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 2023-04-08 09:22:56  


摘 要





Research on Security Policy of Capital Under the Condition of Inflation


The inflation situation, the market"s performance is the amount of money in circulation increased, people"s money income increase, but the purchasing power decline, prices rise.The so-called capital preservation is to ensure that the initial investment capital intact, net income can correctly measure the enterprise only under this premise.During the period of inflation, the enterprise will be inflated revenue distribution, capital will be eroded by inflated profits.Capital preservation is a basic principle of modern enterprise management, this article mainly discusses the research enterprise capital preservation policy under inflation.

The main idea of this paper is the first analysis of China"s current economic situation, price trend,The research on capital preservation policy the inflation situation under this background the significance, elaborated in close contact with the inflation, capital preservation and the meaning of the two party in the aspect of theory, then the data were analyzed through examples, including the dividend distribution policy of inflation and the countermeasures influence on enterprise physical capital maintenance and the

countermeasures and the inflation situation and the investment policy and financing policy.

Through this research, the enterprise in the face of the inflation situation, should be a regular dividend plus extra dividend, mainly to the stock dividend, cash dividend as a supplement, improve extraction arbitrary provident fund,strengthen the daily management of funds, enhance liquidity, some hedge investment shortage according to the degree of social physical assets by enterprises on idle funds, buy appropriately scarce real assets investment., the depreciation of fixed assets and inventory adjustment, provide a set of asset liquidity can reflect the final accounting report, the establishment of information disclosure system of capital preservation, the actual learning from foreign experience combined with China"s enterprises accounting for inflation. In addition, to further improve China"s accounting standards and regulations, to further improve the construction of accounting information, accelerate the construction of accounting personnel quality and so on.

Keywords: Inflation; Capital preservation; Dividend policy; Investment decision; Financing decision;

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 研究思路和方法 1

1.3 本文的结构安排 2

第二章 相关理论和文献综述 3

2.1 通货膨胀的理论基础 3

2.1.1通货膨胀的定义 3

2.1.2通货膨胀的成因 3

2.1.3通货膨胀的分类 4

2.1.4通货膨胀对企业的影响 4

2.2 资本保全的理论基础 4

2.2.1资本保全的概念 4

2.2.2资本保全的意义 5

2.3通货膨胀与资本保全之间的关系 6

第三章 通货膨胀对企业资本保全政策的影响 7

3.1 我国企业资本保全现状 7

3.2通货膨胀对财务资本和实物资本资本保全的影响 7

3.2.1 通货膨胀对企业财务资本保全的影响 7

3.2.2 通货膨胀对企业实物资本保全的影响 8

3.3 通货膨胀企业股利分配政策的影响 8

3.3.1 通货膨胀对股利政策的影响 8

3.3.2现行股利分配政策类型 8

3.3.3 通货膨胀影响下的我国上市公司股利分配政策现状 9

3.4 通货膨胀对企业投资决策的影响 9

3.5 通货膨胀对企业筹资决策的影响 9

第四章 案例分析 11

4.1 基于财务资本保全的案例——基于股利分配政策的分析 11

4.2 基于实物资本保全的案例——基于投资、筹资政策的分析 11

第五章 通货膨胀情况下促进企业资本保全的对策及建议 13

5.1 调整通货膨胀情况下企业的股利分配政策 13

5.2 对企业筹资、投资对策的建议 13

5.3 对完善、调整会计信息的对策 14

5.4 对制度、信息化建设和人才培养的建议 15

致 谢 16

参考文献(References) 17

绪 论


1.1 研究背景和意义




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