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 2023-02-15 09:11:04  


摘 要





Problems and Research on Taxation of Peer-to-peer Lending


With the rapid development of Internet finance, the P2P lending model has been growing rapidly since its introduction in 2007, bringing new economic growth points. Before 2016, the P2P lending industry lacked supervision; Since 2016, the government has started to regulate the P2P lending industry, but there are still many shortcomings on the tax issue, and the tax collection and management of local departments are not unified. Current high-speed Internet financial development, the use of tax and the lag of tax avoidance, this requires us to speed up the analysis and study of P2P lending industry tax related issues, to develop a reasonable and tax legal system suited to the characteristics of the industry, to avoid more loss of tax sources adopted literature review and theoretical analysis, this paper find a large number of journal articles at home and abroad, and analyzes the knowledge of the tax law of the learning and use. This paper takes P2P lending as the research object, mainly analyzes the current situation of the industry and the tax issues of the industry. Through borrowing the P2P shall be the withholding agent, the applicable scope of the tax law, tax collection and the analysis of the tax incentives and so on, summarizes the measures of corresponding suggestion, in order to promote the development of the P2P lending industry. This paper puts forward that the P2P lending platform should be the withholding agent. This paper puts forward the application of the tax law of P2P online lending industry and the tax legal system for P2P lending industry. It is proposed that the tax collection and management system of P2P network lending industry should be improved to promote the information online of tax collection and management. And make relevant preferential tax policy, promote the healthy development of the P2P lending industry and legal system, the emergence of P2P lending has brought new opportunities to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country, therefore, we should also formulate the corresponding preferential tax policies to promote the development of P2P lending industry.

Key words:Tax collection and administration;P2P lending; Tax laws; Tax incentives目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 4

1.1 研究背景 4

1.2 研究目的及意义 4

1.3 研究内容及方法 2

1.4论文框架 2

第二章 相关文献综述 3

第三章 P2P网络借贷税收征管问题 5

3.1 P2P网络借贷行业现状 5

3.2 P2P网络借贷税收征管问题 5

3.2.1 P2P网络借贷行业的税法适用范围 5

3.2.2 P2P网络借贷中的扣缴义务人 6

3.2.3 P2P网络借贷平台的纳税申报与税收征管 6

第四章 国外相关经验借鉴 7

4.1 美国与英国的P2P税收模式 7

4.1.1美国P2P税收模式 7

4.1.2英国P2P税收模式 7

4.2 对我国P2P网贷行业的启示 7

第五章 关于P2P网络借贷税收征管问题的建议 9

5.1 加强P2P网络借贷税收征管 9

5.1.1 明确P2P网络借贷扣缴义务人 9

5.1.2 制定针对P2P网络借贷的税收政策 9

5.1.3 出台相关优惠政策以扶持P2P网络借贷行业发展 9

5.2 加大税收法律的宣传力度 10

5.3 促进税收信息化 10

结 论 11

致 谢 12

参考文献(References) 13

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

P2P(即“peer to peer”)网络借贷,即为“个人对个人”的通过网络平台的信用借贷。平台提供信息搜集与和发布等服务,主要收取中介费用,投资方与借款方双方自由在P2P平台上竞价,实现借贷撮合。P2P平台投资者收取借款利息收益,承担风险。P2P网络借贷的特点是贷款收益率高,贷款时间短,贷款资金额度小。2005年,第一家P2P网贷平台在英国开始运营,标志了P2P网络借贷平台的诞生。我国的P2P网贷行业于2011年至2015年进入快速发展期,在我国呈爆发式增长。第一家P2P网贷公司宜信于2016年在我国成立;第一家网贷平台“拍拍贷”于2017年在我国开始运营。2011年12月我国P2P网络借贷平台累计平台总数约为750家,截至2015年12月,中国共有5279个网络借贷平台。2015年,P2P网贷行业交易额达到6494.55亿。截至2017年11月,P2P网贷行业的总交易量为1556.28亿(数据来源:网贷天眼)。


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