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 2023-02-04 21:37:35  


摘 要





Research on Product Marketing Strategies of the Three Squirrels in the New E-commerce Era


With the disappearance of the demographic dividend and the entry of the Internet into the second half, the situation faced by traditional e-commerce is becoming more and more embarrassing. At the same time, the end of consumption upgrade, artificial intelligence entering the market, and the transition period of enterprise e-commerce upgrades have also brought hope to the revitalization of e-commerce. And all this is calling for the arrival of the new e-commerce era.

New e-commerce is an innovative entity that USES digital tools to interact with fans, thus opening up the marketing chain and supply chain, creating unique products, spreading corporate culture and values, and conducting multichannel marketing business. The new e-commerce era has brought many changes to enterprises, including the digital development, the transformation from single marketing mode to multichannel marketing mode, and the gradual integration of online marketing scenes and offline marketing scenes. In such an environment and opportunity, three squirrels, the largest e-commerce enterprise in snack sales, has been carrying out in-depth reform in recent years and re-established a new squirrel model.

The new e-commerce has brought a lot of changes to the existing market environment, and these changes have also brought about an impact on the product marketing of the three squirrels. Firstly, the paper elaborates the characteristics of leisure food consumers in the new e-commerce era, and then analyzes the online consumption target groups of the three squirrels. STP analysis method is adopted to further understand the nut market and target groups of the three squirrels" products, and then the product positioning is analyzed in detail. Secondly, the paper briefly describes the design direction of leisure food products in the new e-commerce era, and then introduces the source of raw materials, product processing and quality inspection process of the three squirrels in detail. By analyzing the brand image, packaging design and product series of the three squirrels, the product design of the three squirrels is generally summarized. The unique design of the three squirrels not only reflects the corporate culture of the three squirrels, but also supports the marketing and promotion of the products.Finally, the paper expounds the sales mode of leisure food in the new e-commerce era. By describing the marketing status of the three squirrels, it analyzes the marketing strategies of the three squirrels" products, and then obtains the success of the marketing of the three squirrels" products.

Keywords: New e-commerce; Three squirrels; Product marketing; Strategy research

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究方法及框架 2

第二章 相关文献综述 4

2.1 新电商概论 4

2.1.1 背景 4

2.1.2 新电商的内涵 4

2.2 STP产品营销 5

2.3 三只松鼠企业简介 5

2.4 三只松鼠产品研究概况 6

2.4.1 产品质量 6

2.4.2 产品的属性(包装、价格) 6

2.4.3 产品与企业文化 7

2.4.4 品牌形象 7

2.4.5 产品的革新 7

第三章 三只松鼠的在线消费目标群体分析 9

3.1 新电商时代休闲食品消费者特点 9

3.2 STP分析 10

3.2.1 市场细分与目标人群分析 10

3.2.2 产品定位分析 12

第四章 三只松鼠产品设计 12

4.1 新电商时代休闲食品产品设计方向 13

4.2 三只松鼠产品分析 13

4.2.1 原料来源 13

4.2.2 加工与质检 13

4.3 产品设计分析 14

4.3.1 品牌形象和包装设计分析 14

4.3.2 产品系列设计分析 15

第五章 三只松鼠产品营销策略分析 16

5.1 新电商时代休闲食品的销售方式 17

5.2 三只松鼠企业营销现状 17

5.3 三只松鼠的产品营销策略 18

5.4 三只松鼠产品营销的成功之处 21

5.4.1 新电商时代助力三只松鼠发展 21

5.4.2 产品创新让三只松鼠脱颖而出 22

5.4.3 数字化供应链体系的支持 22

5.4.4 产品营销策略的正确实施 22

结 论 24

致 谢 25

参考文献 26

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


2015年,互联网 被正式提出,休闲食品电商企业在互联网 的影响下,开始重打造自身品牌的发展,从“小但美丽”到“大而强”。2016年,马云提出了新零售的概念,纯电子商务的时代将过去,未来的线上线下和物流将结合起来,这使得休闲食品电商企业从单一的线上销售模式逐步转向线上线下同步销售的模式,他们开始规范物流输送过程,更加细致的去满足消费者的消费意向,并通过实体店真实的消费体验来促进线上产品的销售。


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