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 2023-02-19 20:05:41  


摘 要




Camp to Research on the Influence of the Transportation Industry
——High Speed in Fujian as an Example


In order to solve the problem of double taxation in some industries in our country, China"s ministry of finance and state administration of taxation issued a pilot program of change the gain in 2011. Sincethe first pilot in Shanghai January 1, 2012,, mainly involves the industry include: transportation and part of the modern service industry. At this point, the goods service tax system reform. August 1, 2012 to the end of the camp to increase pilot has expanded to 10 provinces and cities. As of August 1, 2013, increases the pilot work of the ending, and implemented throughout the country.
Camp change, refers to the industry for part adopts the business tax, cancel the sales tax, paid VAT. At the same time, the VAT increase two low rate of 6% (modern services) and 11% (transportation).Camp for the vast majority of enterprises, to increase the implementation of the reduced the tax of the enterprise, but there are still a part of the corporate tax not rise phenomenon. This article mainly to the highway transportation industry in Fujian as an example, the du pont financial analysis methods, such as analysis, wall analysis, through to the camp to change before and after the increase of enterprise accounting, tax and debt paying ability, operation ability, profitability and development ability of the change of the main financial indicators such as comparison, analysis the camp to increase the impact on the transportation industry. At the same time, according to the paper main body part of the data analysis, combining the corresponding policy, put forward for the development of enterprises should pay attention to the points and opinions.

Keywords: Camp to increase; Transportation; Fujian high-speed; Tax burden; Profit

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪  论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 文献综述 1

1.2.1 国外文献综述 1

1.2.2 国内文献综述 2

1.3 研究内容及方法 3

第二章 交通运输行业的现状分析 4

2.1 交通运输行业的定义 4

2.2 交通运输业营改增的原因 4

2.2.1 重复征税 4

2.2.2 固定资产投资的减少 4

2.2.3 不利于税收征管 5

2.2.4 会计核算不规范 5

2.3 交通运输业的营改增现状 5

2.3.1 小规模纳税人税负现状 5

2.3.2 一般纳税人税负现状 6

第三章 营改增对交通运输行业的影响—以福建高速为例 7

3.1 福建高速简介 7

3.2 营改增对福建高速会计核算产生的影响 8

3.3 营改增对福建高速税负产生的影响 9

3.4 营改增对福建高速会计科目产生的影响 10

3.4.1 营改增对“营业税金及附加”的影响 10

3.4.2 营改增对“营业收入”的影响 12

3.4.3 营改增对“应交税费”的影响 13

3.5 营改增对利润的影响 14

3.5.1 营改增对“营业利润”的影响 15

3.5.2 营改增对“利润总额”的影响 15

3.5.3 营改增对“净利润”的影响 16

第四章 完善交通运输行业营改增的建议 18

4.1 交通运输行业营改增后出现的问题 18

4.1.1 可抵扣进项税额较少 18

4.1.2 一般纳税人的标准过高 18

4.1.3 地方税收入减少 18

4.2 营改增后出现问题的应对策略 19

4.2.1 改变固定资产的抵扣方法 19

4.2.2 扩大营改增的使用范围 19

4.2.3 完善中小型企业的会计核算体系 19

4.2.4 实现消费型增值税的转型 20

4.2.5 提高增值税中地方税收的比例 20

总 结 21

致 谢 22

参考文献(References) 23

附 录 25


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