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 2022-11-08 11:45:23  


摘 要





The Impact of Board Characteristics on Firm Performance: An Empirical Study Based on Internet Firm Data


The board of directors is the core of enterprise management, symbolizes the authority of decision-making, and is the top priority of enterprise management.The characteristic difference of board composition will also lead to the change of decision-making direction, which will have a direct impact on corporate performance. The board of directors of different enterprises will form different characteristics of the board of directors, and different characteristics of the board of directors will cause differences in corporate governance and decision-making level, which will affect corporate performance.

In this paper, five representative enterprises in the Internet industry are selected as the sample, and the method of combining theoretical research with empirical data statistical analysis is used, secondly, the paper analyzes the characteristics of board of directors of sample enterprises and the specific situation of enterprise performance, tests the relationship between the characteristics of board of directors and enterprise performance, and finally summarizes the direct impact of the characteristics of Internet Enterprise Board of Directors on enterprise performance.

This paper finds that the larger the size of the board of directors and the larger the proportion of independent directors, the more effective the promotion of corporate performance, however, the percentage of female directors, the educational level and the age of directors are not the criteria to evaluate the performance of enterprises effectively. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between board characteristics and corporate performance, and whether corporate performance can be improved by changing the relationship. The theoretical and practical significance of this paper is to recommend the characteristics of the board of directors for the enterprises in the Internet industry on the basis of the relationship between the characteristics of the board of directors and the performance of enterprises, so as to optimize enterprise management and improve enterprise performance.

Keywords: Board Characteristics;Corporate performance;Internet Enterprise;Corporate governance

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.4 论文框架 1

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1 董事会规模与企业业绩 3

2.2 董事会结构特征与企业业绩 4

2.3 其他董事会特征与企业业绩 5

2.4 文献述评 5

第三章 理论分析及研究假设 7

3.1 董事会规模与企业业绩 7

3.2 独立董事占比与企业业绩 7

3.3 董事会成员教育背景与企业业绩 7

3.4 董事会成员平均年龄与企业业绩 8

3.5 女性董事比例与企业业绩 8

第四章 研究设计 10

4.1 样本选取和数据来源 10

4.1.1样本选取 10

4.1.2数据来源 10

4.2 模型构建 10

4.3 变量选取与定义 11

4.3.1解释变量 11

4.3.2被解释变量 11

4.3.3控制变量 11

第五章 实证分析及结果 13

5.1 描述性统计 13

5.2 单变量检验分析 14

5.3 相关性分析 15

5.4 回归分析 16

结论 18

参考文献 20

致 谢 22

绪 论









图1.4 论文框架




目前,国内外许多学者已经开始对董事会规模及其给公司带来的业绩影响进行相关研究。奚盼盼(2015)[1]以2012~2014 年浙江省两百多家上市公司合计七百多个样本进行实证研究,认为浙江省上市公司董事会规模与企业业绩负相关,并论证了这一假设。同样,王铁肩和陈震(2016)[2]选取2011 ~2013 三年上海和深圳A 股公司的数据进行分析,认为过大的董事会规模会使企业治理效率降低,从而使企业业绩变得更差。然后运用回归分析法发现在更小的董事会规模下,企业能更有效地提升业绩,也就是董事会规模越大,业绩越不可观。谢孟月和赵毅(2017)[3]对于国外学者的结论进行梳理得出:首先,外国学者Lipton and Lorsch(1992)研究发现董事会规模与董事会监督能力呈正相关,但此方面并不能补偿沟通和协调成本的增加,因此董事会规模与公司业绩还是呈负相关;这与奚盼盼(2015)和王铁肩和陈震(2016)研究结果一致。


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