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关于小学英语阅读教学中的小组工作的运用Group Work in English Reading Teaching in Primary School

 2023-07-07 08:23:23  


摘 要

阅读教学是小学英语教学的重要组成部分,培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力是小学英语阅读教学的主要目的和任务之一,而合作学习是一种以小组活动为主要形式的教学理论和策略体系,在英语阅读理解课堂教学中运用合作学习理论,可以打破传统教育,是提高教学质量的一个重要保证。我们应该倡导学生合作学习,丰富课堂合作内容与形式,通过合理划分小组,科学安排座位,设计各种阅读活动等来培养小学生的英语思维与表达能力,保证小学英语阅读课堂教学的高效率、高质量。  本文着重阐述小组合作学习在小学英语阅读教学中的运用、如何优化小组工作的教学和学习方法以及如何提高小组工作的效率。

关键词:小组合作学习 ;小学英语阅读教学 ;教学策略 ;英语课堂


1. Introduction 1

2.Literature Review 2

3.Cooperative Learning Theory and Organization Form 5

3.1Definition of cooperative learning 5

3.2The principle and present situation of cooperative learning 8

3.3The scientific structure of cooperation group 9

3.4Organizational forms of cooperative learning 11

4.Problems in the Implementation of Cooperative Learning 13

4.1The unscientific construction of the group 13

4.2Analysis of causes of the problems 15

5.Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning 16

5.1Establishment of the purpose of cooperative learning 16

5.2Scientific division of group 17

5.3Adequate preparation of learning materials 17

5.4Reasonable control of the frequency and time of cooperative learning 17

6.Conclusion 18

Works Cited 19

1. Introduction

The theory of cooperative learning has been widely used in many countries and in many kinds of teaching activities.This creative and effective teaching theory and strategy system has a positive role in improving the classroom teaching atmosphere and students’ achievement.In May 2001, the State Council issued the on the foundation of education reform and development decision which pointed out that: We should encourage cooperative learning and promote mutual communication and common development between teachers and students which specifically mentions cooperative learning that we can see the importance of cooperative learning.The new curriculum standard advocates the new teaching idea, the new teaching method which requests to be able to pay attention to the students’ emotion and manifest the democratic and harmonious teaching atmosphere. As a hot and bright spot in the new curriculum reform,cooperative learning effectively promotes the development of students" subjective consciousness, helps to maintain and enhance students" interest in learning English, and is conducive to the cultivation of students" English ability.

Over the years, more and more researchers have applied cooperative learning to English reading teaching, and have achieved some teaching achievements.But the majority use of cooperative learning only stays in the standard which requests students to finish the common tasks of mutual learning. And cooperative learning become a teaching strategy which is applied to all types of open class and become a learning mode which requires the students to cooperate with the teachers.Cooperative learning, however, is the core of "learning" rather than cooperation.Cooperation is only a means to better promote students’ learning and expand mutual learning activities.The essence of language teaching is to emphasize meaning and communication.So how can we effectively guide students to learn better?The answer is to guide students through cooperative learning which supervises and promotes students’ autonomous learning. And in the process of teacher"s teaching of language knowledge,we can enhance mutual understanding and memory through the team cooperation,thus ultimately promote the development of students .Cooperative learning should extend to the outside of the class and develop its intrinsic value to the full.The origin of cooperative learning in the class is the recognition of learning projects.The preview and review of the projects is the consolidation of English teaching and learning, and the individual reading is the effective implementation of the concept of human oriented education in curriculum teaching.

The first chapter is a brief introduction of the paper.The second chapter is a Literature review.The third chapter analyzes the teaching organization and implementation of cooperative learning and the organization form of cooperative learning. The fourth chapter analyzes the problems in the implementation of cooperative learning in English teaching in primary school.The fifth chapter analyzes the strategies to improve the effectiveness of cooperative learning in English teaching in primary school. The sixth chapter is conclusion.

2.Literature Review

Cooperative learning is a kind of special form of cooperation which is the concrete embodiment and application in the teaching process of cooperative cognition, cooperative emotion, cooperative skill and cooperative behavior.These four elements are indispensable which constitute o the cooperative learning.In foreign countries, the cooperative learning is deeply studied.

Different researchers have different definitions of cooperative learning from different perspectives.For example: Slavin (United States) said: "cooperative learning is a teaching strategies in which students are divided into groups or the small teams to help each other and to learn some of the material.And they can get a reward or recognition according to the results of their team. Johnson (United States) said: "cooperative learning is a way of learning which use groups in teaching so that students can carry out learning activities together which can maximize their own and others’ abilities."There are some differences in the above definitions and the forms of cooperative learning, but they are all based on the common characteristics of the interactive cooperation among students.However, in addition to the characteristics of the interactive learning of students, it also exists teacher-student interaction which is the interaction between teachers and students as a feature of cooperative learning.The "cooperative education" of former Soviet Union thought that children’s development is based on cooperation. Children"s personality can be fully and freely developed through mutual cooperation between teachers and students.Its cooperation is relative to the opposition and conflict.So the meaning is quite extensive, including cooperation among teachers, students, parents, principals.But the German communication teaching school is focused on the relationship between teachers and students while pays less attention to the development of specific teaching strategies .so there is little impact on teaching practice .

Comparatively speaking, the cooperative learning initiated by the American scholar is closer to the classroom teaching and can be better operated.They put forward some slogans that we should learn from the cooperation, cooperate in the study, carry on the cooperation in the association,and learn how to associate with each other in the cooperation.And a variety of specific teaching strategies are developed.

Many practice in the aspects of cognitive and effective dual function soon aroused the resonance of the education sector.No matter what kind of definition, cooperative learning has its own characteristics.

The author believes that cooperative learning should include the following characteristics:we should make reasonable use of the differences to achieve the development of everyone;we should set a common goal and make it clear to the individual;we should make our own knowledge and interact with each other;we should have competition and reward collective success fairly and reasonably;we should improve the learning ability and improve the comprehensive quality and share experience.At the same time, neither should the main body of the cooperation be limited to the students, nor the cooperation of the space should be limited to the classroom.

Since the end of 1980s in our country, we have made some theoretical research and practice of cooperative learning and have achieved good results.But the study focused on the theory introduction and discussion. At the same time, due to the large gap between the teaching capacity and the ratio of teachers and students, the teaching experiment of cooperative learning is combined with the national conditions. So the research on Cooperative Learning in the classroom is relatively smaller, and the research results are relatively smaller.Wang Tan who is the researcher of Shandong Provincial Institute of Educational Sciences has made a summary of the views of foreign countries in which he believes that the definition should at least contain the following aspects:cooperative learning is a kind of teaching activity which takes group activities as the main body;cooperative learning is a kind of cooperation and mutual assistance between partners;cooperative learning is a kind of activity which is originated by purposes;the reward of cooperative learning is based on the overall performance of each group in the process of achieving the goal.Sheng Qunli, Zheng Shuzhen put forward the features of cooperative learning in Cooperative Learning Design that: common development and full usage of the difference; reconstruction of value and the focusing of willingness; agreement of interests and clear responsibility; communication and interaction, the student independence, fair competition and collective reward.Since 1989, Sheng Qunli who was the former theory worker of Hangzhou university education department of Hangzhou eleventh middle school has carried out a research on the subject of "personalized optimization education exploration"The theoretical basis and basic characteristics of group cooperative learning are summarized from the attributes of teaching communication.The experiment shows that the cooperative learning of the group can improve the students" performance, stimulate the enthusiasm of the students, and promote the best development of the students" personality.In 1995, Sheng Qunli guided research in Hangzhou Shengli primary school which carried out exchanges and cooperation in the classroom of the primary school".In order to promote the development and pattern of small class theory construction,the experiment carried out a deep integrative research of cooperative learning process and teaching communication , explored how to adjust the teacher"s roles the in group cooperative learning and how to better apply the interaction theory.

Since 1993, the "cooperative teaching research and experiment", which was hosted by the Shandong Institute of educational science, has studied in more than 100 schools across 9 provinces and cities. The project has achieved remarkable results.In terms of theory, the nature of cooperative teaching, principles, models, strategies and the concept of cooperative teaching skills are proposed.In terms of practice, it can effectively improve the students" participation in teaching, help students form a correct sense of competition and cooperation, and promote the development of students" intelligence and non intelligence.

3.Cooperative Learning Theory and Organization Form

3.1Definition of cooperative learning

In the discussion of the cooperative learning, the expression of cooperative learning is varied. American David Johnson and Roger Johnson (David W. Johnson and Roger T.Johnson. The following will be referred to as the brothers Johnson) who are the main founders of cooperative learning in the 1980s put forward that cooperative learning is a teaching strategy that can be used in any grade and any subject(David 2011). While in 2002, the cooperative learning was represented as a depending on each other (a kind of consciousness of ups and downs ), individual conscientious (each individual learn to contribute to study), interpersonal skills (communication, trust, leadership, decision making and conflict solution) and face to face interaction and process of analysis (reflection of group functions)(David 2011).Some researchers in Canada believe that cooperative learning is a kind of teaching method in which students can learn from each other and interact with each other in the classroom(Zheng Jinzhou 2005). Another famous American Cooperative Learning researcher Johns Hopkins Robert Slavin (Slavin 2011) said in some articles that the cooperative learning is a teaching model. Wang Tan who is a famous Chinese cooperation learning researcher believes that the cooperative learning is to promote cooperation of students in a heterogeneous group, to achieve the common goal of learning, and to reward the overall team according to the score. "(Wang Tan 2002)

3.1.1Some theories of cooperative learning

Cooperative learning is widely recognized in the form of teaching organization. Many schools of educational theory form their own unique teaching theory from different perspective of reform.Many representatives of cooperative learning in different theories create distinctive cooperative learning strategy and form different cooperative learning theories.These schools who have a great impact are:Cooperative Learning Center led by American Kagan (Kagan, S.), Ph.D. ;the University of Minnesota research group of W. David Johnson and Johnson Roger T. ; Hopki university research team led by Professor American Slavin (Robert Slavin)Johns.;Research team led by Cohen Elizabeth (Cohen Elizabeth), Stanford University, United States and Israel research team led by Sharon. Since the sixties of the 20th century, Kagan began to engage in deep study of cooperative learning and he founded the cooperative learning research institutions -- Kagan Cooperative Learning Center.The center mainly carries on the research of cooperative learning theory and the training of teachers, which has a great influence on the world. Kagan believes that cooperative learning is a series of structured teaching strategies in the organization of classroom interaction called cooperative structure(Kagan 2011 a).According to Kagan, cooperation structure is a group divided by careful design of teaching strategies and these strategies are available to the interaction between teachers and students, between the students and the teaching content. Kagan clearly distinct between structure and activity.He believes that the activity is used to transfer the content , and the structure is not dependent on the specific content of the subject. Each structure can be used to generate a set of activities, more precisely, structure content = activities.When the content is added to the structure to become a specific classroom activities, this series of classroom activities are organized to form a rich classroom teaching.Therefore, the structure of cooperation is not the way to transfer the specific content, but is the way beyond the subject content; not a specific content to be taught, but is a tool to teach any content .(Kagan 2011b)W. David Johnson and Roger T. Johnson (University of Minnesota) definite cooperative learning as follows:Cooperative learning is the use of groups in teaching, so that students maximize their own and other people"s learning together(Johnson 1975).They believe that cooperative learning is very complex which needs to constantly train teachers and students. cooperative learning requires teachers to design the corresponding class type (lesson) or training program according to the actual situation of the curriculum, the specific requirements and the specific circumstances of the students in the system after a comprehensive study of cooperative learning theory(Johnson 1993).Johnson brothers put forward five basic principles, they are positive interdependence,individual Accountability,face-to-face promotive interaction,interpersonal and small group skills and group processing.Johnson brothers repeatedly stressed that no matter what kind of cooperative learning activities should reflect the five basic principles. We should combine these basic principles in the cooperative learning to ensure the success of cooperative learning(Johnson 1993).Si Laiwen (Slavin Robert) professor at Johns Hopkins University in the United States pointed that cooperative learning is a teaching technology which makes the students to work in the group of the learning activities, and reward them based on their achievements in the group(George 2005).Slavin thinks that cooperative learning must contain a thought that students should learn together and be responsible for other members of the learning group .When all people work together for a common goal, they are relying on each other so that they encourage with each other.Therefore, Slavin’s cooperative learning method highly stressed the responsibility of group objectives and individual. That is to say, the team must work to achieve a goal or get some kind of reward and recognition.And the success of the team must depend on the effort of each team member(Wang Nai 2006).Dr. Sharon of the Tel Aviv University in Israel defines cooperative learning as follows:Cooperative learning is the general name of a series of methods to organize and promote classroom teaching.The cooperation among students in the learning process is the basic feature of all of these methods.In the class, the cooperation between peers is achieved through the organization of students in the group activities and the group usually consists of 3 to 5 students.The group acts as a unit of social organization, where students learn through interaction and communication between peers, as well as through personal research.The core idea of Cohen"s cooperative learning theory is that cooperation is the need of each other. No one has all the skills needed to complete the task, but with some of the skills. According to this basic idea, Cohen created the famous "comprehensive teaching" method and put forward two basic principles of comprehensive teaching.On the one hand, you have the right to seek help and support from any member of the group.On the other hand, when other members of the group are asking you for help, you are obligated to provide assistance and support.(Li Qiao,2003(6):38-42)

3.1.2The basic connotation of cooperative learning

There are many respects in the area of Cooperative learning.At present, there is not a recognized definition of cooperative learning.But from the above definition of cooperative learning, we can see that the definition of cooperative learning are described in the following points: Cooperative group, interaction and teaching strategies.Therefore, we can think that cooperative learning mainly refers to the teaching strategy system which is based on cooperative group and whose main features is the interaction between students.Although the specific form of cooperation learning is not quite the same, they have a lot in common which is different from the traditional teaching concept and thus form a sharp contrast against each other.

3.2The principle and present situation of cooperative learning

3.2.1Principles of cooperative learning

Group cooperative learning advocate students to cooperate with each other to learn the knowledge of the language ,to internalize the language and language use, and to raise the emotional attitude in the process. The accumulation of learning strategies and cultural awareness reflects the specific requirements for language learning of the new curriculum.In the teaching process of group cooperation, we should take the students as the main body, respect every student, believe that students have the ability to obtain knowledge and let the students learn, practice, participate and cooperate.In this process, teachers should guide and encourage students to freely express their ideas, try to create conditions in the classroom, stimulate the students" thinking and help them make decisions.Teachers must arouse the interest of students in the classroom.When designing teaching process,teachers should always pay attention to the student"s learning situation.In the classroom, teachers and students can communicate with each other.Each person is both the sender of the information and the recipient of the information.Only in this way can we truly reflect the subjectivity of students" learning.Such classroom teaching is living, efficient rather than carrying out some false performance.

3.2.2Analysis on the present situation of cooperative learning

At present, the research of the cooperative learning in English Teaching in primary school in our country lags behind, and the practice in this area is relatively less.Although the current teaching mode, compared with the previous model of teaching has been improved, the interaction between teachers and students has not been well inspired.It is not conducive to students" positive thinking, the formation of the students’ explosion of knowledge and independence of learning good habits. Most pupils don’t have strong consciousness of cooperating and sharing with others.The formation of cooperative learning skills need to be guided by teachers.The process of the formation of cooperative learning habits requires teachers to guide and follow the whole process. Carrying out cooperative learning in English teaching in primary school is beneficial to stimulate students" learning interest, to help them to form a sense of autonomous learning and is conducive to the cultivation of students" cooperative participation ability and the language communication ability, and helpful to explore their own study habits.Group cooperation can lead to positive communication and close cooperation between the team members for the overall performance of the group.In the cooperative learning class,the way of information communication between students and teachers form an environment of information technology.Teachers and students are equal to the activities of the participants.They can send information and accept the other’s information.The student complete with each other, learn cooperation and exchanges and make common progress and common success.The interaction between them is Multi angle.

3.3The scientific structure of cooperation group

Scientific grouping is the prerequisite for the success of group cooperative learning.The teacher divided the class into a number of heterogeneous learning groups according to the age of students, the ability to accept information, personality characteristics, etc. In the process of division, the teacher should make the team members to be equally matched, in order to improve the learning goals of individuals and groups .The teacher can divide students reasonably according to student"s interest, ability and English learning achievement.In addition, the teachers can divide students according to different teaching and learning tasks to create opportunities for students to cooperate with others and improve students" interest in learning new knowledge.

3.3.1Seat arrangement for group cooperative learning

The class will be divided into three groups which is suitable for classroom group competition points.Four students sit in the ring that students can do face-to-face communication at any time.The student"s desk is arranged into a rectangular in which two tables and 4 people form a cooperative group which is suitable for the role of the team to play.The classmates and deskmates can form the composition of the cooperative group which is suitable for pair-work. The table is usually curved where the first row, four students; the second row, six students; third rows, eight students; fourth rows, ten students.

3.3.2Skills training for team members

Student"s cooperation consciousness and cooperation skills are two main conditions for the success of cooperative learning.If the students is lack of awareness of cooperation, he will not actively participate in cooperation and cooperative learning can not be successful.Conversely, if the student has a sense of cooperation but is lack of cooperation skills, he can not cooperate with each other effectively.The lack of one of the two is not possible to ensure the effective cooperation.Therefore, in the daily teaching work, to strengthen the students" awareness of cooperation, to train cooperative skills, to improve the enthusiasm of students and to participate in cooperative learning are important strategies for effective implementation of cooperative learning(Jia 2000).After the establishment of the group, teachers should use class time to train team members.First of all,the teachers should carry out the whole class training so that students can form a sense of the whole.Teachers can vigorously infiltrate the education of collectivism and team spirit education in the classroom to let students realize the necessity of team cooperation through concrete examples and class meeting.Teachers make sure that everyone know their responsibilities and know that everyone is important.There is not high and low points of Division of labor and each person can make their own efforts to contribute to the team.

3.3.3The establishment of positive incentive evaluation mechanism

Psychology proves:Everyone is a positive person who wants his work to be recognized and hopes that his efforts can be appreciated.Whether it is for the top students or poor students, they are all without exception.In the process of implementing cooperative group, if teachers can be supported by an effective incentive mechanism, it will make the students" learning state stay a kind of high efficiency.Effective incentive mechanism should be the evaluation system in which students can form a good cooperation .First of all, teachers should establish a reasonable evaluation system from the participation of the team members, the completion of the task and the specific task can be obtained in terms of integration and other aspects of the formation of cooperative learning evaluation.To let the students know that every step he does is about the honor of the group.Secondly, the teacher should create a team cooperation opportunity to let the team members to complete the task through group work. And teachers should strengthen the good relationship between the members of the group.Good cooperation can be formed only after the regular practice. In addition, the evaluation should grasp the opportunity to summarize the learning situation in time so as to let students learn from each other and improve cooperation in time.In this process, the teacher must be consistent to the rules you made so that students could have surprises.

3.4Organizational forms of cooperative learning

In various forms of group learning activities, each has its own characteristics and scope of application.According to the time,cooperation can be divided into different kinds such as cooperation before class, cooperation in class and cooperation after class.According to the content of cooperation, it can be divided into the division of cooperation, puzzle type cooperation and group discussion cooperation. Role play can be group presentations, group discussions, group games, role play and group research.

3.4.1The form of division of labor

The best group is a group of 4 people.In the group cooperation, the situation is often the case that the team members often quarrel for the allocation of the task , and some members of the group wasted valuable time which due to the responsibility is not clear.I usually give a task to each member of the group, so that each student has something to do and they can better complete the task of cooperation.Teachers can arrange responsibilities for the members of the group, such as Material Officer (who are in charge of the collection of learning materials in the group),The inspector (who are supervised the learning progress of members),Recorder (who records group discussion), Leader(who are responsible for the overall cooperation of the group).Each member"s responsibilities are clear. They not only have their own independent responsibility, but also need to work together as a group to be responsible for the task.

3.4.2Jigsaw cooperative learning

Jigsaw cooperative learning refers to the cooperative task which is divided into several specific parts.Separate task is assigned to each of the team members and let each member alone prepare their own part .It will then spell the overall task, the formation of a complete report.The result can be used to form the overall task and form a complete content of the report.The role of the class textbook play is adopted such as a cooperative approach.Role play is to create a real life which is similar to the real problem situation becoming the content of learning.The team leader is responsible for the allocation of each team member.Each member of the team has a role to play. After the team members being familiar with the dialogue, members of the group cooperate with others to perform the task. Everyone shows their bright spots to the others and this is a kind of cooperation that students generally like.Teachers can reward students by the way of group integration.For the honor of the group, each student is willing to cooperate with each other.Whether it"s a top student or a student, you can find your place in this activity.And you can improve the confidence and experience to complete the task of happiness in the process of learning .

3.4.3Hierarchical competition of cooperation

The team members are scheduled in accordance with A, B, C, D .After the teacher"s teaching, the students learn from each other in the group.Good grades students check the learning situation of poor students and in this form of cooperation, in order to share the honor of the group, the good grade students can complete the reorganization of knowledge to achieve the role of cognitive refinement.Poor students with learning difficulties in the guidance of top students can also be independent to finish tasks and all members are able to learn the content of teaching. And then the teacher design the task for each level of the students. The score each member of the game gained in the group contribute to the total score of the group.

4.Problems in the Implementation of Cooperative Learning

With a new round of curriculum reform of basic education, elementary schools in many areas has begun the use of cooperative learning in English classroom which use student activities to replace teachers teaching and let students learn autonomously.However, due to various factors, there are still many problems to be solved in the cooperative learning in English teaching of primary school in China.

4.1The unscientific construction of the group

In the primary school English class, there are two types of cooperation. First,dividing the groups according to the seats. The first group division is relatively simple.Most English teachers think that the teachers must have considered each student"s learning situation and personality condition.Therefore, it is reasonable and convenient to divide the group according to the seat.However, they did not take the individual nature of their English class into account .Some student"s academic performance is very good, but his English is not necessarily strong while some students’ characteristic are relative closed but they are very confident in English and are willing to express themselves in English.The classroom will be relatively easy to manipulate through this method but English teachers ignore the differences of personality between team members. It can not reasonably match different characteristics, different levels of team members and students can not get the optimal combination, complementary advantages and promote each other.

4.1.1Improper use of group teaching

Most English teachers use group teaching in two parts of class.For example, the first class (up-A warming part), let the students open their mouths to move the brain to actively cooperate and participate in the activities and another example is the third class (BL), the teacher will divide students into groups to actively explore and learn from each other.In fact, such frequency of group teaching is not appropriate in which the real implementation of the classroom is not a group cooperation and children do not have too much time to conduct independent research.Such cooperative learning is not corresponding to the new curriculum standard and can not let the students learn the purpose of the task.

4.1.2Group cooperation mode is single and the task is simple.

Many English teachers have a one-sided understanding of the meaning of cooperative learning that as long as the students learn in the form of group cooperation which is the cooperative learning.This is only to highlight the classroom form and classroom atmosphere which cause the low efficiency.In the English classroom, when the teacher assigns the group after the learning task, students sit together to discuss, talk and laugh which seemingly very positive and effective.But in fact, it is a ineffective cooperation that teachers only pay attention to the form of the cooperative learning.

In the cooperative learning, English teachers did not give a simple demonstration of the task of or a necessary explanation.Pupils often do not know what the teacher let them do and how to do it. In order to improve the students" participation,when having problems, whether appropriate or inappropriate, difficult or easy, teachers all want students to carry out cooperative discussion.These useless cooperative learning can not make the students think critically and can not inspire student"s interest.Moreover,it wastes a large amount of class time and lead to the inefficient teaching.

4.1.3Inequality of opportunity for students

In the process of cooperative learning, students’ opportunities to participate in the activities are unequal. The top students are very easy to manipulate the group as a whole while the middle students are independent on the top students.However the poor students don’t have many opportunities to speak out their ideas.In such a cooperative learning classroom, students" participation in the group cooperation is not equal, which will not play the role of cooperative learning, and can not effectively promote the common progress of students of different levels of knowledge.

4.2Analysis of causes of the problems

There are many problems in the study of cooperative learning in primary school English class.Specific analysis is as follows:

4.2.1Factors of teachers

Lack of theoretical understanding of cooperative learning.The new curriculum standard advocates teachers to use cooperative learning in English class, but the English teachers in primary school have little understanding of cooperative learning.Research shows that in the primary school ,teachers have studied little theoretical background of cooperative learning, learning mode and related application method.At the same time, they have not thought about the integration of cooperative learning and English subject.They organize cooperative learning only based on their r own understanding.Therefore, if there is not very strong theoretical basis to support the teaching of teachers, practical work will inevitably produce the above mentioned problems.

Lack of preparation for group cooperative learning and classroom management.Compared with the traditional English teaching, the group cooperative learning is more demanding for the English teacher.This requires the teacher to do a good job of teaching preparation before organizing cooperative learning. At the same time,in the cooperative learning, the biggest problem is the problem of classroom management.English teacher"s classroom management level will directly influence the learning efficiency of the cooperative group.In the process of cooperative learning, if the English teachers can effectively organize and manage the students, the learning efficiency will be greatly improved to achieve the desired goal.Conversely, if English teachers’ management are not flexible, it will not achieve the desired goal.

4.2.2Factors of students

Pupils consciousness of cooperation is weak and the attitude is indifferent.It is not difficult to find that the awareness of students’ cooperation in primary school are often weak.Students with good grades in English tend to be pleased with oneself while students with poor grades often become inferior in the group.Therefore, their sense of cooperation and cooperation opportunities are missing over time and they can hardly develop a willingness to cooperate with others .Moreover,students with good grades do not want to carry out exchanges and cooperation in a group situation.

Students" mastery of the cooperative skills is lack.Cooperative skills are especially important when working with a group of students, which is an important condition for students to carry out group cooperative learning successfully.The lack of students" cooperative learning skills often leads them not to know how to cooperate, how to discuss, how to listen, how to communicate, how to express and so on, which directly affects the effectiveness of student"s cooperation.Students also need to learn about the responsibilities of each role in the team and know how to play its role, how the team demands on themselves and how to help other students within the group.

5.Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning

Through the study we found that cooperative learning in English class in primary school is still well received by students.65. 3% of the students have a tendency to have cooperation learning in English class. They are more willing to participate in this class.Through the cooperation and mutual assistance,they can get ideal results and taste the joy of success.

5.1Establishment of the purpose of cooperative learning

As a language subject, it’s important to practice English.Learn English is to use English and to let students learn to communicate in English.In primary schools, students should be trained in the English language of curiosity, so that they are exposed to a simple foreign culture.It enables students be willing to speak in English, express emotion and attitude,give simple conversation and sing simple English songs.Therefore, teachers should put the forming of students" good learning habits in the first place.Once the good habits have been formed, the innovation consciousness and the ability of independent learning will be greatly enhanced and improved.So teachers should make full use of these interesting and cooperative link to let the students participate in the classroom process, increasing their chances of using English and realizing the English classroom communication.

5.2Scientific division of group

According to the common characteristics and individual differences of the students, the teacher should be grouped according to the standard of abilities. The number of each group was 4 to 6, and the fixed.Before the team work, the teacher should set up some basic group cooperation rules in advance. Group size of four to six people, distribution to individual students, and students" cooperation, communication and division of labor is the best.The scale of this group ensures the basic number of people the group to complete the tasks and avoid the loose state because of an excessive number of people.Successful team is neither classified as male cooperation, nor female cooperation.The correct division of group should that all members of the group can achieve the complementary, learn from each other and help with each other.

5.3Adequate preparation of learning materials

Learning material is the material basis and precondition of cooperative learning.In order to make the group cooperative learning go well, the English teachers should make adequate preparations and send the auxiliary materials to the students such as Practice word cards, sentence patterns, picture instructions, team performance, and so on.

5.4Reasonable control of the frequency and time of cooperative learning

In English teaching in primary school , a lot of time can be used to organize students to carry out group cooperative learning.But English teachers" Energy and classroom time is limited. Too frequent use of active learning and cooperative learning will weaken the influence of the students and the group cooperative learning quality.At the same time, when organizing group cooperative learning, teachers should reasonably arrange the learning time and show time.Therefore, the correct group cooperation should be based on each task so that students can complete the group cooperation.At the same time, in the group discussion, the teacher should give adequate opportunity for students to show their team work results.


All in all, group work is a very useful and important teaching skill and method in junior high school of English teaching. It is proved that the students learn best when they are actively involved in the process.The students working in groups tend to learn more of what is taught and retain it longer than when the same content is presented in other instructional formats. The interaction between teachers and students, students and students is strengthened through group work. It gives students more opportunities to train their English abilities. Besides these, students’ creativity and cooperative ability are well cultivated. To be English teachers, they ought to pay attention to group work teaching method before using it in English class. Teachers should make most of various forms of group work to stimulate students’ interest to cultivate students" initiative in learning English and make students to master English learning skills easily. For students, to learn ,they must experience appropriate levels of challenge, each brain needs to make its own meaning of ideals and skills and learning environments must be emotionally safe for group-work learning to take place.Group work that is truly good must provide for the complex needs of English learning and teaching.At the same time, in the group discussion, the teacher should give adequate opportunity for students to show their team work results.English teachers in primary school should apply the method to practice.Let more students fall in love with English class and develop autonomous and cooperative learning good habits.

Works Cited

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Kagan Spencer.Kagan Structures for Emotional Intelligence,2011a.

Kagan Spencer.Kagan Structures for Thinking Skills, 2011b.

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