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 2023-03-13 08:46:33  


摘 要




关键字 :财政收入; 财政支出; 回归分析法;拟合优度检验

Research on the relationship between government fiscal revenue and fiscal expenditure


This paper from the National Bureau of Statistics website to collect data, the composition of local fiscal revenue and expenditure, the status quo and the recent five years of data changes were summarized and analyzed. In 31 provinces in China from the existence of equilibrium relationship between 2011 to 2015 for the local fiscal revenue and expenditure for empirical research On the basis of the level of economic development of our country’s 31 provinces are divided into three groups.Mainly to extract the regression analysis was conducted for the group B 10 provinces and cities,using the regression equation method,carries on the test of goodness of fit.,to measure all the goodness of fit of the provinces and compared with 1 very much.Research shows that the cities of goodness of fit is not close to 1. We rational planning of fiscal revenue and expenditure is needed.And finance income far cannot satisfy the needs of fiscal expenditure ,financial revenue and expenditure imbalance,fiscal deficits.We should study how to increase revenues,to strengthen the fiscal functions,according to the requirements of the building of the socialist market economic system,to ensure the unification of the fiscal functions,effective use of fiscal allocation.For our country to improve economic operation quality,to perfect our country’s tax policy,tax increases in the process of economic growth.Have a certain significance to our country"s fiscal and tax policy adjustment.

Key words: Government revenue; Public finance expenditure; Regression model method; Test ofgoodness of fit

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2研究内容和方法 1

1.2.1 研究的主要内容 1

1.2.2 研究的方法 1

1.2.3本文的研究框架图 2

第二章 文献回顾与理论分析 3

2.1财政收入和财政支出相关理论 3

2.1.1国内相关理论研究 3

2.2 地方财政收入分析 3

2.2.1 财政收入定义 3

2.2.2 地方财政收入现状 4

2.2.3 地方财政收入的构成 4

2.2.4 三组地方财政收入的变化 4

2.3地方财政支出分析 6

2.3.1财政支出定义 6

2.3.2地方财政支出现状 6

2.3.3地方财政支出的构成 7

2.3.4 三组地方财政支出的变化 7

第三章财政收入与财政支出回归分析 9

3.1A、B、C三组数据单位根、格兰杰因果检验 9

3.1.1单位根结果检验 9

3.1.2格兰杰因果检验 9

3.2回归模型法 9

3.3 中等收入省份财政收入与财政支出的拟合优度检验与回归方程系数 10

第四章 模型结果分析 14

4.1研究结果对比 14

4.2模型结果分析 14

4.3不足与展望 15

致谢 16

参考文献(references) 17


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