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摘 要




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. The Importance of Cultivating Cultural Awareness in Middle School English Teaching 2

3.1 The Cultivation of Cultural Awareness Lays a Foundation for Learning and Using English Properly 3

3.2 The Cultivation of Cultural Awareness Lays a Foundation for Shaping Students’ Exploratory World View 3

3.3 Cultivating Cultural Awareness Shows Students the Way to Form Their Cross Cultural Communicating Competence 4

3.4 Cultivating Cultural Awareness Contributes to Improve Students’ Reading Competence 4

4. Language, Culture and Teaching 4

4.1 The Relations between Culture and Language 5

4.2 The Relations between Culture and English Teaching 5

5. Aspects of the Cultivation of Cultural Awareness 6

5.1. Daily Conversation 6

5.2 Names of People and Places 8

5.3 Individualism 8

5.4 Connotation 9

5.5 Old Sayings and Idioms 9

6. The Barriers in Middle School English Culture Teaching 9

6.1. Examination-Oriented Education 9

6.2. Traditional View on Language 10

6.3. Historical and Traditional Teaching Methods 10

7. The Development of Students’ Cultural Awareness 10

7.1 Vocabulary Penetration 11

7.2 Discussion- Based Teaching Methods 12

7.3 Multimedia Assisted Teaching 12

7.4 Organizing a Variety of Extracurricular Activities 12

8. Conclusion 12

Works Cited 14

1. Introduction

Nowadays, culture plays a more and more important role in middle school English teaching. With the rapid development of modernization and globalization, the world itself is becoming a “global village”. China has more chances to cooperate with foreign countries around the world. Meanwhile, with the opportunities to contact with westerners, Chinese people also faces a lot of difficulties in communication. English becomes very important and popular for our Chinese. But learning English well is not easy for many Chinese students. One of the reasons is most of them neglect the different culture background between Chinese and English. As we know, language has an intimate relation with culture. And actually, culture plays a very important role in English teaching

Chenshen once proposed, due to the differences in geography, development level and religion, different countries would have different cultures, misunderstandings often occur in English teaching, and the same expression always has a lot of understandings to different people in different cultures. Even though we always try to get rid of misunderstandings, displeasure always comes into existence. In fact, English teaching can not be separated from culture teaching, so, cultivating cultural awareness has attracted more and more attention in all of the English classrooms all over China. Just as Professor Deng Yanchang once said “…In fact, the learning of a language is inseparable from the learning of its culture.” Even so, after several years of English study, most students including college graduates who were major in English can not communicate with westerners properly. Actually, they have a perfect grasp of words, grammar and structures. One of the reasons is that they have ignored the cultivation of English cultural awareness during their studying years. Of course, everyone knows that it is not all their fault, part of the blame should be placed on the current situation of English education. So, for English teachers in the future, we must grasp the key and golden points in English culture teaching, my passage here just focuses on some personal views in what I have mentioned above.

The tasks in middle school English teaching are not only such things as teaching pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, we should also take some cultures of western countries into consideration. Cultivating cultural awareness is the main part of English teaching. But firstly, we must learn about what is so called culture in English teaching. Culture mainly includes historical geography, local customs and practices, traditional customs, lifestyle, literature and art, code and conduct and values. As we all have learnt English for years, we all know that during our middle school time, our English teachers didn’t teach us western cultures systematically and roundly, we learned western cultures here and there, only when it is necessary did our teachers teach us some western cultures. So, I think such kind of recessive cultural awareness cultivation is more suitable in middle school English teaching, but what deserves to be mentioned is that after a large proportion of the recessive culture teaching, maybe English teachers could integrate and tease it systematically.

In order to get rid of misunderstandings when communicating with English native speakers, both teachers and students should know the differences between Chinese and western cultures, so, we can even say that teaching and learning a foreign language itself is a process of teaching and learning its culture, how to teach culture is the key. This thesis aims to find out the importance of cultivating cultural awareness and give some methods on the way of teaching English culture.

2. Literature Review

In the 20s-30s of the 20th century, American has focused on the study of cross-communication, especially focused on the problems arising from communication between different countries with different cultural backgrounds. Cross-communication was first come up with by Edward T. Hall, an American anthropologist, and published a book called The Silent Language,which marks the birth of intercultural communication. In 1971, a famous American linguist put up with the communicative competence formally in his book on communicative competence, which adds up something on the base of Chomsky’s language competence. C. Kramsch (1993) pointed out that cultural factors always exist in foreign language learning.

In China, many scholars have considered the importance of foreign language teaching and learning widely, they have also taken cultural awareness cultivation into consideration. Dating back to the 1950s, Mr. Luo Changpei(2011) had discussed the relation between language and culture in his book Language and Culture,in 1980s, Mr. Xu Guozhang(1987) published his book called Culturally-loaded Words and English Language Teaching, in which he pointed out that many words with equal outlook meanings in different cultures have different meanings and connotations due to different cultural traditions, values and so on. Except him, many other scholars like Deng Yanchang(2003), Liu Runqin(2003, Hu Wenzhong(1994) and Gao Yihong(1997) also set foot in this field and devoted themselves in their career. They maintain that, to English major students, the objective of culture learning is more than a tool (English-grasping), more than being equipped with communicative skills to survive in modern society, and nothing like making themselves modernization. Several years later, Gao Yihong extends their view in her doctoral dissertation Foreign Language Learning: “1 1gt;2” (2001), she claims that language and culture learning in the best case will generate creative energy and elevate personality.

3. The Importance of Cultivating Cultural Awareness in Middle School English Teaching

In modern society, contacts in all sorts of fields become more and more frequent. According to Larry A. Samovar amp; Richard E. Porter, language is inseparable from culture, cultural cultivation is indivisible from English language teaching. Although educators have been aware of the necessity of cultural cultivation in middle school English teaching, it is not popularized in education. Winston Brembeck, an American educator, once said, to know another’s language and not his culture is a very good way to make fluent fool of yourself. From this view of point we can know the importance of cultivating cultural awareness in English teaching in middle school.

3.1 The Cultivation of Cultural Awareness Lays a Foundation for Learning and Using English Properly

Language is a kind of special social phenomenon, during the process of human civilization evolution, according to Hu Wenzhong, language is a tool with which human think and sense the world, and also it is a tool for human to express their mind and emotion. Language symbols record the process of the historical development of human species, and contain extremely rich culture, through language, culture get the chance to be preserved, inherited and passed on generation by generation, at the same time, language symbols have great influence on the language structures, communicating forms and rhetorical principles, so that it restricts the proper usage of language in reverse. So, by learning historical geography, local customs and practices, traditional customs, lifestyle, literature and art, code and conduct and values of western countries, we could enhance English cultural awareness continuously, this is extremely beneficial to the understanding of English native speakers’ way and habit of thinking, and this is of great importance and value to the proper usage of English.

3.2 The Cultivation of Cultural Awareness Lays a Foundation for Shaping Students’ Exploratory World View

When communicating with western people, people usually comment those communicative behaviors of others with their native language and their own principles, this unconsciousness of pragmatic transfer always leads to communication failure when facing with cross cultural communication, and under the mind of ethnocentrism, communicative gaps between different people with different cultures become wider and wider. But, as we all know, cultivating cultural awareness is helpful for students to overcome the sense of ethnocentrism, so that they would have a better grasp of English culture, and stimulate their desire to compare their native culture and English culture, during the process, they can have a better understanding of the core of their own culture, in converse it strengthens their sense of national pride, at the same time ,through comparison, they would respect and accept English culture, after the fusion of Chinese culture and English culture, students will possess broad mindedness which can contain all cultures around the world.

3.3 Cultivating Cultural Awareness Shows Students the Way to Form Their Cross Cultural Communicating Competence

Cultivating students’ cultural awareness contributes to help students avoid focusing on the words, grammar and sentence structures only, and it is also conducive to learning language knowledge as well as learning cultural background information. Only in this way can students be fond of English study, which would activate them to explore more knowledge in different fields as well. Thus, students would become more self-controlled, and improve their integrated competence.

3.4 Cultivating Cultural Awareness Contributes to Improve Students’ Reading Competence

On grasping a reading comprehension, one must learn about some basic language knowledge, at the same time, cultural knowledge can not be canceled. It is proved that the main difficulty in reading comprehension is the lack of cultural knowledge when words and expressions are not so difficult. It is acknowledged that the author wrote the article on the base of knowing every detail about the background information, especially the cultural knowledge penetrated and which used to express his or her feeling or indicate something, in this situation, there is a phenomenon that readers know about every word in the article but can not grasp the meaning of the key point. Cultivating cultural awareness makes great contribution to hold the correct direction of the article.

4. Language, Culture and Teaching

To start with the discussion of cultural cultivation in middle school English teaching, three conceptions are indispensable to be mentioned, namely language, culture and teaching. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Language is also a social phenomenon, and each language stands for one culture, that is to say, communication refers to the communication between the same culture and communication between any two persons with different cultures. My thesis here aims to discuss the communication between two different cultures. Culture is reflected in every detail in people’s daily life, vary from the simplest thing to the most important thing, such as belief, customs, objects, techniques and language that character the life of the human community, so, culture is a big word, when you set foot in one human community, culture is reflected everywhere.

Last but not least, it comes to teaching. Teaching is a kind of special social activity that aims to cultivate persons with abilities, which includes teacher’s teaching and student’s learning. But my thesis here only aims to cultivate cultural awareness in middle school English teaching, so, my teaching here is only the teaching of culture.

4.1 The Relations between Culture and Language

Language is the carrier of culture, and in return, culture is reflected by language. We can also say language is a special part of culture; Language is a kind of social phenomenon, a communicating tool among people, and the medium which connects people and culture together. Language shapes itself with the form of human kind, develops itself with the development of human kind as well as transforming itself with the change of human kind. From another perspective, language is taking place amid culture. Culture can not exist without language. Language lays the foundation of the formation and development of culture, and in return the development of culture stimulates the variety of language.

4.2 The Relations between Culture and English Teaching

Sometimes, English teachers may find that there are too many difficulties and hardships in English teaching, as it is acknowledged that English teaching itself is a big category, when mentions about culture, we will get into the troubles of the vastness of the concept of culture, the most important thing English teachers should know is how to grasp the whole situation in English classroom during the process of culture teaching. Of course, except for the vastness of the concept of culture, there are other factors which influence the teaching of culture, such as the development level of that region, which can provide teachers and students different base installation from region to region, and such things as the learner’s age, education background, receptivity and their previous English learning experience, in view of these factors, English teachers can design different goals and curriculum for different students. So, rather than regard teaching culture is for the target of teaching English, we would rather say teaching English lays the foundation for teaching culture.

5. Aspects of the Cultivation of Cultural Awareness

Over the long term, in facing contact with other cultures, it was discovered that Chinese English learners can not make their communication with English native speakers well understood, of course, they also find it hard to understand English native speakers. There was once an American delegation of linguists visited China. They met a group of Chinese university students majoring in English. They were very impressed by the Chinese students’ English: good command of grammar and excellent pronunciation. However, the delegation was surprised by the students’ ignorance. It was quite shocking that the Chinese students were curious about the blond hair of one delegate, “rudely” asking whether the color was due to old age or suffering.

Another example can be used to make it clear that cultural conflicts always come into being among different cultures. There is a movie called “Scrape Therapy”, in Chinese which is“刮痧”,which tells us a moving story about a Chinese old man who is really deeply rooted in Chinese culture and his grandson who lives in America with his parents. The movie is about the differences and conflicts between American and Chinese culture. Maybe the expression “cultural gaps” can be used to make it clear that there are too many conflicts shown in the movie. Aspects vary from children’s education, value and lifestyle. The most impressionable conflict is the way they treat their children. For Datong, when his son doesn’t obey his word to make an apology to his boss’s son, he teaches his son by force without thinking, when his boss asks him, he says he does this for saving his boss’s face, This is quite unacceptable for the boss. Some obvious cultural differences can be founded in this case. Firstly, in Chinese parents’ eyes, children are their “private” property, they have right to teach their children in any way they like if their children make mistakes. Second, it is quite common to teach their children by force. From what have been mentioned above, it is found that there is a wide gap between English teaching and culture teaching. All in all, the following are some illustrations of cultural differences in language use, which we may often come across in our daily life.

5.1. Daily Conversation

To whatever kind of culture, being polite is the basic principle in making a successful conversation, but in different social backgrounds, the ways of conveying politeness are totally different. Without some basic knowledge about other’s culture, misunderstandings will lead to frustrated communication and cooperation.

5.1.1 Greeting

When Chinese people meet, they always show their concern about others by greeting them with“你吃饭了没?”、“你去哪儿呢?”, something like this, but from westerner’s view of point, if you ask them whether they have had their meal, it will be regarded as an invitation to meal. Because western people think highly of privacy, they don’t think it is polite to ask“Where are you going?”, if you must greet them like this, they will get angry and respond by saying“It is none of your business”. However, westerners usually greet each other by talking about the weather or the very place where they are, for example,“It is a nice day, isn’t it?” or“It is a beautiful place, right?”. As we all know, England has a mild sea climate and the weather there is changeable, people there usually take an umbrella with them when they are out , as a result of that, weather becomes a hot topic among them.

5.1.2 Farewell

When it comes to farewell, it is evident that cultural differences in farewell can not be listed one by one. In China, when it comes to go, Chinese people usually convey their gratitude by saying “I’m sorry for having interrupted for so long”, or “Sorry for troubling you”, and Chinese host would send their guests to the door and say “Along the way good(一路走好) or “Please walk slowly(慢走)”, obviously, this kind of farewell is not appropriate in western culture. However, for westerners, they would indicate about their leave about 15-20 minutes in advance, and say “Thanks for a lovely morning/afternoon/evening” or “Thanks for your delicious food” and so on, the host would just say “goodbye!” or “See-you!” .What have been mentioned above are something about cultural differences in farewell.

5.1.3 Compliment

Since ancient times, Chinese people have been regarding modesty as a virtue, when foreigners praise us for our strong points, we usually respond them with“You are overprizing me (过奖)” ,but you will be regarded that you are suspecting about their judgments by responding in this way, or something like“Where? Where? (哪里?哪里?)”,which makes foreigners feel confused and have nothing to say..

5.2 Names of People and Places

The most common example of difference which shows us the different expression is that we Chinese always put our family name in front of our first name, but as for westerners, it is just on the contrary, their first name is in front of the family name. And by the way, when it turns to names of places, small places is in the former in western culture, but in China, that is big places in the former. For example, 中国云南省昆明市(Chinese version), Kunming in Yunnan province of China(English version). Just as I have mentioned above, the westerners think highly of individualism, they prefer to put some personal information forward, this should be valued in cultivating cultural awareness in English teaching.

5.3 Individualism

As we know there are some English words must always be written in capital letters, such as “I ”,this is the western individualism reflects on the language. They appeal for liberty, self-independence and self-realization. When a junior school English teacher teaches his students, maybe some students may wonder why “I” should be always written in capital letters. Teachers’ ways may vary from person to person, but there is one key point every teacher must know, to tell them the individualism in western countries is necessary. Further more, in our daily life, we often greet with others by asking, “Have you finished you lunch?”, “Where are you going?” Something likes this. But your so called polite greetings would not get a satisfied and polite response, the natives may regard you greeting as an invitation to have lunch or just say, “It’s none of your business” to your question “where are you going”. In such circumstances, your warm-hearted friendliness only to run into a brick wall, your feeling may be like jumping into the Arctic Ocean in June. You may feel frustrated, but why don’t you learn about the culture of western countries. I think it is widely accepted that students should be told about it in many ways, but even they have been told about it, they use the Chinese ways to greet foreigners again when they meet foreigners, I have done a sampling survey in a middle school in my hometown Yunnan province, it turns out to be that students can’t meet too many foreigners here, and there is even no one foreign teacher in their school to communicate with, even they meet one by chance, maybe foreigners are just like aliens, it’s really an amazing thing. So, I think if it is permitted, just to create such a circumstance, but if it is not allowed, maybe English teachers can replace the roles, ways may vary among teachers, our only aim is to dispel the barrier in communicating with foreigners, just regard it as a potluck to talk with foreigners.

5.4 Connotation

According to Wu Youfu, if someone comes across such thing as winning the lottery prize, a native speaker of English may congratulate the man by saying, you are really a lucky dog, and it just means that the man really has good luck. But in Chinese culture, something related to dogs is regarded as rude and impolite, such as“狗东西”,“走狗”and so on. So, in western culture, you may hear a lady say, “My dog is an Eskimo dog, she is very loyal and beautiful”, but we Chinese may express the dog with “it” instead of “she”. Now, if we turn to middle school English teaching, maybe telling students that in western culture, animals could be described with “he” or “she”.

5.5 Old Sayings and Idioms

Due to the differences of the development of history between China and western countries, some old sayings or idioms may have different meanings. Ancient Greek and Roman mythology has a great influence on western culture. Here I would like to lead in a book “The Bible”. Because when we mention some literary quotations, if an English teacher doesn’t tell students some history or background information, it will be hard to make him understood or make the clouds in students’ mind disperse and the sun appears. For example, when mention “Damocles Sword”(达摩克利斯之剑), the English teacher should tell students about the ancient Greek and Roman stories and idioms, after the bedding of that, students will understand it that it just means some danger or risks that will happen at any time. And when mention the literary quotation of “the Garden of Eden”,the English teacher should introduce the Bible to students, after reading the story of the Garden of Eden, it will be clear that it just means some places without pain and annoyance, students may associate it with “land of idyllic beauty(世外桃源)”

6. The Barriers in Middle School English Culture Teaching

Cultural factors play such an important role in middle school English teaching. However, there are still some problems exist in middle school English class.

6.1. Examination-Oriented Education

In our daily school English teaching, under the command of examination-oriented education, many students and teachers just focus on the grasp and memory of some key words and phrases, teachers always ask their students to recite some paragraphs and texts, as a result of that, many students just swim in a blank ocean in the command of some necessary English-speaking countries background information. Actually, there is a tight connection between a language and its culture, they are inseparable. The good command of a language is based on the good grasp of the culture. Suppose that studying English is just like build a tall building, maybe it can be described that English words and phrases are cement and bricks, if we don’t have these “cement and bricks”, we can’t build up the building. But as for English culture, it’s just the same as the base of a building. If you can’t set the stage for the building, you can never build up the building, even you build it up by coincidence, and it is going to collapse soon.

6.2. Traditional View on Language

Besides, most English learners in China hold the view that language is merely a tool that people used to communicate with each other. Language is just a tool that used to express thoughts and ideas. However, this idea makes English learners pay much attention to the language system itself, but forget the cultural elements. So, English teachers must strengthen students’ view that cultural cultivation is a must. Through, communicating abilities will be improved greatly.

6.3. Historical and Traditional Teaching Methods

Last but not least, influenced by Chinese historical and traditional teaching methods, both teaching methods and learning methods are limited to a certain degree, sometimes, even teachers themselves can not get the insight nature of the target culture, how can they cultivate cultural awareness among students well. So, English teachers should try their best to be an expert both in their native culture and target culture, only when they have a good grasp of both cultures can they teach a group of students well. Under this circumstances, continuing study can not be forgot, furthermore, schools could send English teachers abroad to make English teachers experienced and cultural knowledgeable.

7. The Development of Students’ Cultural Awareness

English can not be learnt well without the cultivation of cultural awareness. English teachers should cultivate cultural awareness throughout the process of English teaching. To cultivate students’ cross-cultural awareness, some methods can be suggested here.

7.1 Vocabulary Penetration

Vocabulary, as a cardinal element of language, is the fundamental pillar that supports the huge system of a language. Vocabulary reflects social culture. To grasp the connotation of vocabulary is the primary task of learning vocabulary. Cultivating cultural awareness is the main task in English teaching under the background of cross-cultural communication. English teaching should make certain of the differences between the conceptual meanings and connotative meanings of vocabularies. Penetrating cultural awareness in English vocabulary teaching is an important means of using English correctly in cross-cultural communication.

As we all know, vocabulary is the most active composition in language, and also the biggest container of culture. So, English teachers should think highly of introducing the conceptual meanings and connotative meanings when teaching vocabularies. There are many vocabularies which come from mythology, fable, legend or something related to masterpiece. To learn something about these aspects is important

Here is an example on the cultural differences of the same word, in different cultural background, the word“peasant” has different understandings. In China, “peasant” is a neutral word, it reflects those who are working as farmers or those who have little knowledge. But if you call some westerners with “peasant”, they will get angry, because the definition of “peasant” in English dictionary is country folk(乡下人),country bumpkin(乡巴佬) and plough-man(庄稼人), but westerners who are really working in the farmland called“farmer”, but not“peasant”. Another example is that when a Chinese spouse introduce each other to others, they usually say“This is my lover(这是我的爱人)”,but“lover”, in western cultures, it represents those who love each other or just their sweethearts, “lover” is not limited by law, which is different from spouse.

As cultural difference is becoming a heated topic among all the English educators, English textbooks in middle school also have absorbed some contents about cultural difference. For example, there is a unit that focuses on the differences of English around the world. It introduces a lot of different spelling versions of the same object. From what have been mentioned above, English vocabulary teaching is inseparable with culture teaching.

7.2 Discussion- Based Teaching Methods

The key feature of discussion-based teaching method is the discussion between students guided by teacher, through which students can get the knowledge they are searching for. Apart from discussion-based, it is also textbook-based, because teaching materials are the main carrier to achieve educational aim, the purpose of discussion is to stimulate students’ interests and digest the knowledge and absorb it to be their own. For example, students find that westerners usually praise others, and when they are praised, it seems that everything is deserved, after heated discussion on this topic. Students think that it proves that westerners are usually honest and straightforward.

7.3 Multimedia Assisted Teaching

Multimedia is developing crazily in China, many classrooms in middle schools have equipped with multimedia devices, and we can use these devices to introduce culture in different versions, such as authentic videos, films and pictures. English teachers can try to use authentic videos to stimulate students’ motivation for language learning activities. Teaching through lively activities can not only reduce teacher’s heavy burdens, but also create a relaxed atmosphere for students and improve the learning efficiency little by little.

7.4 Organizing a Variety of Extracurricular Activities

It is not enough that cultivating cultural awareness only in classroom, students should be encouraged to enlarge their cultural knowledge through extra-curricular activities. English teachers could encourage students to read some English novels magazines and newspapers, at the same time, don’t forget to ask them to accumulate some knowledge related to English culture. Besides, there are a lot of activities we can do to learn the foreign culture, to hold an English competition, English party, English lecture and to tell English stories. Only in this way can teachers create more opportunities for students to present themselves and enrich their school life.

8. Conclusion

Culture is significant because it is inseparable in English teaching and cross-cultural communication. International development has made intercultural contact more frequent and pervasive. Apart from formal culture, English teachers should teach the informal knowledge of culture to make students know how to treat and respect other people with different cultures.

The ultimate aim of English study is to communicate with different people with different cultures, that is so-called“cross-cultural communication”. To cultivate cultural awareness in middle school English teaching is the inexorable outcome of English teaching reform. As an English teacher, we should let students know the importance of cultivating cultural Awareness in middle school English teaching at the first day of the English class, and help them to cultivate the habit of thinking in English, if it is possible, select all English learning environment, all English-speaking environment is conducive to cultivating English habit of thinking and expression.

Further more, teachers themselves should study continuously and improve their basic knowledge about western culture. On the basis of cultural identity, English teachers should enrich their cultural attainment of the target language, I would add that not only does it provide one with means of critical thinking, but also critical acting. On this occasion, English teachers can dig out the language points and cultural points from textbooks, so that various methods can be used in the teaching of culture in order to improve the effectiveness of English language teaching and meet the requirements of modern social cross-cultural communication.

This thesis aims to explore the obstacles in the ways of culture teaching in English teaching in China. By the way, some methods are also provided in the specific practice.

In a word, under the background of executing new English curriculum, cultivating cultural awareness in middle school English teaching is both necessary and feasible. In the process of middle school, it has been realized by many people that students should be cultivated in cross-cultural awareness purposefully in English teaching, thus it can be seen that how to instruct the middle school students to study cultural knowledge has already become the teacher’s mission.

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