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 2023-01-13 08:35:39  


摘 要

随着互联网及各个网络平台的不断发展, 出现了基于微信等社交网络平台的一种新型的商务模式——微商,微商是一种基于移动互联网的空间,利用社交软件为工具,把人作为中心社交为纽带的一种新型商业模式。由于微商拥有其门槛低、投入小、传播范围广等特点而成为大多数想要创业人群的首要选择,微商创业的特点满足了在校大学生想要创业的需求,这种新型的创业模式出现在大学之中,校园影响力也在逐步扩大,发展十分迅速。在微商创业的过程中,微商的产品质量、售后等问题也在不断暴露出来,对于微商创业造成了一定的负面影响,阻碍了微商创业的良好发展。



Analysis on the Influencing Factors and Countermeasures of College Students" Micro Business Entrepreneurship


With the continuous development of the Internet and various network platforms, a new business model based on wechat and other social network platforms, wechat, is emerging. Wechat is a new business model based on the space of mobile Internet, using social software as a tool and taking people as the center and social networking as a link. Because of its low threshold, small investment, wide spread and other characteristics, wechat business has become the first choice for most people who want to start a business. The characteristics of wechat business meet the needs of college students who want to start a business. This new business model appears in universities, and the influence of campus is gradually expanding and developing very rapidly. In the process of micro business entrepreneurship, problems such as product quality and after-sales of micro business are constantly exposed, which have a certain negative impact on micro business entrepreneurship and hinder the good development of micro business entrepreneurship.

Taking college students as the research object, this paper investigates the influencing factors of college students" entrepreneurship in Wechat business by using literature review, questionnaire survey and case analysis, establishes a model through personal factors, platform factors and environmental factors, and puts forward research hypotheses. The research puts forward entrepreneurial quality, behavior attitude, practical experience, product quality, merchant service, after-sales guarantee, national policy, campus environment and legal system as the influencing factors of college students" entrepreneurship in Wechat business. There is a positive correlation between these nine factors and entrepreneurial willingness, while there is a strong correlation between entrepreneurial quality, behavior attitude, practical experience, product quality, campus environment and entrepreneurial willingness. The key influencing factors of entrepreneurship in Wechat business are clarified, and the countermeasures of entrepreneurship development of college students in Wechat business are put forward according to the key influencing factors, so as to better guide college students to start businesses in Wechat business correctly and promote the healthy development of entrepreneurship in Wechat business.

Keywords:Wechat Business;College students " entrepreneurship;Micro Business Entrepreneurship; Influencing Factors

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 2

1.1 研究背景 2

1.2 研究目的及意义 2

1.3 研究内容及方法 3

1.4 论文框架 4

第二章 微商及创业文献综述 5

2.1微商传播相关研究 5

2.2 微商营销模式相关研究 6

3.3 微商监管法律问题研究 6

4.4 大学生创业影响因素研究 7

第三章 微商的发展及现状 8

3.1 微商的兴起与发展 8

3.1.1微商的概念 8

3.1.2 微商发展的历程 8

3.1.3 微商经营的模式 9

3.2 大学生微商创业的现状 9

3.2.1 大学生微商创业的特征 9

3.2.2 大学生微商创业的销售渠道 10

第四章 模型构建与研究假设 11

4.1 模型构建 11

4.2 研究假设 11

4.2.1 个人因素对大学生微商创业的影响 11

4.2.2 平台因素对大学生微商创业的影响 12

4.2.3 环境因素对大学生微商创业的影响 12

第五章 问卷调查与数据分析 14

5.1 问卷的设计与发放 14

5.1.1 调查对象的选择 14

5.1.2 问卷的设计 14

5.1.3 问卷的发放与回收 14

5.2 问卷的收集与分析 15

5.2.1 样本特征描述 15

5.2.2 相关性分析 17

5.3 小结 21

第六章 案例研究 23

6.1 微商创业成功案例 23

6.1.1 案例描述 23

6.1.2 案例分析 23

6.2 微商创业失败案例 24

6.2.1 案例描述 24

6.2.2 案例分析 24

6.3 小结 25

第七章 促进大学生微商创业相关对策 26

7.1 个人方面 26

7.2 学校方面 26

7.3 社会方面 27

结论与展望 28

致 谢 29

参考文献 30

附录 大学生微商创业影响因素调查问卷 31

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究目的及意义



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