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对比分析中西方魔幻影视中英雄主义 ——以《哈利·波特》与《西游记》为例

 2023-06-06 10:00:04  


摘 要




1.Introduction 1

2.Literature Review 2

3.Introduction of Traditional Culture on Heroism 2

3.1 The Traditional Heroism in China 3

3.2 The Traditional Heroism in the West 4

4.Heroism in Harry Potter and Journey to the West 5

4.1 Heroism in Harry Potter 6

4.2 Heroism in Journey to the West 6

5.The Similarities of Heroism Reflected by Harry Potter and Journey to the West 6

5.1 Similar Background 7

5.2 Similar Experience 8

5.3 Similar Image of Heroes 8

6. The Differences of Heroism Reflected by Harry Potter and Journey to the West 10

6.1 Trans formation Between the Status of Nonself and Self 10

6.2 Different Feminine Images in Hero Culture 11

6.3 Different View of Emotion 12

6.4 Different Ethics 13

6.5 Distinct Religious Theme 14

7.Causes for the Differences 15

7.1 The causes of Chinese heroism 15

7.2 The causes of American heroism 16

8.Conclusion 16

Work Cited 18

1. Introduction

Heroes, who are regarded as the talent and outstanding valiants. They are always be the model for people to imitate at an age. They are the epitome of human"s will to challenge the social repression and natural power. Heroism enriches people"s mental world and stimulates the society"s improvement. The enormous influence has been exerted around the world. From Pan Gu, Kua Fu, legendary emperors to Achilles, Agamemnon and Beowulf, during the long years, from the east to the west, from poetry to drama, from the prose to novel, the praise of heroes has been the eternal theme. The heroic spirit has influenced people for generations till now. In Wu Ying"s article, Thomas Carlyle"s explanation is quoted to tell that heroism in history was greatness of spirit, which was created by the heroes, who not only create the values by which other men live and gain their only true freedom but also satisfy mankind’s deep need for veneration of heroes(Wu Ying,2009:7).

By the evolution of human society from savagery to civilization, heroism was built up as spiritual values with collective consciousness which belong to ideological valuation. The specific person who has the lofty, solemn and stirring, unyielding and enterprising character in social group is as a model to carry on and promote the goals which are the most perfect and noble for this social group in a specific period to pursue. With constant progress and development of human civilization, people"s understanding of heroism grew into different aspects.

Movies adapted from their legend or mythology have inherent uniqueness which reflects and represents people"s expectations for the existence of heroes. Chi Mingbin said that the heroism movies display the most excellent and positive parts of culture. Integrate the whole human beings into a social group, heroes have some positive features in movies.( Chi Mingbin,2011:17-18.)

2. Literature Review

As a country with such a long history of 5000 years time, China breeds its own traditional heroes. Zhang Fu summarized four prime causes of the producing of heroism in China. First, people"s fighting against nature which is the prerequisite for human survival; second, their national struggle and fusion with patriotism; third, human"s fighting against class oppression and feudal ethics; and the influence of Confucianism.(29-30).

In the article of Bryan Smyth’s, Merl eau-Ponty claimed that ‘‘hero worship’’ has ‘‘always existed,’’ but identified Hegel as the key turning-point in its history. Heroic action is understood as self-sacrifice in the name of certain transcendent, other-worldly goals. This changed when Hegel brought heroism down to Earth by conceiving it in terms of ‘‘the individuals of world history.’’ In this view, heroes are particular concrete individuals who gain an awareness that their social world ‘‘has no future,’’ and who take it upon themselves to intervene, in effect, on behalf of historical progress.(170)

3. Introduction of Traditional Culture on Heroism

Heroism has indelible influence in promoting the development of human society. But it is not abstract and rootless exist, it needs to inoculate in specific realities. Heroism exists characteristically in different country with distinct culture, different traditional cultural background and value system will portray a different type of hero. In the essay of Zhang Pan"s, the words show that hero to China always own the spirit of achieving his ambition and being unflinching when facing death. Heroes should have dignity and integrity, prefer death to humiliation in China"s history. While the core value of Western heroism is individual departmentalism and the aspiration of liberty.(Zhang Pan,2011:41-42)

As a cultural phenomenon, the generation and evolution of heroism are in the background of history and culture. Zhang also said that with the progress of human civilization, divinity on heroes who are the combination of men and gods is reducing gradually, instead their humanity has been demonstrating constantly. As two different culture, their distinct concept of heroism reflected respective cultural traits. With unique features of nations and countries, heroism has a sense of history, a sense of the times and a sense of character. Different history and culture shapes different heroism. As Pan Tianqiang said, heroism in China focus on guarding the country and protect the imperial power while the West emphasize to build character and make history(Pan Tianqiang,2007:20-25). In the developing process of history, heroes are associated with their influence on history. In an age of globalization, the concept of heroism are defined by the value of each country’s own culture and propagate the value and heroism to the world. Therefore, conflict of culture which stands for different nation and religion comes out, so the comprehension of heroism is diverse.

3.1 The Traditional Heroism in China

Heroism is a core of Chinese traditional culture which also rooted in national cohesion. It"s the moral support on which a nation relies for survival and development as well. Chinese traditional heroism derived from the long social struggle is developing and maturing under Confucianism which has spread far in China, and has been quietly affect the generations of Chinese people for thousands of years.

Pan Tianqiang has partitioned the heroes in ancient China into four types: national hero, imperial hero, folk hero and martial arts hero. National heroes turned up result from the long-term chaos caused by war. They came to fight against invasions like “Yue Fei” in the history of China. Imperial heroes turned up to safeguard the territory unification like the emperor Qin and Han. Heroes in Water Margin are typical representatives of folk heroes for their kindness to help the people in need and fight against the evil for justice. Martial heroes are the idealization of folk heroes with super power in literatures(23). Every era has its own heroes with outstanding spirit in China’s history.

3.2 The Traditional Heroism in the West

In Pan’s article, the origin of heroism and its history in western society has been concluded. It derived from ancient Greece where is the cradle of Western civilization and then was influenced by people"s fighting against slavery and wars(20-21). In western history, hero image is generally romantic and mystical which always stimulates people’s reverie and esteem. Hero like Prometheus in ancient Greece is always fighting against power for people’s happy life and sacrifice himself.

Shao Li"s article also discourses that the fundamental characteristic of ancient Greek culture is chasing for humanism and rational spirit which is origin of Western individualism. The geography naturally connected with ocean generates Greek wisdom, courage, vitality, creativity and enterprise. The advocation of strength and intelligence cultivates Greek individualism. Believing in liberty is concluded as the core value of Western culture.(67-68)

American heroism is always the epitome of the West. In Wu Ying"s point, that American heroism is the spirit of sacrificing one’s advantage and even life to the dignity of the nation, their concept of heroism is self-sacrifice for a noble ideal is clearly alive in the America today and it is in the form of courage which not means to be courageous to seek death and destruction when pursuing one"s values consistently in the face of risk, but be encouraged that one knows the risk one faces, and accepts it. Also Chi Mingbin said that freedom and individuality are the core of American culture which has instilled in American heroes soul. Therefore, all heroes are born with intelligent personality, supernormal power and exceptional courage and also are fight alone valiants(17).

From the above mentioned previous researches made by domestic and foreign scholars and Chinese, people will have a clear understanding of traditional heroism in China and traditional heroism in the west, which has laid a stable foundation for the comparison between Chinese heroism and American heroism. However, previousresearches mainly focus on theoretical study, which will decrease the pragmatic value of them. In the viewpoint of the author of the thesis, it is children who are very interested in heroism, and therefore, researches about heroism should pay more attention to its beneficial subjects. Therefore, the thesis attempts to conduct a comparison of the heroism in Chinese and English fantasy movies by taking Harry Potter and Journey to the West as examples. These two fantasy movies produce in different time and space, reflect their own national characters. Through the analysis of them, readers will see the similarities and differences concept of heroism between the China and the West. The difference and similarity between China and the West is not a superficial concept, it infiltrates in all aspects of our daily life. Hero is the epitome of cultural distinction. Heroic culture is poetical and exaggerated, but also is the reflection of the real world. Such distinction comes out as manifesting the history, society, culture and so on.

The thesis will be conducted qualitatively, through a review and comparison of some existing ideas and theories related to this study. On the basis of domestic and overseas data collection of the heroism cultures, a conclusion of heroism in fantasy movies will be summed up. Through the concrete analysis of protagonists of these two movies, the differences and similarities between China and the west derived from their different culture on heroism will be sorted out to made an induction. The study of the thesis can not only make up for the shortcomings in previous researches, but also elucidate different countries’ cultures on heroism.

4. Heroism in Harry Potter and Journey to the West

In China, "Sun Wukong" in Journey to the West is well known while Harry Potter from English writer J.K.Rowling"s novel Harry Potter is also popular. They are both eminent in the world and turned into movies. These two movies are accomplished against the background of different ideologies and philosophies.

4.1 Heroism in Harry Potter

In the Harry Potter series, a renewed modern-day concept of heroism is located by J.K.Rowling. The aim of this collection is to identify the heroic dimensions of the series to highlight that fictional heroism in the twenty-first century challenges stereotypical notions of a courageous, valiant and somewhat simplistic masculinity(242).

The character of Harry Potter is described as a sensitive, and compassionate hero. He was born with transcendent capacity and sustained great responsibilities. Susanne Gruss argues that Harry Potter has been characterized as a gothic hero who has to separated from society. It also turns out that they very much privilege the concept of unitary, autonomous and separate masculine selfhood.

4.2 Heroism in Journey to the West

In Journey to the West, "Sun Wukong" was described by Wu Chengen as a monkey with superman abilities and intelligent brain who struggles bravely and skilly and has positive attitude, good and evil for him is clear. The story also shows Sun"s contempt of imperial power and objection of feudal hierarchy in "Making havoc in Heaven". In Li Da"s essay, the personal character of "Sun Wukong" in Journey to the West is deemed to be a hero who reflected the contradiction of human"s desire for freedom and social order in real world(128).

5. The Similarities of Heroism Reflected by Harry Potter and Journey to the West

Regardless of ages, regions and countries, heroes are always desirable for human beings. People’s will for conquering natural threats and unknown fear is similar as well. Therefore, in east and west, there must be something similar in heroism. “Sun Wukong ” and Harry Potter also have something in common though they are in different background of culture.

5.1 Similar Background

Heroes in heroic movies wether in east or west, are seldom born ordinarily. First, they always look like ordinary beings, but conceal their extraordinary background actually. The protagonist in Harry Potter is seemed like a common boy even more emaciated and sheepish with a scruffy hair and wears round glasses. It’s incredible to imagine that the craven boy who had been ill-treated by his family is the only survivor in the first war against Voldemort and be the hero in the magic community. While in Journey to the West, the protagonist “Sun Wukong” looks like an ordinary monkey, but is born from the special stone with golden light in his eyes, even startled the Jade Emperor(the Supreme Deity of Taoism). Heroes in movies are given supernormal background are not only because of most people’s expectation, but also make them logical to own outstanding wisdom, power and bravery.

Second, heroes in the movies of east and west both has the common of suffering a catastrophe during the period of boyhood. Harry Potter’s parents were killed by Voldemort when he was only a little baby while “Sun Wukong” was born without parents. Lacking of family’ care, Harry Potter has a hard childhood with pressure and stigma which compel him to learn earlier about the hardship of life. Similar as Harry Potter, “Sun Wukong” had to learn how to live by himself when born, so that he covered a long distance to learn skills from a Buddhist named Bod-hi. It could be regarded as a preparation for starting a long journey of a hero to suffer a difficult stage until he apprehends his responsibility. It’s a chance for cultivating himself before being a hero. Besides, love from parents may prevent him growing to be a hero who is bound to relinquish steadiness and face dangers and challenges. It contributes to shape a hero who can press forward without scruple for parents.

5.2 Similar Experience

Whether in the culture of east or west, in all ages, a hero steps to mature requires suffering, as well as Harry Potter and “Sun Wukong”. Harry Potter has constantly bear teachers’ harsh requirements, media’s slander of the magic community, Voldemort’s temptation and pressing, and his torment and pressure in heart after entering the Hogwards School. Through the bafflement and challenges, Harry transformed into a sharp sword and prepared to the war against Voldemort. The approach of “Sun Wukong” to grow into a hero from a common monkey is similar to Harry’s. To preserve himself and his monkey family, he went far to learn skills, and was pressed under Five Finger Mountain for 500 years because of making havoc in heaven. After being rescued by “Tang Sanzang”, he convoys Tang for the pilgrimage to the west. On the way, he endured countless tribulation and grip curse on head result from Tang’s suspicion. By the honing and soul can Sun turns into a Warring and Winning Buddha.

Hero not only slays demon, supports justice, protects the country, but also goes through the interior conversion to be a real hero. The most import significance of a hero’s transformation is his growth of psyche.

5.3 Similar Image of Heroes

The image of heroes also has common features. Both ancient mythic heroes or modern magic heroes are given superior power and reflect human’s aspiration of life and fear of death. People tried to fight against death and transcend the reality through hallucination.

5.3.1 In Faith

Being heroes in people’s mind, Harry Potter and “Sun Wukong” have their firm faith to overcome the sufferings. Since Harry Potter discover the truth of his destiny on his 11st birthday, he established his destination to defeat Voldemort who killed his parents and strove for development. Likewise, “Sun Wukong” held his faith to convey “Tang Sanzang” for pilgrimage since survived by Tang after 500 years’ torment under the mountain. Both of them stick to the faith in heart and fight for their goals. Heroes always hold their faith and manage to achieve it after conquering hardships throughout the world.

5.3.2 In Character

Though Harry Potter and “Sun Wukong” have their own supernormal capabilities, both of them are lone rangers. Sun has two junior fellow apprentices, but when encountering demons, they are being captures more than assistances and left Sun fighting alone to save them. For Harry Potter, although his friends offered selfless help on his way of fighting against Voldemort, their assists are finite. Harry should confront difficulties from interior and exterior by himself when facing Voldemort. Heroes to be respected and admired because they are people’s hope who insist on fighting for success regardless of all others’ failures. Both Sun Wukong from China and Harry Potter from the West own the character of raising people’s hope.

5.3.3 In Quest

In the mean time, both Harry Potter and “Sun Wukong” are questing for freedom. Harry Potter leave his uncle’s house to learn magic in Hogwards School. And in his fighting against Voldemort, Harry yearns freedom by confronting the battle bravely rather than escape from the reality. In the book of Li Jiabao’s(李家宝), it was said that western heroes derived from Greece quest freedom like humans require breath(168). Sun’s quest for freedom is more obvious. He made a havoc in heaven because he was unwilling to lose his free life and be under the Jade Emperor’s control. Besides, he was born naturally without the social restraint.

6. The Differences of Heroism Reflected by Harry Potter and Journey to the West

Harry Potter and “Sun Wukong” are mythic heroes which incarnate different national spirit through movies Harry Potter and Journey to the West.

6.1 Trans formation Between the Status of Nonself and Self

After the Renaissance in the 16th century, humanism is being promoted vigorously in the West and human’s values, rights and powers are attached more importance and respects. The features of humanism has penetrates into literary works and reflected through movies like Harry Potter. The protagonist Harry was an ordinary boy without any confidence and goals when depending on his uncle for a living and roughed up by the family members. He never cared about himself and muddleheaded in the state called nonself until went into Hogwards School where he got friendship from friends, guidance from teachers and comforts from elders. In Hogwards, Harry became strong and brave, his wisdom shew up gradually by experiencing difficulties and danders and conquering on his own. His ego value has been exposed and realized for being a real hero.

In china, Confucianism has been the center of Chinese culture and the idea of Confucianism become the model of people’s behaviors since Han Dynasty. Hierarchy of Confucianism has been emphasized and everyone should comply with the monarch. For that idea pervading in China, individual interest and motion should be restrained sacrificed for the country. Born in such a context of China, the protagonist “Sun Wukong” in Journey to the West was unfettered and tameless without social principles’ restraint. At that time, Sun made any havocs in Dragon Palace, hell and heaven and proclaim himself the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. He was self-centered before punished by the ruler. For his behavior can’t be accepted by imperial power politics and Confucianism, his individual character was transformed to adapt to the social regulation. During his way of convoying “Tang Sanzang” for the pilgrimage, his rough edges planed away and accomplished the transformation from self to nonself. Wang Xiangyun’s book has analyzed that Western culture treats people existing in society as individuals with their own free will while Chinese regard everyone as a part of the social group whose individual value must leech on to the group(68).

6.2 Different Feminine Images in Hero Culture

Feminine images in western cultures are always highly praised and aspired. In Harry Potter, females are also complimented like beautiful Veela, pure mermaid, precise professor Mcgonagall, gracious Mrs. Weasely, spoony Donna and Harry’s great mother who sacrificed to protect her son. Harry’s best friend Hermione, a girl with beauty and wisdom and was the most smart and outstanding student in Hogwards School, played an important role in Harry’s team of this movie. She offered a lot of help to Harry and their other friends. It shows that female is equal to male in the West.

On the contrary, feminine images in Chinese hero culture are always being censured and depreciated. They can’t control their own destiny and are even regarded as the source of faults of men’s failure. With this ridiculous male chauvinism in ancient China, most literary works have the thought of beauty is beastly. In Journey to the West, feminine images are divided into three types: fairy bodhisattva, enchantress and secular woman. The meaning of fairy bodhisattva exists in this movie is only playing an role of pushing the development of plot. Enchantresses like skeleton demon, spider demon, scorpion demon and nine-tailed fox and so on always portray the sinister pests who always tempt and backstab others by charms. They are the stepping stone for hero “Sun Wukong”’s beating for achieving success. Though secular women in this movie are treated more gently, their destinies are still grievous such as “Gao Cuilan”’s disgrace, Queen’s sorrow for love in Kingdom of Women, “Wen Jiao”’ suicide for preserving chastity and “Jin Sheng” Empress’ forbearance. Females in Journey to the West have no individual value for existence, but the medium for the hero’s transcending himself to maturity.

6.3 Different View of Emotion

Heroes in China often have the character of otherworldly without moral desires. They are always well behaved and pay more attention to personal qualities and morality. Ordinary human beings worship them in good manners without any disrespect. Though “Sun Wukong” was rebelling the imperial power, he have no conflicts mundane view about good and evil. He is just a super fighter who holds the explicit respective view of demons and not demons as the sheep and the goats. A hero like him with intense sense of justice and moral sense seems to be lacking of friendliness to ordinary persons. The image of Sun Wukong is described more like a deity than a man. Besides, Ye Shengnian said that philosophy and ideology which as perhaps the most crucial factors in the intellectual development of the human race are usually regarded as a product of the spirit and always serve as guiding principles for theoretical exploration and the enduring progress of human civilization(16). In his book Chinese and Western Cultures: A Course of Comparative Study, a brief account was discoursed that Confucianism is characterized by a common ethical ideal, which contains an effective concern for all living beings, varying in origin and nature, depending on how such things relate to them(17).


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