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 2023-01-10 08:56:54  


摘 要





Analysis on the development trend of financial products of China Merchants Bank


With the economic development brought about by the reform and opening up, the living standard and income of our people have changed. The concept of investment and financial management is no longer limited to savings. The increase of income and the decrease of Engels coefficient make people pay attention to the use efficiency of funds. On the other hand, due to China"s accession to the world trade organization, the degree of opening to the outside world of different industries has increased, and foreign banks have greatly increased their access to the financial market, which has brought new challenges to China"s commercial banks. At the same time, China"s financial industry is constantly reforming, and the traditional savings and loans are tightening, which makes the commercial banks face greater pressure in the current situation, and their profits are constantly decreasing, forcing them to start to develop New business to make up for the loss of profits, and the personal financial transactions of commercial banks just create a new profit growth point, at the same time, it can improve the bank"s capital distribution to a certain extent. It is helpful to promote and develop the personal financing business of our commercial banks.

Although China"s commercial banks started late, they developed rapidly. In 2014 and 2011, the number and scale of personal financial products reached a new height. China Merchants Bank did a good job in China"s commercial banks and created "golden sunflower" personal financial products. Has been recognized by the majority of customers. Despite the rapid development, due to the short development time, the limited overall economic conditions and the limitations of the bank itself, it has caused some obstacles to the development of personal financial products business of China Merchants Bank. At present, there are still many problems in commercial banks. Although there are many advantages, there are still defects in risk management and the use of advanced technology, which have a certain impact on their competitiveness. Therefore, China Merchants Bank should deal with and change the deficiencies.

This paper first introduces the development status of personal financial products, and the star product "golden sunflower" of China Merchants Bank. Combined with the current situation and development of commercial banks, this paper analyzes their shortcomings, opportunities and threats, provides answers and suggestions combined with the bank itself and the whole financial environment, and makes prospects for the future commercial prospects.

Keywords: China Merchants Bank; Personal financial services; Development strategy

目 录

Abstract 2

第一章 绪 论 4

第二章 文献综述 6

2.1国外关于理财的相关研究 6

2.2国内关于理财的相关研究 6

2.3本章小结 7

第三章 商业银行个人理财业务概述 8

3.1商业银行个人理财业务的内涵 8

3.2 我国商业银行理财产品业务发展概况 8

3.3 招商银行发展现状 8

3.4 “金葵花”理财产品 9

第四章 招商银行理财产品SWOT分析 10

4.1 招商银行理财业务的优势(Strength) 10

4.2 招商银行理财业务的劣势(Weakness) 10

4.3 招商银行理财业务的机会(Opportunity) 11

4.4 招商银行理财业务的威胁(Threat) 11

4.5 总结 12

第五章 招商银行理财产品业务发展的对策 13

5.1 招商银行内部环境改善 13

5.1.1 增强创新意识,推出新的理财业务 13

5.1.2 加大科研投入,把控互联网大数据 13

5.1.3 增强从业者的数量基数和综合能力 13

5.1.4 提高服务质量,增强客户粘度 13

5.2 社会环境政府政策改善 14

5.2.1健全理财法律体系 14

5.2.2 提高监管水平,保护客户合法权益 14

结论 15

致 谢 16

参考文献(References) 17

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



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