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 2023-08-28 09:33:03  


摘 要


关键词:商务信函; 文化差异; 中国和美国


  1. Introduction……………………………………………………………1
  2. Literature Review………………..……………………………………1
  3. Business Letters.……………………………………………………...2

4. Comparative Analysis of Sino-US Business Letters…………………3

4.1 Transaction letters………………………………………………………3

4.1.1 China’s transaction letters……………………………………………3

4.1.2 America’s transaction letters…………………………………………5

4.2 Marketing letters………………………………………………………6

4.2.1 China’s marketing letters……………………………………………6

4.2.2 America’s marketing letters…………………………………………8

4.3 Cover letters……………………………………………………………9

4.3.1 China’s cover letters…………………………………………………9

4.3.2 America’s cover letters………………………………………………10

5. Suggestions for Optimizing Business Letters………………………12

5.1 Suggestions for optimizing China’s business letters…………………12

5.2 Suggestions for optimizing America’s business letters………………12

6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………13

Works Cited………………………………………………………………15

  1. Introduction

A business letter is a professional written record of business in foreign-related business activities. As the main means of transmitting information and contacting business in foreign-related business activities, business letters play an increasingly important role in international business activities. With the development of economic globalization, China"s foreign-related business activities are increasingly frequent. Business letters, as the most widely used means of communication in foreign-related transactions, are the bridge between the two parties of the trade. Business letters run through the whole process of social and commercial activities. They can ensure the smooth progress of business activities and find unlimited business opportunities in this competitive international market(Song 4).

Because of the increasing frequency of business letters, we should pay more attention to the high-quality of business letters. In order to communicate effectively through letters, business letters generally have seven principles: clear, concise, accurate, specific, polite, considerate and complete(Gao 36). Accuracy is the most important principle in business letters. Business letters should ensure that the information, figures and facts involved in the letter are accurate. However, the cultural differences between China and America make the business letters very different. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the different cultural backgrounds of the two countries on the basis of meeting the principles. Through the comparative study of the business letters between China and America, we can explore the differences in business letters between the two countries, and achieve the optimization of business letters.

  1. Literature Review

There are domestic and foreign studies on business letter from the perspective of culture differences. Richard E.Porter described the unique relationship between culture and communication, concluded that different cultures have a great impact on business letters in his book Cross-cultural communication(Richard 44). Through the analysis of business letters from different countries, Michael Muckian concluded that effective business letters integrated with the cultural factors could promote the successful conduct of business activities(Michael 98). Bob took different cultures as background, elaborated communication skills under different cultures, and drew a conclusion that cultural factors play a great role in business communication(Bob 68).

By analyzing the influence of cultural differences on business letters between China and the West, Wang Jingcong concluded that writing a good business letters required not only a great deal of linguistic and business activities information, but also a good understanding of the cultural differences(Wang 22). By analyzing the differences in business letters and language styles caused by cultural differences, Dong Shiwen concluded that only by understanding the importance of other cultures and eliminating the barriers, can cross-cultural cooperation be successful(Dong 93). From the perspective of cultural factors, He Min analyzed the rhetorical differences in terms of address and language style in business letters between China and the United States. She concluded that only by comprehensively understanding the cultural differences between the two sides, can we better grasp the thinking patterns and rhetorical conventions of different countries in business letter(He 110). By comparing the cultural differences and politeness characteristics of business letters between China and America, Chen Xuan summed up the specific ways to achieve politeness in cross-cultural communication so as to make better use of business letters for cross-cultural communication(Chen 3).

In summary, many scholars have studied Sino-US business letters in terms of culture, focusing on the politeness principle and politeness strategy in business letters. Most of the studies are categorized by Chinese and English, or by business writing as a starting point, but few of them are categorized into different types of business letters. From the perspective of cultural differences between China and America, this paper classifies and compares business letters between the two countries.

  1. Business Letters

Business letters refer to simple letters used between enterprises in various business occasions or business contacts. Its main function is to establish economic and trade relations, transmit business information, contact business matters, communicate and negotiate production and marketing, inquire and answer questions, and deal with specific transactions in business activities(Lu 2). In business activities, from contacting business, negotiating, signing contracts to fulfilling contracts, handling complaints and claims, every links needs letters as an important media tool to transmit information in order to achieve effective business communication and achieve the top business objectives. Business letters are closely related to the rights, obligations, interests and corporate image of both sides of the trade. They are the basis for making business documents and important vouchers for business contacts.(Gao 18).

According to the different uses of letters in business activities, Lu Moshu divided business letters into three categories: transaction letters, marketing letters and cover letters. A transaction letter refers to the letter used by the two parties to negotiate repeatedly on various specific transaction conditions for the sale of a commodity and finally reach an agreement. A marketing letter is similar to advertisement, mainly referring to letter created specifically for marketing purposes. Through propaganda, let consumers buy products. A cover letter is a special document for job seekers to introduce themselves to the employing units in order to obtain employment. To let the other party know themselves and employ themselves is its purpose(Lu 3).

  1. Comparative Analysis of Sino-US Business Letters

4.1 Transaction letters

Transaction letters are often used in business activities. Inquiry, offer, counter-offer and acceptance are the main links in transaction(Lu 4). When writing transaction letters, there are great differences due to the influence of culture.

4.1.1 China’s transaction letters

In the transaction between the two countries, the offer is relatively important in business activities, the following is an offering letter written by Tianjin Tianbao company to the American company.


Dear Mr.Sata,

We will send the samples to you by separate post which you asked for before .

As requested, we would like to quote our favorable prices as follow:

Commodity: 538A Men"s Pajama Trousers(100% cotton)

Price: at USD4.6 per piece

Packing: 538A Men"s Pajama Trousers: 100pcs/ctn, 150ctns/20’FCL

Payment: By sight L/C.

We would feel gratified if you accept the price.

Thank you for your interest; we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Deng Xin (Song 20)

From the above, we can find several characteristics. First, this letter was written in a fixed format. It only had the quotation and terms of trade for the goods which inquired by the buyer, and did not contain any extra information. Second, it used honorific title. The appellation of the letter is “Mr.Sata”, instead of formal personal names. Third, Chinese businessmen often use euphemistic and polite words such as "would, could, please, appreciate" when making requests to each other for the sake of their interests. On the one hand, it can euphemistically express itself. On the other hand, it also reflects the traditional politeness.

The characteristics above can be realized from the prospective of cultural differences. Firstly, China has a traditional principle in dealing with foreign relations, that is, to maintain national independence without expanding outward(Yang 36). This principle belongs to Chinese culture. When it comes to interpersonal relations, it means that people should strive for their reasonable rights and interests without infringing upon the rights and interests of others. Secondly, China is a country with high power distance. High power distance is also a dimension of Chinese culture(Li 32). It usually follows the order of elders and children. It emphasizes obedience to its parents and loyalty to its superiors. It attaches great importance to hierarchical relations in society. It holds that a reasonable hierarchical system in interpersonal relations is conducive to social stability and harmony, and that good social etiquette can make human beings more civilized. Respectful address shows respect and compliance with social norms. Thirdly, from ancient times to the present, Confucian culture, as the dominant culture, had a profound impact on people"s thoughts and behaviors(Yang 197). Confucian culture is an important dimension of Chinese culture. It affected the value orientation of Chinese culture. Therefore, when the interests of individuals conflicts with others’, Confucian culture advocates humility, tolerance and courtesy to others in order to ensure the harmonious development of interpersonal relations and the stability of social order. That"s why Chinese people use more polite words in business letter.

4.1.2 America’s transaction letters

The following is a transaction letter from architect Frank Lloyd Lai to Etga j. Kaufman.

Dear E. J. :

You seem to forget what I said in extraordinary circumstances. Having been through it scores of times I know what we are up against and decline to start unless I can see our way. Now suppose I were a sculptor. I will accept. Then you will hand me a pantagraph and say--“using this. ” I have found that using the pantagraph is a good way to carve statues. Then I will say--“but in this case it will waste both time and money ”.

You will come back with “when I have statues made I have the pantagraph used. ” Now about money. You seem suspicious when I ask for it. Don’ t be afraid. You aren’t going to pay too much. You won’ t be let down so don’ t you let me down.

Sincerely yours,

Frank Lloyd Wright(Taylor 364)

We can conclude some characteristics from this letter. The first sentence described that Mr. Wright used strong words to refuse to start work. The words in this letter are very sharp. Second, when Americans write letters, once they are very familiar with each other or have established more frequent contacts and deep feelings, they prefer to address other people"s names directly instead of titles, such as “Dear E. J” in this letter. Third, Americans seldom use euphemistic and polite words when expressing themselves. In this letter, the author used a metaphor to describe himself as a sculptor and to satirize Mr. Kaufman"s advice through imaginary dialogue.

From the prospective of cultural differences, we can find out the reasons why America’s transaction letters have these features. Firstly, in American culture, conquering is their nature. In American philosophy, the power is as significant as competition. Making the other side compromise is the traditional American way of thinking. Therefore, in this letter, Mr. Wright used such fierce words against all those who hindered his planned construction until the other side compromised. Secondly, America is a low power distance country. Low power distance is also a dimension of American culture(Li 32). It advocates equality rather than hierarchy in interpersonal relations and prefers equal and informal ways of communication. Therefore, in the appellation of business letters, it tends to use non-hierarchical language to create an equal and relaxed communication environment. Thirdly, American cultural values of freedom, equality which makes people emphasize freedom of speech. Therefore, in business letters, American tend to express their positions and goals concisely and irregularly, and make the recipients understand their views in limited characters.

4.2 Marketing letters

Marketing letters mainly introduce products to consumers, and persuade consumers" to purchase the company’s products. And ultimately achieve the purpose of selling products(Lu 5). There are also great differences in marketing letters between China and America due to cultural differences.

4.2.1 China’s marketing letters

The following is a marketing letter written by the sales representative of the sports car shop to the loyal customers.

Can we offer you anything special!

Dear clients:

As you are one of our most important customers, we would like to introduce you to some of the ultimate sports cars that will be shipped from the middle of next month.

We think the new models that will be of great interest to you is the Aero. This sports car has a flexible top cover and belongs to the type of car with smooth lines and outstanding power. It has two seats and is light in body. Besides, its engine is generally more powerful than that of ordinary cars, so it has good acceleration. If you want to take a closer look at this remarkable sports car and test drive it, please call me by February 21. If you are very busy in March, I can drive the car to your house (Taylor 391).

There are some characteristics in above letter. First, in order to attract customers" interest, the author described the appearance and other information of the sports car in detail. This enabled customers to form a picture in their minds that they had imagined, and make the product more attractive. Second, the author expressed that he paid great attention to the customers in the last sentence “If you are very busy in March, I can drive the car to your house ”. This can satisfy the customers vanity and promote marketing success.

From the prospective of cultural differences, there are several reasons for the characteristics. Firstly, in Chinese culture, the main mode of thinking is intuitive thinking, which can receive and convey the cognitive results of the subject through intuitive experience(Yang 52). This cognitive results have strong flexibility and coverage, which makes the cognitive subject have a relatively large flexibility space. Because of this mode of thinking, it is easier for Chinese people to conceive pictures by accepting concepts. This marketing letter above was also driven by this mode of thinking, the author described the details of product to draw the interest of customers. Secondly, China is a collectivist culture. Collectivist culture is a dimension of Chinese culture. People in collectivist countries value responsibility and harmony. They often show humility when they contribute to the collective. Collectivists tend to be emotional. In interpersonal communication, they value human relations and interaction. They usually consider the interests of others to be friendly with them.


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