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论英语教师课堂语言艺术对学生学习兴趣的影响 The study on the influence of English teachers classroom language art on students learning interest

 2023-07-20 12:02:52  


摘 要




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Different Kinds of Classroom Language 4

3.1 The definition of verbal language and its application 4

3.2 The definition of body language and its application 5

3.3 The importance of the application of classroom language techniques 6

4. Functions of Classroom Language Techniques and Students’ Interest in Learning English 7

4.1 The functions of classroom language techniques 7

4.2 The functions of students’ interest in learning English 8

5. The Necessity of Arousing Students’ Interest in Learning English by Applying Classroom Language Techniques 9

5.1 Cultivating students’ standard pronunciation and correct language expression.... 9

5.2 Developing students’ thinking ability 9

5.3 Cultivating the creative ability of the students" sense of humor 10

5.4 Improving students’ interest in learning 10

6. The Methods of Applying Language Techniques into English Teaching..11

6.1 The application of the emotional, humorous and enlightening vocal language techniques ... 11

6.2 The application of body language and the silent language techniques 11

6.3 The application of multimedia technology in language techniques 12

7. Conclusion 13

Works Cited 14

1. Introduction

With the rapid development of economy and technology, the international communication and cooperation are becoming more and more closely and frequently. As the most widely used language in the world, English is very important in international communication, which requires us to master some English, especially in English class in junior middle school. However, it’s known to us all that some students in middle school are generally lack of interest in learning English nowadays. This phenomenon is so serious that we everyone should realize that take viable measures to improve students’ learning interest. While in our English classroom teaching, language is the most important tool of communication. So it occurred to me that taking more classroom teaching language techniques is one of the best ways to improve students’ learning interest in English .

As for English teacher, it’s definitely important to master certain language techniques. How to improve students’ learning interest in English by using various language techniques? This topic is worthy to be studied. Language is the medium for people to express their opinions, and it is a symbol system that is delivered in a visual, auditory or tactile manner. As an art form, language not only refers to verbal language but also contains body language. They are main two kinds of language I will discuss in my paper. Students can be more able to understand the teaching contents through English teachers’ body language, which can give rise to stimulate students’ interest in learning English. Middle school English teacher should combine verbal language and body language freely, which is the highest level of the mastery of the language techniques.

All of that is such a challenge for teachers that worth everyone to think about, to learn and to apply flexibly. English, as a foreign language, contains deep exotic culture, which brings difficulty to students’ learning and understanding as well as English teachers’ teaching. Therefore, to improve students’ interest in learning English is the premise to learn English well. And the use of language techniques in classroom teaching is the source of promoting students’ learning interest and motivation. From this, my study is of certain significance to improve the efficiency of English classroom teaching.

Based on correlation theory like‘Meaning in Interaction’ by Thomas, J. ‘THE BOOK OF TELLS’by Peter Collett and‘Discursive Pragmatics’ by Jan Zienkowski, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren, this paper will tackle the way of using language techniques in English classroom teaching to improve middle school students’ interest in learning English from the following aspects: In part1, a brief introduction of Relevance Theory will be briefly discussed. In part 2, the analysis of several kinds of classroom language will be stated clearly. In part 3, the paper will explore the functions of classroom language techniques and students’ interest in learning English. In part 4, the necessity of arousing students’ interest in learning English by applying classroom language techniques will be analyzed.In part 5, the methods of applying language techniques into English teaching will be deeply discussed. In section 6, the thesis will finally arrive at a concise conclusion.

2. Literature Review

In recent years, the international communication is becoming more and more frequent, and with the rapid development of international trade, there has been an unprecedented phenomenon : the number of people who begin to learn English, teach English and use English is becoming larger and larger. This has brought greater pressure on the English teachers: it is imperative to teach English! Therefore, the language techniques can be a key to improve students’ interest in learning English in classroom teaching.

A lot of researchers both from abroad, such as, John I. Saeed, 1997; Fries, Charles, 1975; Jan Zienkowski, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren, 1995; Peter Collett , 2003, Jenny Thomas; 1995, and domestic, such as Wang Qiang, 2000; Liu Hongwu, 2004; Feng Kecheng, 1999; etc., They have carried out various researches about language techniques and students’ interest in learning English, but there are still lack of sufficient concern about how to use proper language techniques to improve middle school students’ interest in learning English in English classroom teaching, which is related to the most common and important factor in teaching and learning English well, namely, not.

Even though there are a lot of Chinese scholars, like Zhuang Jinying, 2000 and Meng Xiaoping, 1988; whose data analysis and quantitative study also have confirmed that the language techniques used in English classroom teaching have enormous effect on middle school students’ learning interest in English. So, we can obviously find the serious importance of the study of language techniques in English teaching and learning.

Body language refers to the various movements through the whole body, thus instead of language to achieve the goal of expressive communication. In Peter Collett’s book ‘The Book Of Tells’, we can clearly understand body language, one of the language types, and its usage and performance in different situations. It is a required course for actors, as well as for the teachers. Different lesson types in different cases of body language are also very distinct. In a word, rich and accurate body language can bring English teachers better interpretation of different lessons. What’s more, rich body language used in English class can not only stimulate students’ interest in learning English and attract their attention into class.

Apart from the head, eye, neck, hands, elbows, arms, body, legs, feet and other parts of the body coordinate activities employed to convey the thoughts of English teacher, teachers can also use rich and wonderful verbal language to attract students’ interest. Exactly as is written in “Meaning in Interaction: An Introduction to Pragmatics” by Jenny Thomas or “Discursive Pragmatics” by Jan Zienkowski, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren, the definition, behavior, conversational implicature and the research approaches of verbal language and pragmatics are fully elaborated in detail. They have also carefully studied cohesion and coherence, critical linguistics and critical discourse, figures of speech, public discourse and so on.

The two patterns of language mentioned above increase the necessity of language techniques applied in English classroom teaching, for English is a foreign language and difficult to understand, but sometimes they bring confusion and understanding obstacles in the process of teaching English. Therefore, this study is undertaken to systematically discuss main ways of using verbal language and body language freely in English class. The thesis will elaborate the main factors which determine the interest of middle school students’ learning in English. Besides, the thesis will also provide some examples to illustrate those methods of applying language techniques into English teaching during the discussion of some relevant relationships between classroom language techniques and students’ interest in English learning in addition to confirming some related theories. Actually, it will be helpful in realizing how to apply language techniques flexibly if we want to improve students’ interest in English, which is definitely not hard to understand, particularly in the practice of English teaching. At this point, the topic for this study has important practical value. The thesis provides not only the further proof of language techniques in English teaching but also necessary material for future study as well as practical translation in this field. Among the implications, there is no doubt that proposed strategies for applying languages kills are very useful in English learning and teaching; besides, recommendations for future research are also very significant for future study. According to above theoretical and practical significance, it is necessary to carry out this study.

3. Different Kinds of Classroom Language

Classroom language includes verbal language and body language. It is very important for a teacher to bend these two kinds of classroom language skillfully. Students can be attracted by interesting and wonderful classroom language and vice versa. As we all know, only when students are interested in one subject can they study it well. So it is very urgent and necessary to deeply study the two kinds of classroom language.

3.1 The definition of verbal language and its application

Oxford Advanced Dictionary defines “verbal language” as that “the combination of sound and meaning and to speak and listen to the communication mode of the sound language”. "Language is the medium and tool of thinking. Human beings use language to carry on infinite creative thinking activities." If the process of foreign language teaching can not cultivate students" foreign language comprehension and the ability to express ideas, it is difficult to make them grasp the authentic essence of language. "To cultivate students" comprehensive ability of using English to communicate has become the main goal of English teaching.

To Modern English teaching is not only to teach students simple words, phrases, sentences and stereotyped grammar rules, it is more important to teach them to apply their knowledge, and to utilize the knowledge to communicate with other people. English listening, speaking, reading and writing have been regarded as a variety of tests for the key contents by the attention of vast number of educators. Training the ability of oral expression is often ignored, so some students can handle all types of questions with aplomb when they are among empty talks, but can’t even express the simple feelings when they are among the situations with the need of saying English.

Nowadays there are dumb English, deaf English, China English abounding around us, which is a serious violation of the purpose of learning English and communicating with others. Therefore, the status of verbal language in the English classroom teaching is particularly important. We should try to instill on verbal English learning in class, that means the English teachers of middle school must pay more attention to their own class oral English. When a teacher can have a command of spoken language in the classroom, his or her students can have more chances of mastering verbal English well.

3.2 The definition of body language and its application

What is body language? It should be spoken of the Nonverbal social intercourse and the Nonverbal behavior. In human social intercourse process, specially the oral communication, people have some body movement while talking, such as body posture, countenance, gesture and so on. They are also delivering the information, making a set of system which is equal to the language signal one, the Nonverbal social intercourse . People call the behavior for using the nonverbal method to communicate, Nonverbal Behavior. Body Language is expressing how one feels by the way one sits, stands, moves, etc rather than by words (Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, 2001). Body language is a term for communication using body movements or gestures instead of sounds, verbal language or other communication. It forms part of the category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal language. This includes the most subtle movements that many people are not aware of, including winking and slight movement of the eyebrows. In addition, body language can also incorporate the use of facial expressions.

The new teaching material has brought teachers new teaching philosophy, and also has brought new challenge to the teachers’ teaching and students’ learning. English classroom teaching should be interesting, practical and effective. In terms of English teaching, teachers can make students learn better only by stimulating their interest. There are many ways to stimulate students to learn English and using body language in teaching is one of them. On the one hand, it is a special tool to communicate with others, which just requires the participation of the body itself rather than the use of our vocal organs. Consequently, as the supplement of sound language, body language can always give learners deep impression. On the other hand, the use of body language in English teaching can not only greatly enhance the effectiveness of classroom teaching, but also fully motivate students" interest in learning English. Students will develop a good habit of independent learning and collaborative learning under this circumstance. To sum up, teachers should apply the vivid, lively, passionate body language more in daily teaching, which can generate the interesting, practical and effective implementation of classroom teaching. What’s more, English teachers should have an insight into reading the techniques of students’ body language and help themselves to achieve a higher teaching goal. Ultimately, the understanding between teachers and students can be promoted.

Targets of English curriculum reform proposed: promoting active participation of students, willingness of exploration, hand-on, working strong interest in learning. Since Chinese students have just been exposed to English, with small vocabulary and the lack of a certain language environment, teachers can use body language to support English language teaching. In our English class, body language can make class more vividly. Proper motion of our body can be a leader for students to remember and understand the teachers’ intentions, such as to remember a new word, a sentence type or just a phonetic symbol. As we all know, the 48 gestures of phonetic symbols in Li Yang Crazy English are very prevalent among middle school students. The reason is that the gestures can not only attract students’ interest but offer them a easier way to remember all the phonetic symbols.

3.3 The importance of the application of classroom language techniques

From what we have discussed above, we know that oral language and body language are all very important in the English classroom teaching, and that means the serious status of language techniques in the classroom teaching. Teacher"s language techniques demand the teacher to follow the teaching rules and aesthetic principles, to put the perfect language as a means to implement teaching, and strive to improve the quality of teaching skills. Sue Home Linsky said: "The teacher"s language training in a great extent determines the efficiency of the students in the classroom mental work".

From ancient times, the images of teachers in people’s minds are respected and admired received. So people also put forward higher requirements for the teacher including words and deeds. The behavior of a teacher can affect students all the time. Thus, as an English teacher, how to obtain the beat teaching efficiency in just 45 minutes has become a serous topic. The use of language techniques is a direct way. So in the middle school English teaching, the ingenious uses of language techniques become the focus of study among English teachers. Language is an art and an important tool to transfer knowledge in classroom teaching. It can help teachers to guide students to understand and master the knowledge learned. Therefore, in middle school English teaching, the teacher must use the art of language to stimulate students’ interest in learning English. Using humorous language can activate classroom atmosphere and students’ participation in English learning, rather than passive knowledge receivers. For example, body language is carried out through the activities of the various parts of the body. Using the body language can greatly enhance the effectiveness of classroom teaching, help inspire students to participate in learning, help students to learn independently, and achieve the collaborative learning.

4. Functions of Classroom Language Techniques and Students’ Interest in Learning English

4.1 The functions of classroom language techniques

Classroom language includes spoken language and body language. Both of them can stimulate students’ hearing and vision, which can then attract students’ interest in learning and be easier for them to master the teaching content. So in the large extent, proper language techniques in class can improve students’ interest in learning English. Here are some examples.

Body language is a kind of human language, which means that the communicators can carry out the information and communicate with others by eye contact, facial expressions, postures, gestures and so on. In English classroom teaching, body language can also undertake the function of information transmission. When the teacher stands in front of the podium, there will be a sense of distance, which can make the students naturally generate a sense of dignity and consequently the sense of respect for teachers. Teachers can also be adjusted according to the needs of teaching activities and students" distance. When the students come to the stage, teachers should stand close to the students, just like a carefully listener, so that teachers can not only hear them and find out errors and correct, but also make the students feel the teacher"s kindness; when students do exercises, teachers can leave the podium to help students. If one student distracts attention from class or acts out other bad behavior, teachers’ interference can make the students immediately change bad behavior.

Facial expression is a barometer of amplification and the emotional change of the characterization. It is the most sensitive, the most rapid, and the most fully reflect of the human"s thoughts and feelings. Roman Roland, a famous writer, said: "Facial expressions are the language of the successful development during several centuries, it is much more complicate than the language expressed by mouth." So if teachers can be aimed at facial expressions properly in different language situations, it is possible to effectively control the classroom atmosphere and to build up the confidence of the students by using a smile. If teachers often smile in class, then, students will gradually be influenced by the teacher"s positive mental state, so does the same attitude, which will greatly improve the quality of teaching.

4.2 The functions of students’ interest in learning English

As we all know, students in junior middle school are young teenagers. They are full of curiosity about all the unknown things and eager to succeed, but they are lack of experience. All of them hope to get the understanding and recognition of others. Junior middle school is not only the period of growing body, enriching knowledge and acquiring wisdom, but also the gradual formation of its moral character and world outlook. They are faced with the sharp changes in physiology and psychology areas, it is easy to produce psychological adaptation.

It is well known that interest is the best teacher in the learning process. Many students do not want to study English lesson, the key is that they have no interest in English. Therefore, as a middle school English teacher, first of all should be to stimulate and cultivate students" learning interest, improve students" initiative to participate in the English learning. How to cultivate students" interest in learning English is the life of English teaching. “Stimulating and cultivating students" interest in learning English” is listed as the first article in the new curriculum standards. Obviously, learning interest plays a very important role in the study of students. On this point, at all times and in all countries, many thinkers, educators and psychologists also had a lot of discussion. Einstein once said: "interest is the best teacher." Piaget, a modern cognitive psychologist, attached great importance to the role of interest in learning, he said: "all effective activities must be in a certain interest as a prerequisite." Sue Home Linsky pointed out: "learning interest is an important driving force for learning activities."

Therefore, improving student’ interest in learning English is of great significance in English teaching. We should build awareness of attracting students’ attention into our class according to their psychological and physiological characteristic

5. The Necessity of Arousing Students’ Interest in Learning English by Applying Classroom Language Techniques

5.1 Cultivating students’ standard pronunciation and correct language expression

In our daily life, we often find that some of the idioms and verbal language of parents can be stood out when their children talk about something. This is because children are imperceptibly influenced by what their parents see and hear. In English teaching, students usually start from zero for English is not our mother tongue. If the teacher"s pronunciation is not standard, it is not difficult to imagine that students will develop the wrong pronunciation of English in the beginning of the formation of the correct pronunciation. This requires teachers to master the pronunciation standard and solid grammar structure. It will help students to form the correct pronunciation and language habits. Therefore, English teachers in middle school with high level of language techniques will cultivate students" correct pronunciation and language expression.

5.2 Developing students’ thinking ability

Generally, vivid image of the language teaching will directly inspired students to learn knowledge of image thinking. Concise summary of the language teaching can train students for the knowledge of the abstract thinking. Through the language of the wisdom of the teacher, we can cultivate students’ agile thinking dimension. Every view of language from the teachers is bound to affect students in terms of the knowledge of judgment and comprehensible thinking. Teachers can also develop divergent and broad thinking of students through a wide range of language materials.

5.3 Cultivating the creative ability of the students" sense of humor

In middle school, if English teachers can apply rich teaching language and humorous, vivid, concise and comprehensive language to teach students the knowledge of English, it can offer students a mesmerizing enjoyable feeling for English learning. In addition, it can also enable students to unknowingly cultivate the ability of humorous art creation, stimulating the rapid formation of their humor cells. Finally, students themselves can be interested in the knowledge learning in English class boundlessly.

5.4 Improving students’ interest in learning

As we all know, “interest is the best teacher”, therefore, improving the students’ interest in learning English will drive their initiative and enthusiasm for English learning, so as to improve the learning efficiency. If students have no interest in learning English, they will produce weariness, causing an inanimate English class. At that moment, nobody will listen to the teacher or answer the questions put by the teacher. What an embarrassing situation! Therefore, the teacher must use the language techniques in class in order to cultivate students’ interest in learning and change their learning styles from passive to voluntary, giving rise to the emotional experience in the pleasant classroom atmosphere. Such as: when talking about the unit of “hometown”, the teacher can ask the students to freely express their own opinion around this theme. They may introduce and describe his hometown to all of us, actively involved in the class. That is good enough to inspire students" interest in learning. Another example: when we teach “friendship”, the teachers can make use of sketch art and performance art songs, interpreting the friendship we understand, so that the students are actively involved in the pleasant classroom learning, enjoying the pleasure of learning.

6. The Methods of Applying Language Techniques into English Teaching

6.1 The application of the emotional, humorous and enlightening vocal language techniques

As a vocal language techniques, English set higher requirements for English teachers in middle schools, including: the accuracy of English pronunciation, clear articulation, language expression standard and the appropriateness of the words. Teachers are forced to have strong language logic and distinct reasoning and to make sense and be well arranged. English teachers in middle school should use the following language techniques in English teaching:

1 .the use of emotional language techniques

2 the use of humorous language techniques

3 the use of enlightening language techniques

6.2 The application of body language and the silent language techniques

6.2.1 Application of Body language in pronunciation teaching

English teaching mainly focus on the students" sense of language and the ability to make a simple communication in English, English teachers can put the pronunciation of some letters or words as core in the process of teaching. This can make the students achieve better perception of English and better use of everyday English communication. For example, in the teaching of "mouth" and "mouse", the pronunciation of these two words’ sound seems to be a little different, but the pronunciation is quite the opposite. When it comes to "mouth", "th" is not easy to pronounce. The teacher can ask the students to look at position of the mouth and tongue. To make this sound, the tongue should come out, the upper teeth and lower teeth need to bite your tongue gently. After then, the students try to pronounce the sound according to the teacher"s method, and most of them can pronounce it obviously better and more standard than the original one through a few times of practicing. "se" in "mouse" can be pronounced under the circumstance that the upper teeth and the bottom teeth are all closed. It is much easier and relaxed than “th”. Two similar words with similar pronunciation can be easy to distinguish correctly so long as allowing students to observe the way of pronunciation.

6.2.2 Application of body language in building a good teaching platform

In the teaching activity, the teacher"s body language is a tool that attracts the attention of the students. Therefore, if the teacher is able to use the body language in the teaching, they can make the student concentrate their attention to class. In the course of English Teaching in schools, we ask our teachers to be able to use proper body language to control the students" attention. Such as behaving timely hints, warnings aiming at some typical problems the learners make during performances. We can also express hope, encouragement, probing or some other expression, and help every learner master the method of obtaining, analyzing and disposing information from performance. This kind of body language can be a gaze, body posture, facial expressions and gestures, etc. In this way, the learner will have a happy, positive mood, so as to be full of enthusiasm, confidence, and actively participate in the study of tension.

The teacher in the normal teaching mostly focus on the use of language and the writing on the blackboard, but ignore the advantage of body language. When students are in the activity, the teacher should interact with them, and often go into the students to understand the situation or to offer help. At this moment, the use of body language will be able to play a great role. During the interaction, students" interest is very high, and then the use of body language to direct students to start or stop activities and the purpose is clear, which can make most of the students understand the teacher"s intentions, and the effect will be much better than simply using a sound language. The most common body language in the classroom is the eyes, and the application of the eyes is a remote control of a good lesson. Teachers can use the eyes to control the students and tell the students what they should do or shouldn’t do. For example, the use of body language can always remind students who are wandering by looking at their eyes or going closer to their desks. Sometimes, teachers love to knock at their desks a few times for warning. It does no harm to classroom teaching and can attract the attention of students.

6.3 The application of multimedia technology in language techniques

With the rapid development of the information age, teachers can integrate the new language techniques into English teaching. For example, projector, multimedia epidiascope, voice room. You can use the multimedia technology to improve English listening level of the students and to cultivate students" sense of language. Moreover, it can deepen the understanding and memory of knowledge and to improve students" ability to use English in the process of teaching.

7. Conclusion

Language techniques play a very important role in the classroom teaching. There are two main kinds classroom language, they are verbal language and body language .We need to make best use of them to improve students’ interest in learning English and the teaching efficiency. In a word, the language techniques of English teaching used in middle school can active the atmosphere of English class, and stimulate students" interest in learning English. Furthermore, proper language techniques in classroom teaching can also make the students gain the knowledge happily and enjoy the joy of success, which is the real purpose of English teaching.

This paper introduces some language techniques that influence students’ interest in learning English, which helps readers acknowledge the fact that applying proper language techniques into English class is a must in the course of teaching efficiency. Then the thesis presents a large number of examples concerning the importance of language techniques. In the end, this essay also provides several methods for applying language techniques into classroom teaching under the illumination of importance of language techniques. This paper aims at developing teachers’ awareness of applying proper language techniques into English classroom teaching in middle school, but it still has a lot of defects and needs to be studied fatherly.

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