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 2022-07-23 15:17:15  


摘 要





关键词:可持续发展 生态足迹 相关性分析 偏最小二乘法

Analysis about Impact Factors on Ecological

Footprint of Gaoyou Based on the PLS


Since the 21st century, the socio-economy of Gaoyou has rapidly developed and people's living standard has improved constantly. However, this also brought some environmental problems, such as excessive consumption of resources and serious pollution, etc. Therefore, the quantitative evaluation on the sustainable development situation in Gaoyou has practical significance.

Firstly, This paper introduces a method to measure the degree of sustainable development - ecological footprint model . According to relevant statistics, establishing ecological footprint model of Gaoyou and calculating the ecological footprint and the ecological carrying capacity of Gaoyou during 2008-2011 in order to determine the sustainable development situation of Gaoyou. Results show that Gaoyou’s ecological footprint is comparatively large and ecological deficit increases every year, so sustainable development is faced with serious challenges.

Secondly, using SPSS software to analyze the correlation of impact factors on ecological footprint of Gaoyou , and using the PLS method to analyze the extent of factors’ contribution to the ecological footprint of Gaoyou. Case verification shows that population’s contribution to the ecological footprint is the largest, and primary industry's contribution to the ecological footprint is more than other industries.

Finally, on the above, some reasonable suggestions are proposed for achieveing sustainable development for Gaoyou.

Key words: Sustainable development; Ecological footprint; Correlaton analysis; PLS


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 课题来源 1

1.2 研究背景与意义 1

1.2.1 研究背景 1

1.2.2 研究目的与意义 1

1.3 相关文献综述 2

1.3.1 国内外研究进展 2

1.3.2 已有研究评述 4

1.4 研究方法与技术线路 5

1.4.1 研究方法 5

1.4.2 技术线路 5

第二章 高邮市生态、经济要素分析 7

2.1 高邮市生态要素现状 7

2.1.1 地理位置 7

2.1.2 地质地貌 7

2.1.3水文气象 7

2.1.4自然资源 8

2.2 高邮市社会经济状况 9

2.2.1社会现状 9

2.2.2 经济现状 11

3.3 分析与总结 13

第三章 高邮市生态足迹模型 14

3.1 生态足迹理论 14

3.1.1 生态足迹模型的相关概念 14

3.1.2 生态足迹模型的计算方法 15

3.2 建立高邮市生态足迹模型 17

3.2.1 生态因素整体框架的建立 17

3.2.2 生态足迹的计算 17

3.2.3 生态承载力的计算 19

3.2.4 生态赤字的计算 20

3.3 结果分析 20

第四章 生态足迹影响因素的相关性分析 21

4.1 指标的选取 21

4.2 指标的相关性分析 22

4.2.1 相关性分析 22

4.2.2 分析结果 22

4.3 指标的约减 24

第五章 生态足迹的偏最小二乘回归分析 26

5.1 偏最小二乘法简介 26

5.2 偏最小二乘模型原理 26

5.2.1 偏最小二乘模型算法 26

5.2.2 PLS成分个数的确定 27

5.3 建立生态足迹的PLS模型 28

5.3.1 建模步骤 28

5.3.2 结果及分析 29

5.3.3 对模型的评价 30

第六章 结论与对策建议 31

6.1 主要结论 31

6.2 对高邮市实现可持续发展的对策与建议 31

参考文献 33

附录 35

附录一 MATLAB程序代码 35

附录二 2008-2010年高邮市生态足迹 37

致谢 42


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