

3.4 Detailed description in Bliss

we can see that Bertha really loves her husband, but Harry doesn’t care about her. It’s not an equal and harmonious conjugal relation, but which is universally acceptable by traditional women without any resistance.

“Bertha, this is a very admirable souffle!” she almost could have wept with child-like pleasure. Just a casual praise, Bertha felt giddy and excited. In addition, she appreciated him for his passion for fighting-for seeking in everything that camp up against him another test of his power and of his courage-that, too, she understood.

4.The use of irony in Mansfield’s short stories

4.1 The irony in Bliss

4.1.1 Brief Introduction to Bliss


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