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 2023-03-27 08:53:49  


摘 要





Analysis of Individual Income Tax Planning


In recent years, with the swift development of economic, people"s income level is also in unceasing enhancement, the categories of taxes that individual income tax has become more and more important, our country also unceasingly to reform of the individual income tax, and has more and more legal sanctions for tax evasion. Thus for taxpayers, it’s a wise choice that focus on the tax planning and in the case of tax law allowed tax the minimum, rather than on the tax evasion.

In this paper, i collated and summarize the literature about the individual income tax planning, starting from the introduction of the concepts of individual income tax, tax planning theory knowledge and the basic principle, to study the thought of personal income tax planning, and will be analyzed by citing plenty of cases. At the same time, I will offer some suggestions for the problems existing in the tax planning in China.

This paper expounds the purpose of a variety of individual income tax planning methods, and case analysis, i hope can make people in combination with practice, the theoretical knowledge and practice closely linked, to strengthen the understanding of the income tax, legitimate reduce the tax burden, also for the perfection of tax system.

Keywords: Individual income tax; Tax planning; Planning case; Advice

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

 1.1 研究背景 1

 1.2 研究的意义 1

 1.3 研究思路及内容 1

 1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 文献综述 3

 2.1 对于纳税筹划的概念的定义 3

 2.2 关于个人所得税的纳税筹划的认识 3

 2.3 对于个人所得税筹划思路的思考 4

 2.4 对个人所得税筹划的相关建议 4

第三章 个人所得税纳税筹划理论分析 6

 3.1 纳税筹划的概念及特点 6

 3.2 个人所得税的概念 6

  3.2.1 个人所得税的特点 6

  3.2.2 个人所得税的纳税人 6

 3.3 我国个人所得税纳税制度现状 7

 3.4 个人所得税纳税筹划的思路 7

第四章 个人所得税筹划方法示范案例 9

 4.1工资、薪金所得的筹划及案例 9

 4.2 个体工商户生产经营所得税筹划 12

 4.3 劳务报酬所得的筹划 13

 4.4 稿酬所得的筹划 14

 4.5 其他所得的纳税筹划 15

 4.6 具体实例的纳税筹划——以工资、薪金为例 16

第五章 我国个人所得税筹划存在的问题及解决措施 17

 5.1 个人所得税纳税筹划存在的问题及原因 17

  5.1.1 分类所得税课税模式存在缺陷 17

  5.1.2 费用扣除标准过于简单 17

  5.1.3 投资所得的经济性重复征税问题有待解决 17

 5.2 个人所得税纳税筹划的解决措施 17

  5.2.1 完善个人所得混合课税模式 17

  5.2.2 完善个人所得税“费用扣除标准” 18

  5.2.3 渐进消除股息经济性重复征税 18

致 谢 19

参考文献(References) 20

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


由于社会主义的建设,我国经济得到了很大的提高,人民的收入和物质生活水平也上升了一个层次,在人们收入增高的同时,个人所得税就与我们每个人息息相关,个税筹划也被越来越多人所认识和重视。2011年9月1日起,我国实施新个税法:工资薪金的个税起征点为3500元,使用 7级超额累进税率,最低一档税率降低到3%。这说明我国正逐步进入“全民纳税”的时代,政府也越来越注重视个税。同时,人们为了减轻自己的纳税负担,更为关注税收制度,以期找到减免自己纳税支出的方法。所以,怎样减少纳税负担,在不违反国家规定的情况下,是每个纳税人要考虑的问题,探讨个人所得税的纳税筹划也具有更重要的意义。

1.2 研究的意义


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