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 2023-04-02 19:41:57  


摘 要





Research on Internal Control And Corporate Governance Structure:Example of Xinhua Company Pharmaceutical 


China is in the transition period of socialist economic development, the core elements of the development of modern enterprises to internal control and corporate governance structure, so the two are explored, pointed out that China"s enterprises in the two aspects of defects, to take measures to make up the loopholes, to promote the long-term development of China"s state-owned enterprises.

Internal control and corporate governance structure is a hot topic of the current economy, more and more financial fraud scandals and the two have a close relationship. Internal control is a measure of the company"s business activities, to ensure that the business activities of the company to meet the requirements, to find out where the deviation to be adjusted to improve the operating efficiency of the enterprise and control the risk of the company"s operating process. Effective corporate governance through the entire organization, through the appropriate control to make a reasonable decision for the stakeholders to make scientific decisions. Forms of expression are mainly the mutual supervision and restraint management between shareholders, board of directors, board of supervisors and senior management, to ensure long-term strategic development of enterprises and the interests of corporate investors can be effectively maintained within the enterprise, to maintain the overall core competitiveness of enterprises.

The first part of this paper, first, the concept of internal control and corporate governance structure, and then analyzes the relationship between internal control and corporate governance structure, the difference between the two interactive relationship and mutual influence; the second part reveals the existing internal control and corporate governance structure of China"s listing Corporation. The third part puts forward the measures to improve the internal control and corporate governance structure.

Keywords: Internal Control; Corporate Governance Structure ; Xinhua Company Pharmaceutical 

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪  论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.2.1 理论意义 1

1.2.2 现实意义 1

第二章 内部控制和公司治理结构的基本理论 2

2.1 内部控制的概念 2

2.2 公司治理结构的概念 2

2.3 内部控制和公司治理结构的关系 3

2.4 内部控制对公司治理结构的影响 4

2.4.1 对所有者的影响 4

2.4.2 对董事会的影响 4

2.4.3 对监事会的影响 4

2.4.4 对管理者的影响 4

2.5 公司治理结构对内部控制的影响 5

2.5.1 对控制环境的影响 5

2.5.2 对风险评估的影响 5

2.5.3 对控制活动的影响 5

2.5.4 对信息与沟通的影响 5

2.5.5 对监督的影响 5

第三章 新华制药内部控制和公司治理结构的现状及原因分析 6

3.1 新华制药案例回顾 6

3.2 新华制药内部控制和公司治理结构的现状 7

3.2.1 公司治理结构不完善 7

3.2.2 风险评估意识淡薄 7

3.2.3 监控执行力不足 7

3.2.4 信息与沟通不足 7

3.3 新华制药内部控制和公司治理结构存在现状的原因分析 8

3.3.1 股权结构不合理 8

3.3.2 公司改制不完善 8

3.2.3 对子公司控制监督管理不足 9

3.2.4 内部审计不独立 9

第四章 新华制药内部控制和公司治理结构的对策研究 10

4.1 新华制药改进目标 10

4.1.1 合法性 10

4.1.2 效益性 10

4.1.3 可行性 10

4.2 新华制药自我整改 10

4.3 新华制药改进措施 10

4.3.1 优化公司股权结构 10

4.3.2 改善公司治理结构 11

4.3.3 构建风险管理体系 11

4.3.4 加强内部审计独立 11

4.3.5 改善对子公司的控制方式 11

4.3.6 树立公司文化 12

第五章 结束语 13

致  谢 14

参考文献(References) 15

第一章 绪  论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究意义

1.2.1 理论意义


1.2.2 现实意义


第二章 内部控制和公司治理结构的基本理论

2.1 内部控制的概念

内部控制在国外已经发展了50多年,取得了大量理论成果,最权威的解释是COSO(The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission)内部控制框架,[1]在经历了五个阶段后,目前处于较成熟的内部控制整体框架阶段,本文对内部控制的分析以此为基础。内部环境——风险评估——控制活动——信息与沟通——监督控制五部分贯穿企业的内部活动,也是COSO内部控制框架的组成要素。(见表2.1)


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