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 2023-09-04 08:43:00  


摘 要




  1. Introduction……………………………………………………………1
  2. Literature Review………………………………………………………3

2.1 The definition of phonics……………………………………………......3

2.2 Domestic and foreign related research on phonics…...…………………4

  1. The Research and Design………………………………………………5

3.1 The purpose of interview………………………………………………..5

3.2 The sample selection of interview…….…………………………...……6

3.3 The design of interview and data collation…………………………..….6

  1. The Analysis of Interviews Results ……………………………………7

4.1 Teachers" understanding of the teaching of phonics……………………..7

4.2 Teachers" behavior of the teaching of phonics…………………………..8

  1. The Problems, Causes and Solutions of the Current Situation…….10

5.1 The problems of the application of phonics in primary school English teaching…………………………………………………………………….10

5.2 The causes of the problems…………………………………………….11

5.3 The solutions of the current problems…………………………………12

6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………..13

Works Cited……………………………………………………………….14

1. Introduction

In recent years, an emerging teaching method called “phonics” has been followed with more and more interests by scholars and teachers in China. As a teaching method which has been widely used in foreign countries, phonics is able to enhance the efficiency of memorizing words and improve the fluency of English reading. What’s the most significant is that it can stir up the interest of students and build their confidence of English learning. However, naturally, the teaching method of phonics also encounters the problem of "acclimatization" to a certain degree. It is still a question that how to exploit this teaching approach in practical English teaching effectively which remains to be studied further.

1.1 The background of the study

In the English Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education (2011), it is noted that the schools that offer English courses in the third grade should complete the second-level goals in the sixth grade, and the second-level goals require "1. Read 26 English letters correctly. 2. Understand the simple rules of spelling. 3. Understand words that are accented and sentences are reread. 4. Master various rules of English pronunciation, such as rhythm, pause, tone and liaison, etc." in the term of pronunciation in the knowledge of language in the stage of compulsory education.

However, in practical English teaching, the proportion of phonetic symbols and spelling in teaching becomes decreased, which results in the phenomenon that students have only little understanding of the spelling rules and rely on their teachers heavily in the study of vocabulary. When students meet with new words, they often ask for teachers or use the help of the reading pen because they don’t have the ability of spelling out the new words by the phonetic correspondence rules constituting the letter combination of the words. With the deepening of learning, students do not pay attention to the relationship between sound and letter or letter combination when spelling words. Consequently, students have no way to memorize words in an unscientific way such as memorizing words by rote like telephone numbers so they lose their enthusiasm for learning English gradually. In addition, students lack the perception of intonation and rhythm which is specific to English and they are accustomed to reading English by the way of reading Chinese. Therefore, the phenomenon of “Chinglish” has been formed.

Breaking the traditional pattern of phonetic learning, the phonics uses the way of combining sound and form to spell words which is very attractive to beginners in English learning. By learning the method of phonics, students can grasp the correspondence between the sound and form of the words which helps students form effective and correct rules of pronunciation and master the rhythm of English successfully. However, in the current situation, there are many shortcomings in the use of phonics and the ideal effect has not been achieved in the practical English teaching. For this reason, we need to discover the disadvantages in the status quo and make up for them.

1.2 The purpose of the research

As a kind of teaching concept, phonics is very prevalent in many places. But in our country, it is still emerging as a new method of English teaching. This study investigates the status quo of the application of phonics in primary schools to seek out the questions of phonics in development of teaching. What’s more, the strategies and countermeasures of using phonics to optimize the effectiveness of English teaching and better sever it in primary schools are what the author wants to explore.

1.3 The research methods and ideas

In this study, three methods called literature method, interview method and case study method are used.

Literature method is the way of collecting the researches on phonics at home and abroad, especially the related research on the teaching of phonics in primary school English in China through the consultation of various books and materials. The purpose is to fully understand the meaning of the phonics and the current research results of the primary school English teaching in China so that can lay a stable foundation for this research finally.

Interview method is mainly by the way of conducting one-on-one interviews with frontline English teachers to obtain first-hand information through face-to-face dialogue between the interviewer and the interviewee. In order to further understand the status of phonics, this survey makes a deep investigation of teachers" application of phonics teaching and finds the confusion and deficiencies of teachers in it so as to find ways to apply phonics teaching to primary school English teaching more effectively.

Case study method is conducted by collecting a number of examples of phonics teaching and carefully analyzing these lessons. Its objective is to comprehend the problems in interviews more directly and accurately and to find the problems of teachers in their teaching of phonics.

2. Literature Review

Although the method of phonics is the general trend in China, the author has searched with the theme of “phonics” in the CNKI database and found that there are only 364 related results in 2014-2019. It can be seen that the domestic research on phonics is far less than the other studies of English teaching. Researchers at home and abroad have studied this topic all-roundly and put forward different viewpoints. The author will summarize the views of the predecessors from the definition of phonics to the related research on it so as to have a relatively clear understanding of phonics and find out the directions in future.

2.1 The definition of phonics

In 1967, in the book of Chall (J), he said that phonics can help children recognize the shape, sound and accomplish the reading of words. Phonics is an effective method of teaching English (Chall 56).

In 1990, Adams (M.J) mentioned that phonics is a teaching system of reading on the basis of the rules of teaching letters. The core of this system is the connection between letters or combinations of letters and their corresponding pronunciations (Jager 13).

In 1995, Harris (T.L.) and Hodges (R.E.) proposed that phonics as a method of spelling teaching based on the relationship of sound and form is mostly used in enlightenment education (Harrisamp;Hodges 36).

In 1998, Blevins (W) argued that phonics is considered as one of the most effective ways to improve the ability of spelling and this approach emphasizes the relationship between sound and form (Blevins 9).

The book “If you don’t learn natural pinyin, your English will be difficult to break through!” published in the Shenzhen Evening News on September 3, 2009 mentioned that: Phonics is developed from pronunciation to vocabulary and to the ability of reading at last. By teaching and guiding children to learn more about the pronunciation of 26 letters and various combinations, phonics is in order to let students read the words by no phonetic symbols and further enhance the ability of reading finally so that the learners can “read when seeing words, write when listening to sounds, pronounce accurately and read fluently” (Chen 3).

In 2012, Pan Qing and Huang Xiaoping pointed that phonics is a pinyin system in English, which allows students to remember English vocabulary by establishing a relationship between letters or the combination of letters and pronunciation. The purpose of using phonics is to allow students to read words when seeing words and write words when listening to sounds without observing the dictionary or using the model. The book also points out that teachers can"t say the rules too absolutely when teaching them and should be flexible in dealing with vocabulary that does not conform to the rules (Panamp;Huang 5).

In 2013, Huang Wei says that in the relationship between phonics and primary school English vocabulary teaching, phonics refers to the method by which students can correctly read and write words using the rules of pronunciation (Huang 110).

2.2 Domestic and foreign related research on phonics

2.2.1 Study by foreign scholars

Margaret (MB)"s "The ABC"s and All Their Tricks" clearly articulates the vocabulary that matches the pronunciation rules of letters and letter combinations, including common vocabulary for children, higher grade students and adulthood. The three parts of people"s common vocabulary become the encyclopedia of teachers, students and parents to learn phonics (Bishop 21).

In 1988, Linnea (C.E) pointed out in the study that when teachers teach the meaning of English words, they should also teach students how to spell; when students meet with new vocabulary in their own reading process, they also need to try to spell out the pronunciation instead of jump directly (Ehri 10). Therefore, it is very necessary for learning vocabulary and reading to understand the relationship between letters and letter combinations in the vocabulary and the pronunciation of the word.

2.2.2 Research by domestic scholars

In 2005, Lan Huafang focused on analyzing the learning needs of children and the cognitive characteristics and in his study. He believed that phonics teaching can stimulate students" intrinsic motivation, meet students" learning needs and enable students to participate in learning actively. Besides, it shows that students are the main body of learning (Lan 101).

In 2012, based on experimental data, Ma Jing concluded that phonics teaching method has a positive influence on vocabulary cognition; the phonics teaching is an effective vocabulary teaching strategy. Thus, students should be given the opportunity to use phonics by teachers (Ma 19).

In 2013, Li Jinlan discussed the application of phonics in English phonetic teaching in elementary and middle schools, and pointed out that in the junior high school, it is necessary to strengthen the correspondence between letters and pronunciations, summarize and apply the pronunciation rules, and let students deepen their understanding of the spelling rules in practical application (Li 94).

3. The Research and Design

In Europe and the United States, phonics is a very prevalent English teaching approach, but it is not disseminated in China. As a designer of classroom teaching, teachers are one of the main factors affecting the use of phonics in teaching. In the existing research, more studies concentrate on the teaching strategies and instructional design of phonics. However, there are not many studies on the current situation of teachers" understanding and application of phonics. Because teachers" understanding of phonics affects how teachers apply phonics in their English class directly, this research will proceed from teachers’ understanding of phonics so as to investigate the application status of teachers" phonics teaching.

3.1 The purpose of interview

Face-to-face interviews with some teachers are conducted to study some of little open questions and mainly ask questions for teachers’ behavior in their teaching process of using phonics. At the same time, these interviews strive to understand teachers’ confusion generated in the teaching of phonics to discover the shortcomings of the application from those interviewers" answers. Through the method of interview, this paper explores the application status of phonics in primary school English classrooms and finds the teachers inadequacy of cognition and application in phonics. On this account, teachers" related cognition can be found ways to enhance and the degree of application of phonics in primary school English teaching can be improved.

3.2 The sample selection of interview

In order to understand the current situation of teachers’ phonics teaching who are from different levels of schools, this survey selected six primary school English teachers from different scales of schools in Wujin District to conduct one-on-one interviews. The number and background of the teachers interviewed are shown in Table 1. The gender ratio of teachers interviewed was 2:4, and the teachers " teaching age was from 4 to 15 years.



Graduation Major




English (normal)




English (non-normal)




Primary Education (normal)




English (normal)




Information Technology (normal)




Primary education (normal)


Table1 Background information of teachers interviewed

3.3 The design of interview and data collation

3.3.1 Design of the interview outline

This study mainly uses in-depth interviews. The design of interview content stems from the problems that may be a little open and complicated so that it must be asked face to face instead of easy yes or no. The author hoped that we can further understand the status quo of teachers’ phonics teaching and the problems in their application through face-to-face communication. The interviews mainly include: (1) What is phonics and what is its characteristic? (2) How can teachers use the method of phonics to teach reasonably, purposefully and developmentally? (3) How teachers conduct phonics teaching. (4) The effect of teachers’ phonics teaching. (5) The confusion generated by teachers in the process of using phonics.

3.3.2 Interview process

Before the interview, the author has negotiated the interview time and related matters with the interviewee. What made the author happy was that the interviews were completed successfully. During the interview, the author made notes on paper and did the recording work with the consent of the respondent. After the interview, the author processed and analyzed the data of interviews in time according to the paper records and the recording materials.

3.3.3. Processing of interview data

After the interview, the author sorted out six respondents’ interviews according to their responses and filled in the form in time. After compared and analyzed the respondents" opinions and suggestions, several conclusions were drawn naturally.

4. The Analysis of Interviews Results


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