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 2022-06-24 23:15:49  


摘 要



关键词:延长退休 民营企业 人力资源管理

The influence of the extension of the retirement age to the human resource management of the private enterprise


Nowadays,the tendency of population aging become more apparent.The government wants to learn the extension of the retirement age which is prevalent in European countries .

The article analyzes for the situation of the extension of the retirement age in China firstly. The current retirement system China can't meet the requirements of China's current demand for labor.So the extension of the retirement age is historical trends. There are many problem of the extension of retirement age,including.Including pension pressure, the increase of the cost of human resources, the differences of retirement age between men and women and so on.Compared to state-owned enterprises,private enterprises greater sensitivity to national policy, therefore they pay more attention to extend the impact of the retirement age for private enterprises generated. The face of the above problems, the extension of retirement has become essential. Private enterprises have taken various measures to improve the above problems, such as rehiring retirees, retirees external professional and technical staff of professional guidance. But the effect is not obvious, private enterprises not only have to face shortage of labor supply problems caused by unreasonable retirement age, but also bear a heavy pressure on pension payments. Therefore, if private enterprises would like to severe social environment in development,it is necessary to strengthen the management of human resources, improve the company's young enthusiasm for work, reduce turnover, enhance the vitality of enterprises. At the same time, the government should establish a specific charter to extend the retirement system as soon as possible and private enterprises have actively implemented jointly to solve this social problem.

Key words: Extension of retirement;Private enterprise;Human Resource Management

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究内容 1

1.4研究框架 2

第二章 我国延长退休年龄的现状及挑战 3

2.1法定退休年龄的确定 3

2.2我国现行退休年龄的现状 3

2.3现行退休年龄面临的挑战 3

第三章 民营企业实施延长退休年龄政策的原因 6

3.1人口老龄化 6

3.2就业压力不断增大 6

3.3老龄产业发展不够成熟 6

3.4我国养老机制不够完善 7

3.5现行延长退休年龄机制的适用范围不够宽泛 7

3.6男女退休年龄不一致 8

第四章 民营企业面对延长退休的应对措施 9

4.1离职员工再雇用 9

4.2推行柔性延长退休制度 10

4.3延长女性退休年龄,逐步推行男女同龄退休 11

4.4提高中青年的工作积极性 12

4.5发展老龄产业 12

研究结论 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 17

第一章 绪论



较低的退休年龄已经无法适应当前社会经济的发展,人口老龄化、人口寿命延长都是摆在我国面前必须解决的问题。相对于国际上多数发达国家的退休年龄,这也落后了很多。据调查显示,目前我国退休人员接受返聘的比例达到33%,这充分说明我国退休年龄已经与现代发展不适应。然而,随着养老金缺口的不断加大,人们越发重视养老金的支付问题,延迟退休进一步引发社会关注。因此,退休制度不能一成不变,需要建立合理的退休制度,主要考虑劳动者的身体条件和主观意愿,是否符合时代发展(高玉玲、王裕明,2011)[1] 。延迟退休已成必然,如今我们需要关注的问题只是该如何实施这一政策,什么样的环境适合推行这一政策。








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