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 2023-08-31 09:32:10  


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关键词:游戏教学法; 普遍问题;现实情况;新型教学方法


1. Introduction ....................................................................................................1

  1. Literature Review..........................................................................................2

2.1The research of game teaching method abroad.............. ................................2

2.2 The research of game teaching method in China............................................5

3. Problems of English Classroom Games in Rural Primary schools............6

3.1 Teaching facilities and staff............................................................................6

3.2 Learning environment.....................................................................................7

3.3 Students’ personality in rural school..............................................................7

3.4 Teaching methods...........................................................................................9

4. Suggestions for the Game Teaching in Rural Primary School.................10

4.1 Faculty and teaching equipment ...............................................................10

4.2 Diversified game teaching design.................................................................12

4.3 A scientific and adequate application ..........................................................14


1. Introduction

At present, middle school students are still led by traditional teaching methods in many primary schools. The conventional teacher-centered teaching type is still available. Teachers will arrange the teaching process. At the same time, students listen to their teachers to finish the teaching, but they don’t work together with teachers as a matter of fact. Although student-centered education has been advocated all the time, and various educators have made many efforts, it can be seen that traditional teaching still accounts for the majority. Game teaching is seldom used in class, or the effect is not good enough. Primary school students" physical and mental characteristics determine that they are unable to maintain attention for a long time and they are unable to receive conceptual knowledge for a long time. They like games, competition,and movies. In the long run, it is necessary to conduct game teaching. On the one hand, it can make full use of students" initiative in learning and let the kids live up to their full potential. On the other hand, it can help raise students" learning efficiency and advance the full development of each learner.

In the current English teaching in rural primary schools, teachers tend to impart knowledge in classroom teaching and regard English as knowledge memorized by rote, which only ignores applied features of English. Secondly, to complete the teaching tasks and cope with the examination, most teachers only pay attention to vocabulary, grammar explanation and text reciting. So this teaching method brings about the "deaf English," "dumb English" in the students" daily study life. In rural primary school English classroom teaching, students mainly through mechanical imitation training. This learning method leads to a dull classroom atmosphere and students’ passive state of acceptance. This learning method results in a dull classroom atmosphere in class and students can only accept the fixed teaching contents. Therefore, it is extremely urgent to improve the English teaching methods in rural primary schools at present. Game teaching method emphasizes the student-oriented development to making real teaching return to life. Game teaching method Integrates games into teaching, and it makes up for the teaching problems caused by a lack of resources with various games. These games can not only improve the environment and atmosphere of English teaching but also make reasonable changes in consideration of the characteristics of pupils" physical and mental development and the development of their personalities.

Plato believed that games were a series of imitation activities consciously made by us at a young age to achieve the purpose of progress and meet the needs of daily lives. Aristotle believed that games do not have any meaning. They should not be deliberately organized. Jill Hadfield pointed out that it is an activity with firm rules and objectives and a lot of exciting factors for a game as well. According to Bernard Spodek and Saracho Olivia, a game is just a game to be played to meet one"s heart"s content. However, there are specific rules that should be paid attention to when playing, and the game should be played within a certain range.”

The definition of game in "ci hai" is the general term of all cultural entertainment and sports activities. Wikipedia defines games as often structured play, mostly for entertainment, but sometimes also as an educational tool. To sum up, games are a kind of activity to entertain and learn in a happy environment, which can be used as recreation or as a way of education. In the teaching process, according to specific teaching objectives and tasks, Game teaching method adopt the mode of the game activity to create a conducive teaching environment to achieve teaching goal and arouse students" interest. It lets the students master learning knowledge in the pleasant process orderly, and cultivate students" ability to practice and have interpersonal communication.

In the nine-year compulsory education period, the middle grade of primary school refers to the third and fourth grades of primary school. In this phase of students learning consciousness gradually strengthened. At the same time, students in the middle rank of mental development are in a period of transition. The student"s memory and thinking ability develop gradually, and the students" thinking pattern gradually change from the concrete image thinking into abstract thinking. However, the abstract logic thought is still relatively weak, and it needs to be helped with the concrete matter.The middle-term students have the following characteristics: firstly, the perceptual knowledge of the students is greater than the rational knowledge. The knowledge of the students" understanding is more dependent on intuitive and specific things; Second, the fact is not that the more demanding the class, the more students are willing to learn but that they like to learn from the teachers they like. Therefore, game teaching can play a significant role.

2. Literature Review

2.1 The research of game teaching method abroad

The author find that foreign game teaching started earlier after consulting a large number of web pages, papers and monographs on game teaching.And foreign language scholars and experts have supported the use of games in language teaching for a while.They generally hold the view that the use of games in students’ language learning can increase students" interest in learning English.The early study on games and related achievements were only the personal opinions of some educators and thinkers, which were disordered in some books and works of education.It hasn"t any special and systematic treatises.For example, the German philosopher immanuel Kant was the first to systematically elaborate the teaching method of games.In 1952, piaget, a master of education and developmental psychology, extended the theory of game teaching to the field of education which is a very important step."All productive work must be preceded by some kind of interest," he said.He puts forward Activity teaching theory, which establish basis for game teaching.He emphasized that children should "learn by doing" in the form of games, and  he advocated the importance of children"s practice and the implementation of activity principles in the teaching process.

Froebel was the first expert to study games in a systematic way and he develop a complete education system .He believed that the game is the children"s intrinsic instinct, especially the activity instinct.Therefore, children"s education should not be controlled.Teachers should conform to their nature and meet their instinctive needs.Froebel attached importance to the preparation of manual materials and teaching materials. However, froebel"s game system lacked game elements, and students" behaviors were strictly controlled by teachers. There was no game or freedom.From view of modern game teaching, froebel"s game teaching can only be regarded as teaching practice and it also remains large defects.

The foundation of the whole education in early childhood education is modern education. Therefore, many educators begin to study the relationship between game and teaching, which gradually forms the modern game teaching theory.It starts to be mature.

Italian educator montessori is an educational expert who has made great contribution to the theory of game teaching after froebel in the history of modern education.She believes that the game is a child"s spontaneous impulse under the activity.This impulse is a kind of unconscious pursuiting action.Through this movement, children"s vitality can be expressed and satisfied, and  it can be further developed.Montessori has made great contributions to the formation and development of modern game teaching theory.But her teaching aids are abstract.She overemphasized the role of teaching aids and ignored the guiding role of teachers and the verbal communication with children.It makes her teaching theory has certain limitation.Therefore, the game teaching of montessori can only be called as teaching practice.

At the beginning of the 20th century, American pragmatic educator Dewey"s teaching method was more advanced than montessori"s.Dewey hold the view that games, contests and other activities were related to children"s psychological characteristics. Therefore, Dewey put forward the concept of "activity education" and  he emphasized that children should learn from experience through games.On the other hand, Dewey put forward the educational mode of "student-centered, learning by doing" and advocated that the center of education should be transferred from teachers and textbooks to students.It lays a solid philosophical foundation for the teaching method of games and emphasizes the special role of games in children"s teaching.However, what children learn by doing is not  theoretical and systematic.

The maturity of modern game teaching theory is mainly due to the great development of child psychology.This is mainly due to the famous psychologists like piaget and other outstanding child psychologists.Piaget divided children"s thinking development into four periods: sensorimotor period, pre-operational period, concrete operational period and formal operational period.Finally, the game teaching theory forms a teaching mode in the present age.

To sum up, foreign research on game teaching has long focused on children"s interests and needs.Before the 1940s, the research objects of game teaching didn’t focus on primary game education.Only after the 1940s did they begin to pay attention to the problem of game teaching in primary education.Most of the researches are rough and the theories are not rich enough.

2.2 The research of game teaching method in China

In China,.Educational technology scholars further introduced the concepts related to teaching game method, and attempted to carry out "national transformation".They further proposed that educational games are the new territory of educational technology.And teaching games have received "unprecedented" attention.

Mr. Chen heqin, an expert and scholar who has made outstanding contributions to China"s game teaching theory, proposed that games have the value of sharpening students" brains.Games can develop students" intelligence.He inspired by the teaching theory and practice of deklari, established the "drum tower kindergarten" and adopted the game teaching method to educate children.Chen heqin also proposed that children are born to enjoy playing games.The psychological characteristic of children is that they like playing games in their daily lives and lots of games make up their lives. Chen heqin believes that children"s game is related to two factors.On the one hand, it is related to the development of children"s power and ability to play.On the other hand, it is related to children"s active nature and the pleasure.To investigate the reasons and changes of children"s games from the perspective of children"s physical and mental development is the core idea of Mr. Chen"s views on children"s games.Meanwhile, Mr. Chen heqin strongly advocates "living education". Living education does not mean abandoning textbooks, but emphasizes not ignoring daily life, nature and society.The teaching method of active education is game teaching.It is proposed that game teaching should be centered on "teaching by practicing, learning by practicing, and striving for progress by practicing"
  English curriculum standards (2011) clearly points out that during the learning process we should emphasize on practicality and application of language learning.Students should  understand the real language to learn the language.And game teaching is about teaching target.Game teaching will be a  form of practicing and applying language in education.It is  a special way for children  to learn and master the knowledge.Hu Shuyi, a scholar of children"s education, pointed out in  "Game teaching method of primary school" that "children love nothing more than games."Game teaching method is in line with children"s physical and mental development characteristics,which stimulate children"s learning interest and desire for knowledge.They develop good learning habits by using it to meet the requirements of quality education.

3. Problems of English classroom games in rural primary schools

3.1 Teaching facilities and staff

The facilities of the school in rural areas need to be improved mainly reflected in the "facilities are not adequate," which is an actual problem for rural schools. At present, most primary schools are lacking in adequate teaching equipment, and this phenomenon has lasted for a long time. In one school visited by the author, there are only three horizontal bars, and there is even no planned game field. Most students can not go out of the classroom for recess activities and daily game. Rural schools have few laboratories and libraries. However, due to the shortage of equipment, it is impossible to use facilities to carry out the game teaching method, which caused the failure of using game teaching in the classroom. In terms of information-based teaching facilities, rural primary schools are in urgent need to be improved in an appropriate way. For example, there are 23 classes in one school, and only 11 classes are equipped with multi-media equipment, and the computers are too old to undertake teaching tasks.The school resources of rural primary schools are insufficient, and as a matter of fact, teaching resources are easily insufficient in teaching. In the process of game teaching, it can be assured that every child or group does not have enough teaching tools. It is likely to reduce the enthusiasm of students to participate in the game, which does not attract students" interest in learning to let the students participate in the right way.

After visiting five schools, the author found that the age of primary school teachers is generally over 40 years old and some teachers are even older than 50, most of whom are high school graduates and junior college teachers with limited academic qualifications. Some teachers have outdated teaching methods and low acceptance of new knowledge, whose teaching methods are dull and the same. Moreover, they are not familiar with modern teaching methods all year round. They are not proficient in game teaching, which leads to monotonous classroom teaching mode. Student lack interest in the class and their efficiency of knowledge learning is very ineffective. In addition, the survey shows that students tend to prefer young teachers who are flexible and full of vitality, but the recruitment of young teachers is a problem for primary school. What"s more, some schools have suspended classes due to lack of teachers. For example, in the absence of professional English teachers, Chinese and math teachers are allowed to teach such courses concurrently.

3.2 Learning environment

Rural primary school teaching resources are unevenly distributed. The excellent schools in the city have formed a virtuous circle. A majority of teachers and students will choose good schools and teachers, and rural primary schools cannot retain good students and teachers. We have to admit that the county and city primary schools" teachers, teaching facilities and humanistic environment are better than the rural primary schools objectively. Because of it, many students go to primary school, as long as the family economy can support them, and its parents will find a way to send their children to the county an excellent primary school in the country.Not many students remain in rural primary schools. As a result, the rural English learning environment is getting worse and worse, and there is not a suitable way to prevent it.

3.3 Students’ personality in rural school

With the development of social economy, more and more rural surplus labor go out for work to make money, but they don"t realize the importance of their children"s education. A large number of minor children are left at home, and most of them lack parental care and discipline. As a result, left-behind students, a particular group of students, have formed and become a common social phenomenon. Due to the lack of family education, severe problems in physical and mental development bother left-behind students that are not good for their healthy growth.Most notably, they are emotionally deficient and need to feel secure and respected. Their self-esteem may result from the teacher"s approval and the classmates" affirmation. Without encouragement and respect from teachers and classmates, students tend to have frustrated and upset feeling in their daily lives. In addition, left-behind children are too passive in learning. Due to the influence of family or environment and some teachers" weak guidance, many students are not clear about the purpose of learning English at the very beginning, or they are afraid of difficulties in learning English. They have been lack of an active attitude towards English learning and can"t build confidence in learning English well. As a result, some students feel that they can"t keep up with the pace at the very beginning, and they are also afraid to ask teachers for help. Later, the gap between the whole class in exam result get larger. Moreover, their learning becomes more and more passive. Finally, they regard English learning as a mental burden that is difficult to be relieved. In this case, they are more likely to attract the attention of classmates by other forms such as talking, trick-or-treating, and doing small actions. Therefore, to achieve the effectiveness of game teaching, it is particularly important to protect the self-esteem of rural left-behind students.

Klaassen (1981) once pointed out that a person"s personality has a significant impact on the effectiveness of his English learning, which is a prerequisite way for the growth of students. Self-confidence and enthusiasm are the key factors affecting personal oral English development. Extroverted students practice oral English frequently and are more willing to communicate with others. On the other hand, Introverted students may lose the opportunity to practice. However, most rural students who live in remote and backward areas are kind, honest and straightforward. Compared with urban students, English communication will make them more nervous and less confident; it will affect their enthusiasm to participate in English games. Therefore, the timely introduction of the game teaching method has specific feasibility and practical significance of balancing the emphases of rural English teaching. It can stimulate the momentum of rural students in learning English and improve the teaching efficiency of rural English classes.

In rural primary school, students have a weak foundation in English, and the situation is hard to be solved by the rural school under reality. The weak English foundation of students in rural areas seriously affects their English learning quality. Most rural students don"t know about English phonetic symbols, and some students cannot even spell 26 English letters correctly.Children in these rural areas who have the desire to play English games find it difficult to speak with other students. On the other hand, The middle - grade students in rural school are young and immature who are easy to make mistakes in their study. During the game teaching process, teachers should not demand too strictly on them, and they are bound to have patience because the middle-grade students can not realize that games are part of the class activities.They tend to relax their minds in the process of games, causing disorder and chaos in the class. The lack of effective cooperation is the reason for making links between game subjects.

3.4 Teaching methods

As a new teaching method, game teaching method is a professional training for teachers .However, primary school teachers’ lacking of professional training in rural areas leads to teachers" superficial understanding of game teaching. And they will not be able to integrate game and teaching in the teaching process,and their teaching ideas haven’t keep pace with times.On the other hand, some teachers" classroom teaching mode is outdated and inflexible. Some teachers just write on the blackboard in class and students keep taking notes,which is a very fixed teaching form behind the times. Such traditional cramming has brought many disadvantages. The teacher talks too much and they have little time for active training.In class, students are in a passive. Students have no time to think and consolidate knowledge.Third, the teacher talks too much. The students can not grasp the key information and the classroom atmosphere is dull to make students absent-minded .Students will be fatigue easily after listening and learning. Some teachers still use the original teaching.They does not use the pronunciation in listening. They also does not use the multimedia and other modern means to assist the teaching in modern lesson.From the beginning to the ending,  student interest will discount depending on the teachers’ explaining.In the game teaching of the middle grades in rural primary schools, teachers usually use a few commonly used games, such as "train" "group competition" and so on. Students will get bored easily after repeatedly using the same game and then the teaching effect will be reduced.Game teaching method not only refers to the use of games in class, but also focuses on the integration of games and teaching content. Different teaching content should be adapted to attract students" attention to assist students to understand the text.

4. Suggestions for the game teaching in rural primary school

In the face of the above problems of  game teaching of the middle grades in rural primary school , each problem should be solved with the corresponding suggestions.

4.1 Suggestions for Faculty and teaching equipment

The period of middle grade of primary school is that students have strong imitation ability in imitating their idol and the students tend to imitate other students who make a good impression. Compared with teachers, class leaders should make a good impression and set an example for other students in the class.The class leaders should play a good supervision role and they can help rural students grow healthy. At this time, teachers need class leaders to play a positive demonstration to guide students to carry out some activities in the right direction. In the game time, the teacher can select class leaders to cooperate in their demonstration, which can set up a good example for other students .Then all students can participate in the game. For the selection of class leaders, teachers can let students to vote freely and students can elect their convincing representatives who will play a good leading role for other students.

As is known to all, the gap between urban and rural economic development leads to the difference of education resources,which has become a big problem in model education.It also leads to the huge gap between urban and rural education in terms of  funding investment, teacher allocation and other aspects,which is not given enough attention to be solved.The comprehensive quality of rural teachers is low and their teaching level is not as good as urban teachers.Rural teachers is vulnerable and thaeir aging phenomenon is prominent.Teachers" interaction between urban and rural areas is an effective form to distribute the educational resource, which can balance the different points of urban and rural area to promote the level of teachers in rural schools.Through the interaction of urban and rural teachers, on the one hand, the outstanding teacher resources city  can be send to the countryside.On the other hand, the rural teachers can have more opportunity to study in city schools and rural teachers will have access to more professional  teaching knowledge and excellent teaching experience,which can  promote rural teacher quality.The gap between urban and rural education will be narrowed and  the education fair can be set up in a real way to make rural students enjoy the new teaching methods.The interaction between urban and rural teachers can realize the possibility for teachers to learn and communicate with others and  urban teachers will share experience and wisdom with rural teachers. It is a broader and more effective way  that can acquire the professional knowledge required by the professional development of rural teachers.

Many teachers in rural primary schools only have superficial understanding of game teaching method and they don"t received profession training. They only use a small game to attract students into teaching environment before class. It is a difficult and complex task to realize the integration of game and teaching in rural primary schools,which can not rely on English teachers to do their own research.So teachers need to have a deep understanding  of game teaching method and they need a lot of game teaching professional knowledge,which requires a lot of time to acquire.The school can ask the teachers who have a good command of the game teaching method to explain the game teaching method and show it in the classroom. Other teachers can observe and imitate.The game teaching is not invariable.It needs to advance with time.Therefore, it is important to learn from each other between teachers.

The state has launched an excellent teacher training program to train good teachers who satisfy the party and people.Teachers are the foundation of education.The 19th national congress of the communist party of China pointed out that the major contradiction in China"s society now has been transformed into the contradiction between the people"s growing need for a better life with inadequate development.In order to implement the spirit of general clerk Xi Jinping"s important speech on teachers" day,the state has launched a program to train teachers.It can push for comprehensive reform of teacher education and cultivate good teachers who satisfy the party and the people .The state should comprehensively promote the reform of school teacher training model and it can establish special universities to train students in the new mechanism.It also will change the aged teachers" educational ability and improve the quality of rural primary school teachers from the foundation, which can make rural teachers have better game teaching ability.The key and fundamental factor determining the quality of education is the level of teachers,which play an significant part in rural teaching.In order to meet the people"s growing demand for high-quality educational resources, we must have excellent teachers.It is reflected in the contradiction between the people"s pursuit of high-quality education resources and the current shortage of quality education resources, which is more obvious in rural areas.After the problems of school and funds , the way to train excellent teachers for the countryside became the focus of the policy in this period.Through the formulation of teacher training plans, The state comprehensively improve the quality of rural teachers and gradually meet the requirements for rural children to "go to good school".

The state should adopt various policies to promote urban-rural schools in the coordinate development and give rural schools the same opportunities as urban schools.In the field of education, a series of policies supporting the development of rural school should be designed to eliminate the gap between urban and rural school which can promote the balanced development of urban and rural education.Based on the main responsibility of education, the state should issue a series of documents and notices to accelerate the rural education, especially the balanced distribution of educational resources.
There is a close link between policy and law. Judging from the effectiveness of the current state support for the implementation of education policy, we find that it is necessary to strengthen the coordination with law.If our educational policies are lack of legal basis and foundation, or if the legal system level of the policies is low, it may lead to insufficient binding force of policy implementation and reduce the effect of policy implementation.From the practical situation, so far, there is no special law on rural education in China.The country should make relevant laws to realize the allocation of teaching resources for rural schools and help rural school to find their own way to apply game teaching method.

4.2 Diversified game teaching design

Rural primary schools are inferior to urban primary schools in some facilities and equipment, but they can still make full use of the advantages of rural primary schools of natural resources in game teaching. Leaves, mud, bamboo, flowers, and plants are available for the use of game teaching materials. There are many folk games which people are fond of and people can play with other people in the countryside.And we can take good advantage of them and adapt them to play a crucial part in teaching. When students have a holiday, they will play these games with their partners. Teachers can introduce these games into the classroom by combining folk customs and contents.

Teachers can choose different games when they educate their student to use the various contents of the textbooks.So the learning content can be carefully combined with the interests of students. When students learn words about body parts, teachers will ask students to find their body parts to make them realize the real body by themselves. We can jump out of this circle and innovate the game form. You can ask the students to do the reverse action. For example, we can ask students to put their hand up when they are talking about their eyes. We can have the students touch their noses while talking about their heads. In this way, the students will be familiar with the words of the body in a quick way. Moreover, their reactional ability and attention will be trained.

With the development of time, multimedia teaching is more and more popular, if some silent words can be used with the help of modern multimedia technology to show, they will become more vivid and interesting. Students in the middle grade of primary school are in the image-thinking period, and the concrete image thinking occupies the leading position in their mind, which means we may grasp this point to use the multimedia teaching in the game teaching method. Media teaching can present and convey some secret teaching information through pictures or sounds, which can attract students" interest and strengthen students" perception. At the same time, it can help them understand the teaching content in a natural way and improve teachers" efficiency of classroom teaching.


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