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 2022-12-12 12:05:05  


摘 要




Study on the Influencing Factors of College Students' Online Learning Behavior During the Epidemic Period


In the past two years, COVID-19 has swept the world. As the world's most populous country, China has been greatly affected.In terms of education, colleges and universities across the country have to introduce a new teaching method, that is, online teaching. However, due to the relatively large difference between online and offline, students' environment is greatly different, and there are many external factors that affect the learning effect.And it is the students' acceptance of this approach that should be the most concerned.Therefore, it is very important to understand what factors will affect college students' online learning during the epidemic and how well college students accept it.

The online home learning format during the epidemic has brought unprecedented challenges to college students in terms of learning style and efficiency.The study, conducted in the spring of 2020, online education, according to the first phase of the students in order to prevent and fight against the epidemic, enhance the students' overall situation of learning is the study of the secondary and higher education as a result, according to the background conditions of academic levels vary from person to person, such as gender and the influencing factors of students to participate in online learning,The explanatory power of individual factors is more important for students, while the explanatory power of external factors is weaker.Independent students enthusiasm of factors in the network environment, the existing research on the basis of the construction of the teachers, the environment is four dimensions network autonomous theory model, the analysis model of influencing students' learning motivation, and autonomy of students learning motivation, learning under the network environment of autonomous student motivation factors, on the basis of existing research, build the shadow on the level of teachers, etc, fourSound factor is the theoretical model of motivating student autonomy and the analysis model of influencing factors. Students' learning motivation and students' autonomy can improve their own active learning and find appropriate learning methods

Key words: Online learning;Autonomous learning motivation;Online learning satisfaction;External influence;

目 录

摘 要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 绪 论 2

1.1 研究背景 2

1.2 研究目的 2

1.3研究意义 2

1.4 研究内容 3

1.5 研究方法 3

1.6 论文框架 4

第二章 疫情期间大学生在线学习行为影响因素研究文献综述 5

2.1大学生在线教育使用意愿 5

2.2大学生在线学习利弊影响研究 5

2.2.1打破时间空间的限制 5

2.2.2在线教育的新交互方式 6

2.2.3拖延问题 6

2.2.4在线期间情绪对学业投入的影响 6

2.3大学生在线学习平台使用研究 7

2.4大学生在线教育满意度研究 7

2.5总结 7

第三章 影响因素研究模型建立 9

3.1 模型建立 9

3.2提出假设 9

第四章 实证分析与数据讨论 11

4.1 问卷设计 11

4.2问卷信度分析 11

4.3 描述性统计分析 11

4.4 Logit模型分析 12

4.4.1 Logit模型概述 12

4.4.2 在线学习方式选择则意愿影响因素的单因素分析 13

4.5在线学习选择行为的二元 Logit 模型检验 14

4.6影响因素结果分析 14

第五章 研究结论建议 16

5.1 结论 16

5.2 建议 16

致 谢 18

参考文献 19

附录一、疫情期间大学生在线学习问卷调查 20

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



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