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 2023-06-05 09:26:08  


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1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. Film : Mirror of Culture 3

3.1 Brief History of Comedy Films 3

3.2 Introduction about Forrest Gump 4

4. The Development of American Dream 5

4.1 Definition 5

4.2 History 6

5. The American Dream in the Comedy Forrest Gump 8

5.1 The American Dream Symbolized by Forrest’s Spirit and Achievements 8

5.2 The Fragmentation and Return of American Dream 12

6. Conclusion 15

Works Cited 17

1. Introduction

The classic comedy Forrest Gump, one of the most popular and controversial film in American film history has attracted much attention since its release. The success of this film lies not only in its comprehensive introduction about transformation of modern American history and culture, but also in the traditional spiritual power and inclusiveness of American dream reflected by the main character Forrest Gump. The American dream is rooted in every aspect of American culture. It is not just a dream, but a spiritual pursuit. After going through emergence, development, and evolution, American dream has different connotations in different historical stages. American film has only two hundred years of history, but in this background, a large number of films which can reflect American culture have largely produced. These works are widely popular and have a profound impact on the world film industry. The American dream, as an important part of American culture, has been covered in the themes for many times. No works like Forrest Gump can reflect the strong vitality and inclusiveness of American dream. Through discovering this film, we can know more about the rebirth of traditional values after the counterculture movement. In this paper, the definition and history of American dream will be introduced and the relationship between American comedy Forrest Gump and the classical American dream will be further studied from two main aspects. With the analysis of the features of American dream out of Forrest Gump, people can not only have a better understanding of the diverse culture in America, but also learn more about traditional American values and spirits.

2. Literature Review

During the history of film development, there are various kinds of films like romance, comedy, fantasy, Sci-Fi and horror, etc. With so many excellent films emerging, people start to focus on different films and try to study some of them. Also, films become an important intermediary for people to comprehend diverse culture.

“Dictionary of Film Art” gives the definition of comedy: Comedy is a kind of film which produces effect with laughter as characteristic and contains a complete comedy concept in general by creating comedy characters and major background. Exploring the ridiculous phenomenon in life together with inflated processing is the main artistic means to achieve the unity of the reality and exaggeration. Its purpose is to glorify the wonderful and progressive things or ideals with the help of laugh. It also satirizes or taunts the unenlightened phenomenon in order to entertain and educate audience in laughter. The result that positive forces vanquish evil forces is often the solution to solve contradiction in comedy. Generally, the outcome tends to be comparatively happy and relaxed.

So we can simply say that comedy films just pay much attention to happiness in real life. It dose not talk about any gloomy side of life. Comedy differs from tragedy in that it shows positive attitudes towards life. However, some scholars put forward that comedy is something of no value and we do not have to waste time on such unnecessary things. The statement that affirms comedy deserves no value is ridiculous.

Up to now, many scholars have studied the comedy from the perspective of professional angles, such as anti-intellectualism, philosophy, traditional religion and so on. However, for ordinary human being, it may be too hard to understand it. So, as far as I am considered, we should connect the comedy with people’s real life. There are few people who have made research that combined American comedy films and American culture.

The American dream, as an important part of American culture, has been included into the theme of films for many times. Such films mostly focus on the changes of American social life and the study of social problems. In recent five years, many scholars have studied this film from different cultural angles, for example, Wangmin analyzes the film from the perspective of class consciousness in 2009, and other professors , like Yang Huhong,from the point of active exploring spirit in American value system.

However, few of them like the comedy Forrest Gump can reflect a strong vigor and vitality of the traditional American dream after the counterculture movement, which means the fragmentation and return of the traditional American culture. As a result, I want to write a paper to make up for absence in this area.

3. Film:Mirror of Culture

3.1 Brief History of Comedy Film

Film is not only a kind of expression which takes advantage of modern technological achievements and various materials to create the visual images, but also a kind of modern art, called the “seventh art” after the literature, music, architecture, art, sculpture and dance. It shapes realistic images through the space and time of the screen to reflect social life. In 1894, the history of American film started after Edison invented the film endoscopic. Later, as the World War I broke out, Hollywood films flourished, the film center changing from Europe to the United States. Nowadays, American-made films are popular all over the world.

The history of comedy traced back to the ancient Greeks, whose concept and practice has been influencing today’s works. Some defined comedy as a form of drama which uses ordinary characters in every situation in an entertaining way. Other ancient writers improved this definition and found out that in comedy, the characters tend to be private individuals who face life easily and happily and hold positive attitude. As Griffith created the narrative form of the film, the American comedy film has made historical progress. The outstanding artists truly assigned the American comedy film the concept of narration, making comedy films occupy the whole silent film era. In a sense, the silent film era is the era of comedy, and the 1920s is golden age of American comedy.

The figure of a fool which can lead the viewer to new and unusual perspectives and insights towards reality is often the center of much comedy, such as the character Forrest Gump, or Mr. Bean. Charles Spencer Chaplin, the most famous British comedian in the 20th century, is the founder of modern comedy in the world-wide reputation. In 1912, Chaplin migrated to America and began his film career there. Chaplin’s best role is a homeless poor man, wearing a narrow suit and a bowler hat, holding a bamboo walking stick, as an anti-hero image, with a gentle and good-natured heart. He is regarded as the most influential and beloved actor in the history of the U.S. comedy film for his unique style of comedy performance. These masters of art have contributed a lot to modern American comedy industry so that comedy has been a major part in today’s Hollywood film.

3.2 Introduction about Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is one of the most charming and one of the most disputed films of recent times. Based on a novel of the same name by Winston Groom, adapted by Eric Roth and directed by Robert, it earned more than$200 million in just 50 days and won six Academy Awards(including awards for best picture, best director).”(Lynn, 2005:107)

The year 1994 can be described as Hollywood’s golden year for the production of plenty of classic films. Also, the names of many Hollywood’s films started to come into Chinese audiences’ sight. Forrest Gump invested only $ 55 million but successfully gained totally 679,694,499 U.S. dollars, $ 329,694,499 for North American box office and $ 350,000,000 for overseas booking office.

This classic film Forrest Gump is an inclusive and extensive film which shows us a story of a boy called Forrest Gump, born unfortunately with a lower IQ but finally achieving unexpected success in his life. The plot of the film is simple but attractive. The main character, Forrest, growing up in a small town, was taken good care of by his mother although he was a bit mentally challenged. Forrest was always insulted by some naughty boys but luckily his only friend Jenny who was met with by chance on the school bus protected and supported him all the time. Jenny told him to run as fast as he could “if you are ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave. Just run, just run away.” Because of his fast and excellent running, he was chosen to enter the college as a football player. After graduation, he was sent to Vietnam to join the army. There, he met a black young man called Bubba and Lieutenant Dan. In a war, Bubba lost his life and Lieutenant Dan became disabled. Forrest survived and went back to America as a hero and met the president. During the trace, Forrest found his talent for table tennis and then he went to China as a diplomatic envoy. Then Forrest began his shrimp business with Lieutenant Dan in honor of his friend Bubba. Later, he made a lot of money and became a millionaire. At that time, Jenny returned but was unwilling to become Forrest’s wife. Then when he later came back to find that she had given birth to his baby but was badly ill, but Forrest accepted her as his wife and looked after their son after her death.

4. The Development of American Dream

As is known to all, the United States is always considered as a country that values the spirit of dream. The American dream, as a kind of ideal and spirit throughout hundreds of years of America, is a very important part of American culture. The American dream has already integrated into American’s life, and inspired every American looking for their dreams and realizing their life values.

4.1 Definition

The definition of the American Dream put forward by Adams in 1931 is “life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.”(Adams, 2012:37) The American dream is the most cherished belief or spirit for Americans. Traditional American dream is a kind of assurances about the freedom, land, equality and opportunity. Enterprising spirit, courage and hard work are the key to success. The American dream is a kind of belief, a kind of culture, as well as the ideal and pursuit of people. The American dream is unique. It is spiritual, physical, diverse and inclusive. The so-called “American dream” refers to a belief that one can achieve success, realize his dream and live a happy and meaningful life as long as he can spare no effort to struggle and forge ahead unremittingly. That is to say, a person"s success comes through his own hard work and perseverance, not others’ guide or aid. The American dream has always accompanied the growth of this young country. “The power of dream is an essential factor that motivates people to move bravely on to achieve their goals.”(Sun Lihong, 2011:17) Intelligence, diligence and perseverance are the necessity of the American dream. The American dream can be embodied as a better society that most Americans pursuit, and idealized as the epitome of American culture. The American dream reflects the essence of life, value and spirit of the United States. During different historical period, the American dream shows different characteristics which reflect the social changes and individual living conditional changes.

Although America has only two hundred years history, it showed a big rare miracle about a country’s rising. The American dream has played an important role in incentives. The American dream contains six basic values of American society: individual freedom, equality of opportunity, material abundance, self-reliance, competition and hard work. The first three represents the American ideal aim, and the last three are the price of realizing dreams. In the perspective of Americans, these basic values are inseparable and complement each other. The American dream, in content, emphasizes the necessity of success and the importance of efforts. The United States offers a chance for everyone to be successful, since success depends on individual’s talents and efforts rather than family background. The American dream leaves enough space for every individual to let them have the courage to dream his own dream. Because of Americans’ belief that everyone can own success, a large number of people who dare to pursuit dreams largely appear. “To a large extent,the American Dream has become a standing point for Americans to construct their ideological world and to support their faith and loyalty to the country and their “superiority”. (Zhu Hui, 2013:70)

The American dream not only guides Americans to go forward, but also at the same time encourages people around the world to strive for dreams. The main reason why the American dream can maintain inheritance until now is that it adjusts and conforms to the historical trend constantly, and enriches the concept and meaning of itself, so that it gradually becomes the mainstream of national spirit and the traditional value system.

4.2 History

In September 1620, the world-famous “Mayflower” set sail, carrying 102 passengers from Britain to the United States, and landed at Plymouth. Therefore, “Plymouth Rock” has become a symbol of American idealism, marking the birth of American dream. In the Early 17th century, a large number of European immigrants brought their dreams into the United States. Many early European settlers came to America just for religious freedom. For these people, America represents a new life of freedom. Even for those immigrants without religion, the United States is also the land full of opportunities. Everywhere there is large land of no owner, so in the United States, as long as you are willing to pay hard work, it is easy to possess a lot, which may mean wealth and success. Thus, The United States became a symbol for hopes and dreams. A lot of characteristic elements during the formation played an important role in the process of American dream. The most of the time in the 18th century, America was still under the rule of the British Empire, so the colonial people are longing for freedom and independence from Britain. In 1776, the United States, after the war of independence, declared its independence from the British colonial rule. The declaration of independence can be seen as a solid first step to realize the American dream. The description, “all men are created equally, the creator gave them an inalienable right, including the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” officially declared the forming of the American dream.

In the early 19th century, great changes have taken place in the western United States, and a large number of farms, pasture lands and industrial and mining enterprises emerged. With more opportunity, the gold rush, thus promoted the westward movement of the United States. This unique large-scale population migration activity in the world has influenced the characteristic and values of the main body of the people. It created the liquidity of Americans; fostered and promoted the American democratic consciousness; made Americans brave and innovative; enhanced the American individualism; developed the American concept of pragmatism. Economic success made people pursuit political equality. The promotion of political and economic equality runs through the whole process of the second stage of American dream. In the American dream in this era, the material wealth becomes not only the only measure of success, but also the core element. The excessive pursuit of material wealth has led to the lost of original dream.

After World WarⅠ, the cruelty of war and the fear of death have shaken people’s firm belief about freedom and democracy in the United States, and people generally felt lost, confused, and even desperate. The pursuit and aspiration for American dream made no sense in this harsh reality. After World War Ⅱ, the social economy and science and technology of the United States have developed rapidly, causing great changes taking place in the whole society. However, the prosperity of economy cannot cover people’s deep worry about so many social problems brought by the rapid development of society. It is difficult to find a balance between spirit and reality. Meanwhile, the uncertainty of life as well as sense of crisis spread out quickly. People struggled to find self-worth, but found that American dream has fallen into the materialistic world, and the traditional culture would collapse in chaos of the world. Its outlook is bleak and worrying.

Nowadays, the American dream has faded away gradually, but in today"s American society it has not been given up. More and more Americans are still struggling to find their own American dream, although they have lost themselves under the superficial prosperity. Having lost goal and direction in life, people still pursue of the American dream with activeness and passion.

5. The American Dream in the Comedy Forrest Gump

In the film Forrest Gump, the American dream has various representative forms, not only reflecting American people’s changes in life state and mental health after World WarⅡ, but also embodying rational thinking in specific historical period. The film uses the life experiences of Gump, Jenny, Lieutenant Dan and Bubba to record the breaking and rebirth of the traditional American dream. The main character Forrest Gump is the best interpreter of American dream.

5.1 The American Dream Symbolized by Forrest’s Spirits and Achievements

The film has shaped the most legendary fool image in the history of American film. He is seen as mentally handicapped and disabled, but he owns many merits of kindness, courage, hard work, optimistic attitude and the quality of perseverance. The fact that Forrest Gump with low IQ can finally achieve success through unremitting efforts is the best encouragement for thousands of ordinary people who are struggling for victory in life. Forrest Gump represents and symbolizes the American dream which every American individual treasures in heart.

5.1.1 Equal opportunity

American culture attaches great importance to the equality of opportunity and equality of political rights. In American political life or social life, personal equality is always the eternal subject. National government’s highest mission is to protect such personal freedom of equal opportunity. Whether black or white, normal or disabled, everyone owns opportunity to achieve success and realize personal value through hard efforts. The film Forrest Gump is an excellent example to prove it. Forrest firmly believes that he is equal to others, which inspires him to pursue his dream with unalterable belief, making his own American dream finally come true.

Equal right is written firstly by Tomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence which “… does mean that each individual should have an equal chance for success.” (Datesman, 2006: 31) Americans admire freedom and equality, so they consider the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of the United States. Americans have deep understanding of equal opportunity. They believe firmly that everyone has equal value, none born nobler than others, and everyone has a chance of success. Many immigrants who cannot stand the inequality of race and hierarchy in their own countries were deeply convinced that in this land, as long as through their laborious work, dreams can successfully come true. The essence of equal opportunity is the non-deprival chance regardless of people’s social, political or economic status. People should not suffer discrimination in competitions due to difference in faith, color or pronunciation. The concept of equal opportunity not only reflects American’s sense of fair competition, but the respect and affirmation for people and their values.

The main character Forrest Gump was born with physical abnormality, which caused him a lot of unbearable difficulties and troubles in life. However, his mother, never regarding him as a disabled child, trained and raised him as a normal person. In addition to his active cooperation, miracles happened again and again. As a little boy with a low IQ and disability in legs, Gump should not have allowed to a normal school, while his mother successfully caught the equal chance for him to receive formal education. She educated Gump that he had no difference with other people and the soul of anyone was equal in the presence of God. The belief that “Stupid is as Stupid does.” encouraged a lot. He received the idea from his mother that he had the right to be equal to possess the best of everything, including true love and warm family. Later, he overcame much physical barrier and regained confidence of life, and then he successfully graduated from the university, and won the medal, visited the White House, lived as a sports hero, finally became a millionaire. “Forrest is not a smart man, but he is not abandoned by the God—he is endowed with rare human quality and equal opportunity with others.” (Ji Tingtingamp;Yin Lu, 2011:81)

5.1.2 Individualism and self-reliance

The reason why the film Forrest Gump can enjoy so much popularity lies in a blend of elements that attract the audience greatly. And this film also reflects modern western values from several aspects, including individualism and self-reliance which are highlighted incisively and vividly.

Individualism plays an important role in western culture, especially in American culture. The term individualism’s earliest usage is from the French revolution, but it was first put into use by Saint-Simon’s followers in mid-1820s. Perhaps because of its extensive influence, the term “individualism” has been widely used and then developed into a kind of individualism ideology, which formed western political and social philosophy. It emphasizes people’s individual value, attaching great importance to the personal control and development. We can regard Individualism as the philosophy of life based on individual values. “Self-reliance” means Americans should take care of themselves,and solve problems by themselves. “…they expect nothing from any man;they acquire the habit of always considering themselves as standing alone, and they apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands.” (Alexis, 1945: 194) The individualism and self-reliance in American dream work and supplement each other.

American political culture inherited and developed the European liberal values, as the core of American culture, emphasizing the pursuit of personal happiness and interests. American culture is a kind of independent culture. Personal independence and self-reliance are expressed as American national spirit. In this modern society, everyone lives his life just depending on his own ability. Therefore, everyone must put personal interests in the first place and struggle for his survival and future. Americans can demonstrate American spirit by concrete actions. American people, guided by the individual values, believe that everyone has the right to enjoy the equal opportunity, regardless of the color of skin, poverty and obscurity, to achieve success as long as he does hard work. Forrest Gump is one example of those who are ordinary people but finally gain the great achievement.

The whole story about the main character Forrest Gump, a flawed person, who finally achieved success through unremitting efforts in his life, is the best encouragement for thousands of the ordinary people struggling for their dreams. In this film, there are lots of ordinary discourses everywhere which reveal Americans’ individual values. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you will get.” It is one of the most famous and impressive sentences in the film, said by Forrest’s mother. Man is the thinking creature, who can completely control and change his fate. So we can’t escape from trouble and must do something with courage to adapt to the external environment on our own. This is undoubtedly the embodiment of American values of individualism, which emphasize personal value and attach importance to the self-development. “Run, Forrest, Run.” Forrest, following Jenny’s encouragement, began to run, found his outstanding features and at last gained huge achievement. So, the rule of American dream is to confirm the value of the man and to make them gain great achievement.

The spirit of facing difficulties and challenges alone has been preferred by Americans for a very long time. We can say that self-reliance or the logic of individualism is an important part of American culture. And the pursuit of personal interests and individual freedom through personal efforts is regarded sacredly meaningful in the United States. Forrest Gump is not only an entertainment or inspirational film; it has also become a cultural phenomenon. Therefore, it would be a classic choice to understand western individualism values through analysis of this film.

5.1.3 Positive and optimistic attitude towards life

From a macro perspective, compared with most countries, the history of the United States lasts plainly and smoothly. The superior natural condition and rich resources made Americans more aggressive, and also brought good luck for them. The United States is a country with a “future orientation”, which determines the Americans’ optimistic and positive value system. Positive attitude contributes greatly to the formation of the American characteristic, so failure, poverty, oppression and other negative ideas have nothing to do with their lives.


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