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 2022-06-28 23:18:36  


摘 要

关键词:钢渣微粉 高活性钢渣 钢渣水泥

Study on Technical performance of slag cement


In recent years, with the increasing problem of environmental degradation, energy conservation has become a common problem faced by all countries. Around the cement production and to carry out all aspects of the application process waste utilization and improve the performance of cement-based research is of great significance. In the conflict of resource consumption and environmental protection, should actively promote the comprehensive utilization of slag cement industry and the iron and steel enterprises direct docking, provide theoretical guidance for improving the comprehensive utilization of slag in the cement industry.

This experiment aims to high activity of slag powder mixed with cement performance. Steel slag is obtained by means of chemical excitation highly active,also can be obtained by means of mechanical grinding ratio surface area of the steel slag fine powder. Play to maximize the activity of steel slag, as the admixture added to improve its content in cement. The experiment through the whole analysis, grinding, density, specific surface area, particle size analysis, hydration heat,XRD, hydration products XRD test method, analyzing the Performance of steel slag cement ,obtained the experimental datas .

Key words:Steel slag powder High activity of steel slag slag cement


摘要 II


第一章 绪论 5

1.1引言 5

1.2钢渣简介 5

1.3钢渣的处理方法 5

1.4 钢渣的综合利用 7

1.4.1钢渣用作冶金原料 7

1.4.2 钢渣处理废水 8

1.4.3钢渣用于建筑材料 8

1.5 钢渣在水泥熟料烧成中的作用和机理 8

1.6 钢渣复掺对水泥性能的影响 9

1.7 发展绿色水泥混凝土 9

1.8 本实验研究的目的 10

第二章 实验原料与实验方法 11

2.1 实验原料和设备 11

2.1.1 水泥 11

2.1.2 辅助性胶凝材料 11

2.1.3 集料 12

2.1.4 设备仪器 12

2.2 试验方法 13

2.2.1 原料粉磨 13

2.2.2 密度的测定 13

2.2.3 比表面积的测定 14

2.2.4 颗粒分布分析 15

2.2.5 水泥胶砂强度检验方法 15

2.2.6 钢渣活性指数的测定 16

2.2.7 X射线衍射分析 16

第三章 实验数据与分析 18

3.1 实验设计 18

3.1.1 组分 18

3.1.2 颗粒粒径及级配 19

3.2 钢渣辅助性胶凝材料在水泥中的应用 19

3.2.1 不同细度钢渣 19

3.2.2 不同细度钢渣复合水泥 19

3.2.3多元钢渣-粉煤灰复合水泥 23

第四章 结论与展望 26

4.1 结论 26

4.2 展望 27

参考文献 28

致谢 30

第一章 绪论





钢渣是一种工业固体废物,是炼钢排出的渣,依炉型分为转炉渣、 平炉渣、 电炉渣。排出量约为粗钢产量的15~20%。我国2011年粗钢产量近7亿吨,产生的钢渣约7000万吨。




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