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 2023-08-27 18:57:45  


摘 要




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 The definition of mind map 2

2.2 The theoretical basis of mind map 3

2.3 The relationship between mind map and reading 4

3. Research Design 4

3.1 Research questions 4

3.2 Research objects 5

3.3 Research procedures 5

3.4 Research methods 8

4. Results analysis 11

5. Pedagogical Implications 11

5.1 To improve the efficiency of classroom teaching 11

5.2 To strengthen students’ innovative thinking ability 12

5.3 To strengthen students’ cooperative learning ability and communicative ability 12

6. Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15

1. Introduction

English reading teaching is a vital component of English listening, speaking, reading and writing. In a sense, it is also the most basic part. It is not only an important way for students to acquire knowledge, accumulate vocabulary, familiarize themselves with sentence patterns and develop their written expression ability, but also an important channel for students to use English to obtain information. Secondly, English reading is also the education that lay stress on quality. It can widen students" field of vision and help them acquaintance the world culture. English reading should not only accomplish the task of transmitting language knowledge and developing students" language ability, but also deepen the connotation of reading materials and expand the extension of reading materials.

However, due to the serious impact of exam-taking, foreign language teaching generally overemphasizes the communicative competence of language and weakens the information and thinking functions of language. (Wen 76-80)Text is often used by teachers as a carrier of knowledge points. In the process of teaching, they put too much emphasis on the explanation and training of language knowledge and spend most of the classroom time on the analysis of knowledge points. This kind of teaching effect, on the one hand, will lead to students’ reading level staying in the superficial meaning of reading materials, lacking the overall grasp and understanding of them; on the other hand, students will only master some one-sided knowledge, can not apply it to real life, it is difficult to carry out effective knowledge representation and transfer. This utilitarian reading teaching method neglects learners’ subjective initiative, inhibits learners" interest in English reading, ignores the true connotation of reading teaching, and is not conducive to the cultivation of learners’ reading ability.

The purpose of this study is to use mind map reasonably in junior middle school English reading teaching, collect and collate relevant information, explore the feasibility of mind mapping, and analyze the influence and effect of mind mapping on students. Through the study of this topic, we strive to improve students’ English reading ability, improve students" autonomous learning ability, and summarize the thinking ability based on mind map. By reasonably designing the mind map, we can improve the classroom of English reading teaching in junior middle school and improve the teaching quality in an all-round way, and hope to provide some reference for the current teaching of English reading, and further enrich the teaching methods and means of English reading in junior middle schools.

2. Literature Review

Mind map is a fresh and far-reaching thinking tool, which can be applied to English teaching. It not only preserves the essence of traditional teaching methods, but also helps students improve their reading efficiency, cultivate and improve their interest and ability in English reading, and is also an important teaching tool for teachers. It is both practical and operable. This chapter introduces the definition of mind map and its theoretical basis, focusing on the relationship between mind map and reading.

2.1 The definition of mind map

Mind map, also known as mental map, is an impactful visualized thinking tool to express projective thinking. Mind map is a thinking tool used to remember, form, optimize and export message in the form of graphics and network structure. It is called the ‘Swiss Army Knife of the Brain". (Buzan 2011)

In 1971, Tony Buzan began to write about his previous research, and the earliest concepts of radiation thinking and mind map came into being. Mind map takes a theme as the center of thinking, from which innumerable branches diverge outward; each branch represents a link with the central theme, and each link can become a new center, and once again, numerous branches diverge. The relationship between branches and centers at all levels is one of mutual subordination; branches form an interconnected node structure. It visually represents the dull, monotonous text information in colorful colors, graphics, codes, symbols and other elements, to stimulate association,expand imagination and turn the process and result of radial thinking into a visual tool. (Bazan 2000) Every time we see a vein or a branch, it"s actually a "mind map" of nature, reflecting the shape of brain cells and the way we are created and connected. Like us, nature is constantly changing and updating, and there is a communication similar to ours. Mind map is a natural thinking tool, which uses the inspiration and efficiency of these natural structures.

2.2 The theoretical basis of mind map

Knowledge visualization promotes knowledge dissemination and innovation through visual representation. Visual representation is a key part in the process of knowledge visualization design and application. Therefore, the realization of the value of knowledge visualization depends on its visual representation. In 1971, Paivio, a Canadian psychologist, found that the specificity of imagination and words influenced students" memory of linguistic information. Paivio put forward the theory of double coding in 1986. He believed that the information in long-term memory has both imagery and speech. As far as the recall effect is concerned, the way of representation and speech is better than the single way. On the basis of double coding theory, knowledge visualization has a good theoretical support. Knowledge visualization has two key factors: vision and language. Presenting information in the form of vision and language can enhance the ability of memory and recognition. Memory includes two coding systems: representation and semantics. It is through coding that people process, organize, store and extract information. Semantic coding is responsible for processing speech information, and image coding is responsible for processing perceptual information. Knowledge is presented graphically, which can assist and supplement language-based understanding. Visual symbols not only help to recognize knowledge, but also help to deepen the understanding of the article. This kind of diagrams can not only reduce the fatigue of learners, but also help to develop the memory function of the right brain.

Mind map is a very valuable graphical technology and thinking tool. By means of drawing mind map, anthropic thinking process can be reflected. It can make the implicit thinking process of learners emerges, which is helpful for students to quickly extract useful information from articles, make students have a deeper understanding of reading article, and is conducive to teachers to help students build a clearer impression of new knowledge. (Zeng 2008). Mind map uses pictures to display knowledge and to map out knowledge, which can make students understand knowledge more clearly and intuitively, and develop the right brain to help enhance memory. Knowledge visualization theory supports the teaching significance of mind map very well, and provides a favorable demonstration for the rational use of mind map in teaching.

2.3 The relationship between mind map and reading

Using mind map to assist English reading teaching is helpful for students to understand and grasp the whole article. In English reading, students can draw different lines, pictures or graphs to express complex internal relations according to the content of the article, which can remove redundant information and help improve students’ reading speed and reading comprehension ability. Buzan believes that many mind maps are infinite. From the divergent characteristics of mind maps, when a new association or group of new associations appears, important words or images will be added to show the infinite creativity of the human brain (Buzan, 1993). Therefore, using mind map can give full play to the performance of the brain, add more self-thinking to divergent thinking in the process of learning knowledge, which is conducive to the gradual sublimation of the understanding of reading materials from perceptual to rational (Cheng Xiaotang, Zheng Min, 2002); Mind map can help students save time and improve reading efficiency. By making mind maps, we can construct the theme and relevant information of the article, so that students can feel clear and logical. At first, students often spend a long time to draw mind maps of articles, but as time goes by, they will become more practiced and see gratifying results. Even if they do not draw mind maps on paper, students can quickly build up the structure of articles in their brains, which is conducive to enhancing students’ three-dimensional thinking ability and innovative ability. (Quoted from Liu Lina, 2014)

In short, the use of mind map in reading has a good influence on students’ understanding of reading materials and increasing reading efficiency.

3. Research Design

3.1 Research questions

This thesis aims at the use of mind maps in junior middle school students’ English reading, and explores the relationship between their reading level, reading interest and the use of mind maps. Based on the survey results, the students are trained in mind maps to improve their reading efficiency and enthusiasm. This thesis attempts to answer the following research questions:

First: Does mind mapping training affect students’ reading interest?

Second: How much feedback and acceptance do students have after using mind maps?

Third: Does mind mapping training affect students’ reading performance?

3.2 Research objects

The object of study is a class in the second grade of the junior high school affiliated to Huaiyin Normal University, Jiangsu Province, with a class size of 52 students. In the experimental class, the mind map is used as a new teaching method to teach English reading. Two months later, a test was conducted to compare the differences in reading performance, so as to explore the influence of mind map on reading performance. At the same time, questionnaires were designed to find out whether students’ attitudes towards English reading class had changed and their interest in reading had improved.

3.3 Research procedures

3.3.1 Pre-reading activities

First of all, the use of mind maps for brainstorming training, starting from the knowledge points to be learned, teachers will be prepared in advance of the mind maps using multimedia display, or draw on the blackboard. Through the mind map displayed by teachers, students’ emanative thinking is gradually cultivated.

Secondly, teachers should lead students to browse the reading materials. The first reading is fast reading. After a brief browsing, students should understand the major elements of the reading article. Then teachers should introduce the background knowledge of the reading materials so that students can grasp the reading materials as a whole and strengthen the links between the contents of each part. The main purpose of this part is to help students use mind map to establish the connection between new and old knowledge, obtain the main information of the article, master the cultural background of the content of the article, and establish a preliminary image of mind map.

Thirdly, after students having a certain understanding of reading materials, teachers should guide students to look at the topic first, and then analyze the organizational structure of reading materials with different types of articles. In this link, teachers should introduce different types of mind maps, guide students to accumulate gradually, and gradually understand the drawing methods of mind maps of different types of articles, in order to improve their reading speed and promote their understanding of the article.

3.3.2 While-reading activities

In the specific application of mind map in junior high school English reading teaching, teachers should first introduce to students the drawing method of mind map, which can be hand-drawn or computer-drawn if conditions permit. In the specific teaching process, teachers should use computer to draw mind map model according to what they have learned and explain the content of the article. At the beginning of the application, teaching should be put on teachers’ drawing, students should imitate the teacher"s mind map to draw and learn. When students learn to draw mind maps, teachers should give students enough time, and actively provide help and guidance for students. Because many students have insufficient understanding of mind map, they will encounter many difficulties when they first come into contact. Therefore, teachers should encourage and help students. At the same time, in order to understand the students’ mastery of mind map method, teachers should make good comments and feedback, besides observing students" participation in the classroom, they should also actively understand the situation after class.

Secondly, teachers should ask students questions. First, they should guide students to quickly browse the content of the article and summarize the main idea of the article, which can be obtained by looking for the central and key sentences. With the guidance and help of teachers, the central theme of mind map is established. The main goal of setting up this link is to cultivate students’ ability of fast reading and refining the theme of the article.

Thirdly, combined with the exercises of the selected reading materials and the substance of the article, the reading is detailed reading. This time, the students can find sentences describing the main facts or details, and guide the students to draw the secondary and tertiary branches of mind map. In this link, teachers should assign learning tasks to students. On the one hand, they can stimulate students’ interest in reading, on the other hand, they can also find sentences describing the main facts or details. It helps to improve students’ ability to obtain information, and it is also a kind of exercise to give full play to students" subjective initiative.

Finally, presented as a mind map, teachers should explain the key sentences and difficult words involved in the article. While using mind map tools in junior high school English reading, we still can"t ignore students’ mastery of knowledge points and vocabulary accumulation. For this reason, teachers should think about how to use mind map to help students better understand and grasp language knowledge and lay a substantial foundation for learning. English reading teaching is a very important link, so we should not only let students understand the content of the article, diverge their thinking, but also constantly improve their reading skills. In this teaching process, teachers should explain the mind map prepared in advance and guide students to make it together so as to deepen their impression.

3.3.3 Post-reading activities

In the specific application of mind map in junior high school English reading teaching, teachers should first introduce to students the drawing method of mind map, which can be hand-drawn or computer-drawn if conditions permit. In the specific teaching process, teachers should use computer to draw mind map model according to what they have learned and explain the content of the article. At the beginning of the application, teaching should be put on teachers’ drawing, students should imitate the teacher"s mind map to draw and learn. When students learn to draw mind maps, teachers should give students enough time, and actively provide help and guidance for students. Because many students have insufficient understanding of mind map, they will encounter many difficulties when they first come into contact. Therefore, teachers should encourage and help students. At the same time, in order to understand the students’ mastery of mind map method, teachers should make good comments and feedback, besides observing students" participation in the classroom, they should also actively understand the situation after class.

Secondly, teachers should ask students questions. First, they should guide students to quickly browse the content of the article and summarize the main idea of the article, which can be obtained by looking for the central and key sentences. With the guidance and help of teachers, the central theme of mind map is established. The main goal of setting up this link is to cultivate students’ ability of fast reading and refining the theme of the article.

Thirdly, combined with the exercises of the selected reading materials and the substance of the article, the reading is detailed reading. This time, the students can find sentences describing the main facts or details, and guide the students to draw the secondary and tertiary branches of mind map. In this link, teachers should assign learning tasks to students. On the one hand, they can stimulate students’ interest in reading, on the other hand, they can also find sentences describing the main facts or details. It helps to improve students’ ability to obtain information, and it is also a kind of exercise to give full play to students" subjective initiative.

Finally, presented as a mind map, teachers should explain the key sentences and difficult words involved in the article. While using mind map tools in junior high school English reading, we still can"t ignore students’ mastery of knowledge points and vocabulary accumulation. For this reason, teachers should think about how to use mind map to help students better understand and grasp language knowledge and lay a substantial foundation for learning. English reading teaching is a very important link, so we should not only let students understand the content of the article, diverge their thinking, but also constantly improve their reading skills. In this teaching process, teachers should explain the mind map prepared in advance and guide students to make it together so as to deepen their impression.

3.4 Research methods

3.4.1 Questionnaire

This teaching experiment was conducted at the author"s school. The students are in the second semester of the eighth grade. Before the experiment, the author needs to conduct a questionnaire survey on the class in order to fully understand the subjects’ English reading ability and interest. The total number of questionnaires issued was 52 and 52 valid questionnaires were collected. In order to encourage students to take questionnaires seriously and ensure the authenticity of the questionnaires, these questionnaires are answered in class time.

Table 1 Questionnaire



Percentage of answers



  1. I think reading is valuable and enhances knowledge.
  1. Fully consistent



  1. Partly consistent



  1. Inconsistent



  1. Completely inconsistent



  1. I think reading materials in English is boring and strenuous.
  1. Fully consistent



  1. Partly consistent



  1. Inconsistent



  1. Completely inconsistent



  1. When reading the English materials, new words are still the biggest problem. No method is helpful.
  1. Fully consistent



  1. Partly consistent



  1. Inconsistent



  1. Completely inconsistent



  1. I think doing English reading is just to cope with the exam.
  1. Fully consistent



  1. Partly consistent



  1. Inconsistent



  1. Completely inconsistent



  1. Reading takes up a large part in the exam, so we should try to improve it.
  1. Fully consistent



  1. Partly consistent



  1. Inconsistent



  1. Completely inconsistent



  1. With my intelligence level, my reading should be improved by training.
  1. Fully consistent



  1. Partly consistent



  1. Inconsistent



  1. Completely inconsistent



To be continued


  1. After reading an article, I can understand the basic meaning of it.
  1. Fully consistent



  1. Partly consistent



  1. Inconsistent



  1. Completely inconsistent



  1. I am satisfied with the current teaching method of English reading.
  1. Fully consistent



  1. Partly consistent



  1. Inconsistent



  1. Completely inconsistent



  1. The mind map is helpful to my English learning.
  1. Fully consistent



  1. Partly consistent



  1. Inconsistent



  1. Completely inconsistent



3.4.2 Reading test

In order to test whether the students in the experimental class have different English reading ability before and after the two-month experiment, the reading comprehension questions in the English test papers are used to test. The former is the reading comprehension part of the final examination paper of the second semester of the seventh grade and the latter is the reading comprehension part of the mid-term examination paper of the first semester of the eighth grade. The difficulty of the two tests is similar, with a total score of 30.

Table 2 Test Results

Experimental class


Excellent rate

Pass rate

Standard deviation











4. Results analysis


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