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摘 要




1.Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. English Education Market in China 2

3.1 The present situation of English education market in China 2

3.2 The importance of developing English education market in China 4

3.3 Problems of English education market in China.............................................5

4.Strategies of Developing Chinese English Education Market 6

4.1Improving teaching quality 6

4.2 Strengthening market management 7

4.3 Improving professional degree of English brand 8

4.4 Diversifying education tools 9

4.5 Expending the market reasonably 10

4.6 Adding value in service 12

5.Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15


English education in China has initially formed a huge market. Esperanto English position has been formed. The official language in 45 countries around the world is English, 1/3 people speak English, 75% of broadcast television programs is in English, more than 80 percent of scientific and technological information with the English expression, almost 100% of the software source code written in English. With the expansion of Chinese openness and an urgent need to exchange foreign exchanges, English language has become an essential communication tool. In China, English learners become more and more, and ability of English learning has been improving. English education market is constantly evolving.

With the deepening of Chinese reform and opening up, as one of the tools of communication and media, English is important for further education, promotion, job, study and foreign exchanges and other parties. This situation gradually formed the market potential and business opportunities, so numerous domestic and foreign training institutions have vied for Chinese English training market. At present, in China, English training has become a huge cultural industry, and high-speed development. This paper aims at the investigation of the current exist problems of domestic English training market, putting forward specific measures and strategies from the perspective of management and development.

The paper consists in five parts: the first chapter is the introduction; the second is the literature review; the third is the description of Chinese English education market; the fourth chapter is the main part of this paper, which suggests some strategies in developing education market; the last chapter is conclusion.

2. Literature Review

Western theoretical training from the earliest American classical management theorists Father of scientific management Taylor, “Principles of Scientific Management”(Taylor 23) which published in 1911, since Taylor various training theories have been produced and applied in practice. From the earliest theoretical training to change behavior, to demand training theory, capital theory training, group training theory, theory of lifelong education and training, elaborate and enrich the theoretical system of modern training from different angles. “Among them, the capital theoretical training, lifelong education and training theories put forward to modern training concept has far-reaching impact; Analysis and evaluation of theoretical training, including training needs analysis theory and the theory of training effectiveness evaluation, it describes the content of the training; Behavioral change theoretical training, group training theory describes the method of training.”(Taylor 68) These various training theory training practice has different degrees of significance, today, the impact of capital theoretical training and lifelong education and training theory is relatively large.

Xuzhen said in Analysis of English training market situation and business model, “English training market has a low threshold, low investment and operating costs, the characteristics of large gains, resulting in English training institutions fierce competition in the market.” (Xu 4)Some companies has almost monopolized the English training market a category. But on the overall development, China’s English training market Yang still in its infancy of development. Our English language training market is showing a diversified, large-scale, high-tech development and other characteristics, these more advanced development model to help training institutions to modernize roads, and English language training so that the overall size of China has been expanding. But our English training institutions facing brand and marketing management is not strong sense of cooperation dilemma, so we must continue to try and reform towards a more healthy path of development.

Zengweiwei thought that as a part of our foreign language education, foreign language training institution showing the diversification of the market, hierarchical educational content, business model diversification and so on. “The foreign language training industry market diversification, training is divided by subject as follows: school principal from foreign language training institutions constitute property will be divided into four categories of foreign language training, private foreign language training institutions, colleges and universities affiliated training institutions, social media, foreign language training institutions, overseas training institutions.”(Zeng 5) Running content hierarchy, according to foreign language training division: EJU Education Vocational Education Examination has a multilingual education ability. Diversified business model, In order to adapt to the current status quo training industry, foreign language training industry uses a variety of business models, there are four main models, they are the traditional business model, franchise mode, franchise mode, online mode of education. To focus on the development needs of the market integrity, enhance service awareness; blending cultures in brands; continuing to innovate.

3. English Education Market in China

3.1 The present situation of English education market in China

Recent years, with the advance of economic globalization and China is becoming open. Chinese pay more and more attention to English since it is an international language. Chinese Ministry of Education National Educational Development Statistical Bulletin shows that China has nearly 300 million people in the huge consumer group English training now, the total number of English training institutions is more than 50,000, and market capitalization has more than 30 billion yuan, with more than 100,000 teachers of English teacher. English education market has become Chinese largest training industry economic chain cake. “Everyone is to learn English.” is the present situation of English learning in China.

Fast Cool English, established by the Shanghai Express Network Technology Co., Ltd. Operations, is an innovative training institution that collects English education in science and technology and the Internet. Contacting foreign teachers and students through an online connection video tool, it provides all students who want to improve their English speaking a simple and convenient affordable learning platform. As the first in the online real spoken language training institutions, Fast Cool English gets more and more support and love from student.

Waldock International English is a high-end brand of personalized adult education brand. There are already more than two hundred and fifty thousand students in Waldock who realize their dream of learning English, and Waldock has opened more than 50 schools in more than 30 cities in the country.

Waldock creation has always adhere to help more Chinese people happy, confident, easy fluency in English, and to achieve the dream of success for the mission, Comprehensive solve different problems and difficulties encountered in the study of English students. Annually help national civil service, international agencies, industry employees, students, etc., tens of thousands of students to improve their English. As a professional language training, they use lively language environment, unique professional “Mother Tongue Teaching", strict prudent management of teaching, senior teacher taught face to face learning and self-assisted instruction combination, allow you to experience the joy of learning the language.

Chinese English learning enthusiasm is crazy, China has become the world’s largest, the most important and the most promising English education market. Council director Dr Diyanni authority of international English language training American University told reporters. Learning English is no longer just to study abroad, it is seen as an effective means to improve the ability of the individual, more and more Chinese people learning English is designed to give themselves “charge”. China is now the economic form of the market economy, therefore English education will inevitably be changes in market and economic needs influence the Statute.

3.2 The importance of developing English education market in China

With the passage of the time, language as a tool that people communicate with each other, helps people better understand this world. In this new era, everyone can not be limited to the exchange of Chinese, everyone should look to the world, pay attention to communication with the world. History gave a profound lesson that closed development will bring the pain of subjugation. Nowadays, more than 70 percent of the world"s mail is written in English, written in English or address. More than 70% of the world"s scientific publications published in English. Broadcast program in the world, 60% are conducted in English. Most of the international conference for the first universal language is English, it is also one of the official working languages of the United Nations. English as an international language, it enables people to communicate and to understand more of the dynamics of the world and the most advanced knowledge.

Since the reform and opening up, Chinese English training industry level has been greatly improved. The number of people who choose to go abroad and people in need for English continues to grow. The level of training and testing have been further improved. Its overall has become a major industry. Secondly, after China"s entry to WTO, there is a growth in China"s foreign trade and foreign relations and English examinations in various types in China began to consist in the important part in education. Most Chinese people pay unprecedented attention to it. Currently people have entered into a new upsurge of learning English. Such a status quo makes English training market was extremely hot. Accordingly, people are no longer satisfied with traditional English education system, but to seek ways of English training market to enhance their English proficiency, and by studying English or seek to achieve their desired career goals.

All in all, in international politics, military, economy, science and technology, culture, trade, transportation and other fields, English is an important communication tool. “With the continuous expansion of China"s opening, progress of science and technology, the international status continuously improve, the urgent need to create a large number of specialized personnel proficient in foreign languages, so that China plays a greater and more active role in international affairs.” (Xu 3)Therefore, to learn English has important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance to the achievement of these objectives.

3.3 Problems of English education market in China

Such a huge training market is also facing many problems.

Firstly, teaching quality varies greatly. Due to the relatively low barriers to entry, various types of capital compete to enter the English training market. Many operators of education lack scientific understanding of English education law, and operating philosophy is not systematically improved.

Secondly, fake advertisements and frauds propagate its belief on a large scale. In today’s English training institutions, some foreign language schools use foreign teachers to attract students, and display school teaching strength. But with the development of English education market, the growing demand for foreign teachers causes teacher market chaos. According to reports, some foreigners who come to China for visit or study act as a “teacher" in some training institutions for a part-time job. It is extremely dangerous and irresponsible to students. Like many of the service markets, there are many asymmetric information in English training market. English training for producers and consumers to grasp information is completely asymmetric. Many people feel very confused in the choice of English training institutions, because they know little about their English proficiency, the quality of teaching training institutions etc.

Lastly, market’s disorderly competition and chaos price also bring problems. Current competition in English training market has reached a fevered pitch. For example, Beijing would have more than 3,000 English language training institutions. Each year there are more than 300 newly established, but each year there are more than 300 closed. There are few training institutions with good quality and good reputation. The quality of most English training institutions can not be guaranteed, so they have to enroll students at a lower price. In a brutal price war, the only choice for many training institutions is to close, which results in a huge loss of hundreds or even thousands of students’ time and money. It also seriously dampened the enthusiasm and confidence in their English learning, affecting the normal development of the English training market.

4. Strategies of Developing Chinese English Education Market

4.1 Improving teaching quality

Starting from the market demand, the most important work in the current English training industry is to develop steadily. Training institutions should be market-oriented and seek greater development in training philosophy, product innovation, marketing strategy, management mechanisms and put the improvement of the quality of personnel training in a prominent position. A good English training institution should be able to develop customized learning plan for each student, at any time to adjust his learning progress and to give personalized help.(Philip and Devin 52)

China is a country with huge demand in English training industry but currently in the infant industry. In order to effectively enhance their competitiveness, it is necessary to adapt to market demand to deepen transformation and focus on improving students" practical application ability. With the development of the training market, many large companies begin to focus their attention on quality and capability in choosing partners. They are willing to choose to high-quality training institutions to work with. Although in the selection process, price factor still has significant influence, companies start to focus on training quality and effectiveness in feedback. Inferior price and low quality of training courses will be eliminated. A high level of trainer can be said to be a strategic partner companies, trainers provide valuable training for enterprises. In turn, enterprises require a deeper level of training help. Slowly and gradually, the two parties establish a relationship of mutual trust; eventually, the price factor would be naturally weakened.

4.2 Strengthening market management

Hong Kong media reported that, due to mainland English education in short supply, most English-speaking expatriates can easily find English teaching job. South China Morning Post reported, mainland China is now off the teacher boom, it is nothing more than a gold rush; opportunities are everywhere and you can always make a fortune. Networking Forum on foreign teacher recruitment advertising spreads in schools and language classes. (James and Dwight 61) There are also hundreds of jobs on the mainland and other international DavesESLCafe website for English teachers. Candidates apply for such positions in the Mainland often very simple: A resume is enough. Schools in contact, none requires a background check, letters of recommendation or qualifications. Strengthening market management has become the urgent need.

  1. Clearly define market access qualification training institutions

Currently all levels of government departments in charge of social training are mostly affiliated with education authorities. The industrial and commercial administrative departments are responsible for managing the social training institutions, and at same time, all levels education authorities also play a role in terms of approving the establishment of training institutions, but the management after the establishment of training institutions is in a state of laissez-faire. In this situation, education authorities should further improve the approval process for training institutions to investigate their running condition, to inspect teaching staff, facilities and other hardware, to enhance the overall educational level of English training institutions, and to ensure the quality of educational and training institutions and organizations.

  1. Constitute laws and regulations

To perfect laws and regulations may provide legal protection to English education market. It is necessary to further modify, supplement and improve the existing laws, regulations, terms and content of credit protection to enhance the effectiveness of legal protection. And it is also helpful to learn from the advanced experience of developed countries to develop and improve our country’s laws and regulations.

  1. Establish and improve the credit evaluation system

A sound credit evaluation system contributes a lot to encourage enterprises to consciously regulate their own behavior is very necessary. (Philip and Kevin 67) Because in today’s increasingly well-developed information technology, any act of dishonesty businesses can be passed on to consumers through information transmission system. Dishonest act will surly undermine corporate reputation. In order to strengthen the supervision of the training market, it is indispensible to establish an unified authoritative training market credit rating agencies and establish an effective information transmission system.

4.3 Improving professional degree of English brand

Today’s English training industry has developed in a state of disorderly competition. The Ebb Tide, final excellent English language training school will come to the fore. To make the training school better, it is in great need to develop a powerful and effective teaching management approach, and for education institutions, to develop reasonably and to cultivate effective teaching system will certainly enhance their competition in the market. English training industry will also steer from extensive boutique. From a brand perspective, a successful brand has its own distinctive characteristics and core values. It can have bold brand extension, win more market share, and enhance the core brand image. (Mark and Richard 59) The strive to create brand training industry will enhance its competitiveness and stimulate the enthusiasm to join the founder of the chain. If domestic English education and training market in the 1990s was the era of no-name scuffle, the 21st century is a brand of no-name knock-out tournament. From the analysis of the development of more than 10,000 large and small training institutions, it is easy to find that, with truly honest and true for the majority of learners, English education and training institutions can sustainably develop. Training institutions brand has become an important strategy for the Survival and Development. The main idea embodies mental, spiritual, concepts, beliefs, etc. Concept identification system is the foundation and soul of all the activities of education and training institutions, also a core part of education and training institutions image recognition system. Based on the common understanding of concept of education, English education and training both refine the concept of brand.

Currently foreign training giants vied for the Chinese market. Domestic publishers involved in the English training market, with intention to share a cup of soup. Faced with foreign forces and the emerging forces “attack”, local original English training institutions have to rise to meet the challenge. With the foreign language training market increasingly fierce competition, various agencies have adopted various means to expand the brand influence.

4.4 Diversifying education tools

Currently in the continuing education training market, it is usually centered on curriculum training activities. However, training programs in the curriculum can not meet the huge market. The courses in the training program are often popularized courses, which are not specialize and can not meet the specific purpose. So it is difficult to have sustainable development. Therefore, its drawbacks are obviously. The training program is expected to have a market potential so to attract more learners and to meet the social need. So, diversity of courses in the training program has to put in the first place.

Today, internet technology, multimedia and other new technology help build a wide range of teaching and training system. (Xie 33) It is an important breakthrough in the current training industry. New technology gives the possibility to have detailed video tutorials for basic learner, to cultivate the problem-solving capacity, and to have a reality imitation. It also combines knowledge with the actual needs and orient job counseling.

It can be concluded in coming period, education and training industry can find the way out lying in how to make good use of multimedia, network, mobile terminals and other medias. (Levinson 9) Provide comprehensive, three-dimensional teaching methods in the students’ preliminary learning phase. First method is “good basic literacy work,” to reasonably obtain adequate income; focus on “post-secondary professional orientation,” - the level of teachers, which needs really good job in pre-service training and the trainees practical operation skills training; and achieve the “passing grade students generally have a reasonable knowledge structure and ability to solve certain problems.” (Johnson 17) Traditional approach to training is mainly classroom training, however, innovative training methods means that one is reflected in the training methods. Various training institutions have also started various forms of training including online training, to the customer site house, as well as a number of specialized training programs tailored; the second is reflected in the use of various information technology tools; the third is the integration of a variety of training methods to get the integrated use of internship style, presentation type, game type, case study training techniques.

4.5 Expending the market reasonably

Market segments are different operations. English training market has great potential in the target audience of the masses. While English training needs market segment, small language institutions may have more space. A number of large education and training institutions develop different branches. Many training institutions have been broken down to child minders English, elementary mathematics essay, high school English, middle school subjects tutoring, adult practical English, English test. Small language institutions set up specialized courses to corporate with training and other independent business units. Therefore, it does not mean comprehensive a hodgepodge, and to confuse all training. Now the English training market appears segment trends, which is also a sign of the training market matures.

For English training institutions, its present position has been improved in the major cities. There are many competitions from overseas language training institutions. Overseas and domestic training institutions make the education market saturated.

Recent years, English training market in the second and third tier cities is growing rapidly. With the growth in demand for English training in second and third tier cities, EF deepened market in 2011, and in some second and third tier cities have set up Direct School. In Chengdu, Wuhan, Adult English Training Centers were opened. In Anshan adult schools have been set up. School will open next month in Guangzhou. In addition to adult training, training for young people also accelerated the pace in second-tier cities.

CEO Nu Ciao E of New Dynamic English is also optimistic about the second and third tier cities in English education. The institution plans to shift its focus from the first-tier cities such as Beijing and shanghai to the second and third tier cities. It gets ready to be the first brand of English in the second and third tier cities in the English education market. New Oriental’s VIP center and the elite of English spring out in the main cities, but every year in the second and third tier cities there are some outreach activities. To begin a training center, the requirements should be taken into consideration such as location, people flow and convenient transportation district. Those places, such as Guangzhou Sports Center, Garden Hotel, the former park, etc. in different cities become branch centers of Wall Street, EF, Wienie, Wald and other institutions. In order to get a good profit before investing in this project entrepreneurs, English training industry entrepreneur will choose a suitable business location, then the project is to be developed in the market. As with any project of entrepreneur, the key to a successful entrepreneurial project is the location, and the entrepreneurs mastering this content is conducive to development. (James and Dwight 43)

In recent years, with the continuous expansion of the domestic market of English training, numerous training institutions expand their scale. However, analysts point out that English language training is bound to experience a significant industry consolidation, to optimize the industry structure. At present, this integration activities has gradually kicked off, and competitions among training institutions have also been heating up. Industry sources of the training institutions, in order to grow and develop in the fierce competition in the industry, conform to the trend of market segmentation. Focusing on the development of business advantage is the only way out.

New Oriental Education amp; Technology Group CEO Michael Yu said: “Market segmentation in any kind of market is the only way to mature, English training market is no exception.” Previously, a lot of foreign language training institutions are hodgepodge side pot Training business covers the stepchildren English language training, English language training for adults, college English CET English test training and overseas training, with all tasks rolled into one. Mr Yu said, compared with the previous, the English training market has a breakdown of the trend, and New Oriental is one of the most typical example. In a wide variety of training programs in English, New Oriental has been the main focus in language training abroad, studying English language training and small stepchildren English language training. Gradually shift extensive management from intensive management, it begins to focus on small market. By this regard, Mr Yu believes that the segmentation of the market in favor of the agencies to improve the quality of teaching, good service, which will be the main theme of the English training market development next few years.

4.6 Adding value in service

Some experts believe that all training requirements will be detailed to specific jobs, training tailored to business needs has emerged. Correspondingly, with the training needs refinement, training companies will tend to professional segmentation. Large training companies will focus on several corporate clients or in several industries, making their services more targeted and personal. Different courses served by training institutions. While the training company’s expertise will become increasingly segmented, but the industry generally believes that combining the strengths and build a platform for training courses, and it will be a trend of the future development of the training market. Several companies have introduced one or several courses on the same platform, and enterprise users only need to log in to the platform you can choose all courses, so that one can quickly expand the influence, save substantial costs spent on the promotion of the course; it also allows users to share resources to add value in service.

With the rapid development of technology innovation, Internet age, phone seems to be life necessities. Phone’s convenience to internet enhances its role in English learning. Expansion of English education market is bound to the client’s need with the mobile phone’s help. Compared to traditional education, its main advantages are: Firstly, it can break time and space constraints, makes knowledge obtaining is more flexible; Secondly, as for the fragmentation learning, mobile phone makes it more portable; Thirdly, contents diversify, in addition to the K12 education, higher education, also including various types of pre-school education, vocational education, interest education etc. Crazy English, New Concept English and other English learning software upload to the internet and transfer to mobile client. With the online service and mobile phone, consumers can learn more freely. They can open the client to learn English at anytime and at any place. The new technology enable training institutions a chance to add value to their service.

If the record is the leading quality brand policy objectives, the protection brand is customer service policy purpose. In the face of education and training market, all management activities, no matter how close or advanced, need to ensure the quality of customer service. In order to keep the brand fame, training institutions should try to avoid greatly exacerbated competition and to balance between Hardware and software. Consumers’ purchasing decisions depend largely on the training programs provided by the level of service. Famous brand management guru Paul Temporal in his book excellent brand said: “All brand management is to build relationships with consumers.”(Paul 27) Therefore, enterprises must be committed to meet the reasonable needs of all customers, in order to establish the enterprise customer brand loyalty. Then, it must be noted that the school and parents provide quality services for students, which does not mean employees can contempt. They are the same as the customer and “God” is not satisfied with the staff, there would be no satisfied customers. A strong sense of belonging, a sense of mission and sense of honor help customer communication and improve service quality.

With the training market competition, customer management and training services become increasingly important. Sometimes, they do not have to pay big bucks to play advertising to find customers, the service is able to do the meticulous to retain old customers. An important customer firmly in hand helps the development of new customers; training business will be better and better. Therefore, in order to maintain the sustainable development of the training business, training institutions should put more emphasis on business management and customer service. They often provide ongoing service and value-added services for large customers.

5. Conclusion

In the era of globalization of economy, international exchanges of information increase frequently. English as an international language is one of the important tools for the exchange. Most Chinese people pay unprecedented attention to it. For now, China’s largest household expenditure of the projectiles in housing and the education. Therefore, education training is a big market. The development of China English education market has become a top priority. This developing market also has some problems. Firstly, teaching quality varies greatly. Secondly, fake advertisements and frauds propagate its belief on a large scale. Lastly, market’s disorderly competition and chaos price also bring problems. To develop this market soundly, it is necessary to improve the quality of teaching, strengthen market management in the second and third tier cities to expand the market. The new technology enable training institutions a chance to add value to their service. It is in need of developing the mobile client and improving teaching methods in a reasonable division of the market and promoting value-added service.

China is now open to foreign cultural and educational industry, we believe that after the open foreign investment in Chinese industry, our orderly competition has only just begun. The market should be trained at an early stage of development.

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