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 2023-08-21 16:03:37  


摘 要

本文是以交际法理论为指导,对初中英语听说教学进行的研究。交际法是以语言功能项目为主要研究对象,对学生在特定的社会语境中运用语言进行交际的能力的培养。在外语教学中主要体现为重视语言的应用,打破传统教学中教师主导传授的局限性。本文首先对交际法理论以及听说教学的理论基础和指导原则等进行了阐释,然后以译林版教材7A第三单元Integrated Skills为例,探讨交际法理论在听说课堂上的应用,旨在探讨中学英语教学过程中交际法对听说教学的可行性和有效性。



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 An overview about the Communicative Approach 1

2.2 An overview about Listening and Speaking Teaching 3

3. Exploration on Listening and Speaking Teaching in Junior Middle School from the perspective of the Communicative Approach 4

3.1 Language as a means of exchange and acquisition of information 5

3.2 Communicative competence as a kind of social behavior mode 7

3.3 Language learning as a development process from imperfection to gradual perfection 9

3.4 Learners’ active involvement in learning activities 10

4. Conclusion 13

Works Cited 14

1. Introduction

Due to the rapid development of China"s economy, China is getting closer to the standard of internationalization. In China, people with excellent English listening and speaking skills will become more and more important. But affected by factors such as the education system and the language environment, most students have poor oral English skills and general listening skills. As for the phenomenon, various theories have been put forward and the Communicative Approach is one of the popular theories.

Communicative approach maintains that the primary purpose of foreign language teaching is to impart basic foreign language knowledge to students, and to cultivate students" communicative ability in English. Only when students learn in a good language environment, can better stimulate their interest in language learning, stimulate their desire for English learning and improve their language use ability so as to achieve the goal of training students to use English skillfully for communication in life. Therefore, one of the best ways to learn a language is to learn and train in communication.

Hence, in the thesis a brief study is carried out to explore how the Communicative Approach helps junior school listening and speaking teaching and Integrated Skills of 7A Unit 3 from Yilin press will be taken as an example.

2. Literature Review

2.1 An overview about the Communicative Approach

The communicative approach was born in the UK in the late 1960s and was further developed in the mid-1970s. In the early 1980s, an experiment on the practical application of communicative approach was conducted in China. The Communicative theory teaching was gradually promoted. The theory of communicative approach is developed based on the communicative competence theory. An American linguist thinks:“It requires that students" communicative competence should not only have basic language knowledge, but also have certain ability to use language to communicate, especially whether the language used in different social situations is appropriate.”(D.Hymes 7)The language acquisition theory also emphasizes:“in language learning, the emphasis on language skill training should not exceed the cultivation of language communication ability.”(Krashen 54)Communicative approach also emphasizes the coexistence of language learning and communication. Therefore, communicative process is the core of communicative instruction.

Since then, researchers have conducted a deeper study and elaboration on the communicative competence of language. Canale and Swain believe that communicative competence should include the following four aspects: grammatical competence, social linguistic competence, discourse competence and strategic competence. Little wood revised the communicative competence framework of Canale and Swain, and explained the five points that communicative competence should cover:

Language competence includes traditional knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, semantics and phonology. Discourse competence refers to the ability of language users to carry out continuous discourse, such as the use of conjunctions in long written texts, the maintenance of turn-taking in longer dialogues, the negotiation of meaning, and the beginning and ending of conversations. Pragmatic competence refers to the ability of foreign language learners to express and interpret meaning by using linguistic knowledge in real situations, such as how to continue communication when problems arise due to lack of background knowledge in communication. Sociolinguistic competence mainly refers to the ability to use language appropriately in appropriate occasions, such as the selection of formal and informal styles and the selection of direct or euphemistic expressions. Sociocultural competence refers to the awareness of cultural differences and the understanding of cultural knowledge that may affect the transmission of meaning or even cause misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication.

It is of great significance to introduce communicative English teaching method into English language teaching. Communicative approach considers language as a bridge for human communication. It always regards the cultivation of communicative competence as the core of foreign language teaching, and its ultimate purpose is to help students acquire communicative competence. For this reason, it has the following characteristics:

  1. Language is neither knowledge nor content in class, but a means of exchange and acquisition of information, which needs to be learned in the process of use.

2. Language communicative ability as a kind of social behavior patterns is conditioned by different situations. Therefore, it is necessary to organize teaching activities with practical tasks in life as far as possible so as to achieve real communication and truly learn the language.

3. In foreign language learning, there is a development process from imperfection to gradual perfection, so it requires teachers to carefully design and organize classroom activities. Teachers should select the texts similar to actual communication to make classroom practice communicative.

4. Language learning can only occur when learners actively take part in it. The communicative activities in class should be student-centered, and the responsibility of teachers is to select, organize and promote the development of communicative activities. In order to cultivate students" communicative competence, listening and speaking are two important skills for teachers to guide students to practice.

2.2 An overview about Listening and Speaking Teaching

As we all know, English language skills mainly include listening, speaking, reading and writing. But for Chinese English learners, listening and speaking skills are so difficult for them to achieve that English is learned as a dumb language. Therefore, this thesis will mainly explore the teaching of listening and speaking.

First of all, let"s have a look at the listening teaching. Listening is an important way for human beings to obtain information, and its importance in communication is self-evident. Listening comprehension plays an important role in listening teaching. Research shows that students" understanding of listening is not only a simple process of information input and passive reception, but also recognition of surface layer of language information. New information, learners’ original knowledge or background knowledge process a dual role, through which learners actively construct meaning in order to achieve the purpose of understanding and communication. About listening teaching, Zhu xiaoyan proposed in 2011 that “it includes the following elements: pointing out the language features of the listening materials, indicating the target of listening skills or listening strategies taught, predicting and diagnosing the listening learning difficulties of students, and carrying out targeted listening training activities.” In a word, listening teaching includes language materials, teaching objectives, teaching difficulties and practical activities. So, in the listening teaching, teachers should first put forward the goal of this class, explain the process of listening comprehension, then lead students to analyze and solve various factors affecting listening comprehension, and finally guide students to complete the listening task.

As we know, listening is inseparable from speaking. As for speaking skills, it is included in the whole English learning. According to the age group and different psychological cognitive characteristics of students, the course standard describes the target of oral teaching from the aspects of the genre of oral materials, the amount of oral activities, oral micro-skills and so on. In junior high school, it emphasizes the mastery of multiple oral micro skills. Oral training activities include role playing, introducing personal information, reciting English poems or ballads, expressing opinions communicating information with others, self-correction, asking for help, situational dialogue, and performing skits. From the perspective of social and cultural environment, English is a foreign language, and students have few opportunities to use English after class. China"s English teaching has always attached great importance to the learning of language knowledge, reading and writing skill while listening and speaking skill training has not gained enough importance. Ignorance of oral English in the basic stage is an important factor that most students dare not to speak. Therefore, it is necessary to combine listening and speaking skills in English teaching.

3. Exploration on Listening and Speaking Teaching in Junior Middle School from the perspective of the Communicative Approach

Aimed at the present teaching status, an exploration of English Listening and Speaking Teaching in Junior Middle School will be carried out in thesis. The teaching material is taken from 7A Unit3:Integrated skills from Yilin Press in Jiangsu Province and the Application of the Communicative Approach will be mainly discussed in this part .

The Content of this lesson is presented as follow:

In this lesson, the main content is about listening and speaking teaching, in which the Communicative Approach will be mainly applied to carry out the teaching procedures.

3.1 Language as a means of exchange and acquisition of information

Language needs to be learned in the process of use. Teachers can design some tasks for students in and out of class, such as speech, debate, role play, etc., so that students can cultivate their ability through these English activities.

In this part, the teacher first shows the video data of the text dialogue to the students, and then asks the students to imitate the dialogue, create identity information, simulate the real situation, and obtain the other party"s information through communication in order to achieve the goal of training students" communicative competence. The Communicative Approach comes into being in the era of diversification of language theory and psychological theory, and its absorption of different theories makes it quite vigorous.

Wang Cairen calls it "the combination of multiple theories". The major advantages of the communicative approach is: weight related to learners" needs and clear teaching goals should be paid to the cultivation of communicative competence, not only to the content, meaning and function of language, but also to the context and appropriateness of language use. It advocates that English teaching is a communicative process of creating real language situation.

Based on this feature, students are required to conduct video learning about the text information and then role-play activities on the learning results. First, students will be shown a video on Passage B and imitate the pronunciation and intonation after watching. Then they need to read the text, practice read in roles and discuss in groups centered on the teaching building, canteen, gymnasium, dormitory and so on. Thus, the following dialogue is possible:

Tom: Mum, welcome to my school!

Mom: Wow! Tom, your school is so beautiful. Is that your gym over there?

Tom: Yes.

Mom: Oh, that"s really big.

Tom: Yes.

Mom: Is the gym open every day?

Tom: No. The gym is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. It is closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Mom: What do you usually do in the gym?

Tom: We usually have PE class in it. We can play basketball, table tennis and so on.

Mom: That would be great.

The above dialogue is very likely to happen in daily life. By simulating real conversations in real life, students" communicative competence can be cultivated.

In communicative teaching class, teachers" behavior of "imparting knowledge and understanding" is reduced. Teachers are no longer simply "knowledge disseminators". The communicative teaching course is student-centered, and the teacher is only the teaching organizer, instructor and student assistant. In communicative teaching activities, students should focus on the core, and teachers should give full play to the main role of students. Students can not only master the basic grammar knowledge, but also get more practical opportunities to improve their language skills, such as listening and speaking, through various activities, such as sub-activities and group activities. The setting of such activities like role-play is the best embodiment of the communicative theory in this aspect. It can be seen that communicative approach theory is feasible in real listening and speaking classes.

3.2 Communicative competence as a kind of social behavior mode

The communicative competence is restricted by different occasions. In order to achieve real communication and truly learn the language, it is necessary to organize teaching activities with practical tasks in life as far as possible. Language teachers should cultivate students" ability to apply language appropriately in specific situations so as to cultivate communicative competence. Teaching activities are abundant: communicative classroom activities form a continuum, with non-communicative learning activities on one end and real communicative activities on the other end.

Under the guidance of communicative principles, more attention should be paid to vocabulary and grammar learning so as to help learners gradually acquire communicative competence. Therefore, before listening activities, teachers should also solve the listening problems that students may encounter in the listening process, such as new words or new sentence patterns. When using communicative approach, first of all, the classroom teaching process should be based on the task. Students should focus on how to use language as a medium to achieve communicative purposes and complete communicative tasks, rather than just care about whether the sentence structure they say is completely correct. On the other hand, when choosing and designing communicative activities in class, there should be information gap between the two parties. In other words, neither side knows what the other has, so the communication is closer to the truth.

In this lesson, before listening, students are divided into three groups and asked to complete different parts of the map about Amy’s, Millie’s and Sandy’s home and school, which will provide information gap and create a real situation for students to communicate. In this situation, their listening and speaking ability and logical thinking ability will be developed.

Thus, the following dialogue is possible:

Student A: On my map, Millie"s house is a long way from the school. It"s past the supermarket, the museum and the post office.

Student B: On my map, Amy"s house is near the school. It"s next to the school.

Student C: On my map, Sandy"s home is neither near nor far from the school. She will pass by a bookstore and a toy store.

Through communication and discussion, students get the complete map information and will be more confident about the following class.

Communicative and task-based teaching models should be adopted as far as possible in English classroom teaching. Psycholinguistic research shows that people master language mainly through interaction or communication. English learning research also shows that learners" language acquisition system is formed through purposeful communication. Therefore, classroom teaching can set a lot of communication tasks, which also become the key for students to master the language. Through the communication between groups, the activity of map completion provides students with the opportunity to think independently and express and integrate the information they have heard so that students can have some ideas about the listening materials before class. Listening and speaking is a continuous activity. We should not only provide information, but also have a way to get information. In this way, the social behavior pattern of communicative approach theory is to create real situations in communication activities, which occupies an important position in listening and speaking classes.


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