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 2023-08-31 09:31:55  


摘 要



Abstract: Teaching and reading in class are limited, students must read after class in order to expand their knowledge to meet the needs of modern society. Extracurricular reading is a fully important way to improve students’ undefined Chinese literacy and reading abilities. Its purpose is to help students broaden their horizons, cultivate their sentiment, shape their personality, improve their accomplishment and accomplishment and so on. Therefore, teaching staff and parents should pay attention to students’ undefined reading outside class, cultivate their good reading habits and improve their reading abilities, especially those who are in the middle of primary school, which is in the process of accumulating knowledge and forming good reading habits. It"s also a golden stage for students in the middle of primary school to lay the foundation for future study and even life. During the internships, the author found that the teachers in this school attached certain importance to the students’ undefined extracurricular reading, but there were still some problems in the process of practical operation, such as the attitude of extracurricular reading, the way of extracurricular reading, and the guidance of extracurricular reading. There are also some problems in the evaluation of extracurricular reading. Therefore, the writer taking the students in the middle (third and fourth grades) of the practice primary school (Shanghai Gaojing Experimental Primary School) as an example, this paper adopts the methods of questionnaire survey, conversation and literature and so on. Study on the present situation and solutions of extracurricular reading in the middle of primary school.

Key words: primary school,extracurricular reading, present situation,countermeasure

目 录

1 引言 6

2 研究意义 6

2.1 理论意义 6

2.2 实践意义 6

3 研究概念界定 6

3.1 课外阅读 7

4研究的方法 8

4.1 文献研究法 8

4.2 问卷调查法 8

4.3 访谈法 9

5 上海高境科创实验小学中段学生课外阅读现状 9

5.1 学生课外阅读兴趣动机和行为方式的现状 9

5.1.1 课外阅读兴趣的现状 9

5.1.2课外阅读目的的表现 11

5.1.3课外阅读动机的反映 11

5.1.4课外阅读行为的反映 12

5.1.5课外阅读方式的反映 13

5.2 对学生课外阅读指导的现状 13

5.2.1 教师指导学生课外阅读的现状 13

5.2.2 家长指导学生课外阅读的现状 14

6高科实小中段学生课外阅读存在的问题及原因分析 16

6.1存在的问题 16

6.1.1 课外阅读时间不足 16

6.1.2 阅读方式不科学 16

6.1.3 缺少课外阅读评价体系 16

6.1.4 缺少课外阅读指导 17

6.2原因分析 17

6.2.1 社会方面 17

6.2.2 学校方面 18

6.2.3 家长方面 18

6.2.4 学生自身方面 19

7高科实小中段学生课外阅读的改进策略 19

7.1社会方面 19

7.1.1社会推动全民阅读 19

7.1.2社会营造良好读书风气 20

7.2学校方面 20

7.2.1学校重视图书馆设施,加强社区合作 20

7.2.2教师重视对课外阅读的指导 20

7.2.3教师重视对课外阅读的评价 21

7.3家长方面 21

7.3.1家长重视家校合作 21

7.3.2家长重视家庭阅读氛围 21

结语 23

参 考 文 献 24

附录:小学生课外阅读现状调查 25

1 引言



2 研究意义

2.1 理论意义



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