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摘 要


关键词:商务; 礼仪; 差异; 文化


1. Introduction 1

2. Literate Review 2

2.1 Definition of Business Definition 2

2.2 Root of Chinese and American Eiquette 2

3. The Manifestation of Differences Btween China and the United States 3

3.1 The Conversation Etiquette 3

3.1.1 Interpersonal Communication 3

3.1.2 Address 4

3.1.3 Small Talk 4

3.1.4 Gossip 5

3.2 The Concept of Time 5

3.3 Negotiation 6

3.3.1 Principles 7

3.3.2 Teamwork 7

3.3.3 Work Place 8

3.4 The Banquet 8

3.4.1 Expressing Gratitude 8

3.4.2 Toasting Etiquette 9

3.4.3 Present 9

4. The Main Cause 10

5. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

1. Introduction

In the era of economic globalization along with the vigorous development of the commodity economy in our country, more and more enterprises and people go out of the borders to be engaged in the national business activities. In this case, we must understand the different cultures under the background of the differences of business etiquette and its application. It’s the most effective way to ensure businessman to have the ability to carry out the cross-cultural communication. Business etiquette has become the indispensable communication tool in modern business activities, a large number of enterprises have treated business etiquette training as the basis of employee training content . As a result, studying business etiquette and popularizing the business etiquette have become an important means to improve the reputation and enhance the core competitiveness to the modern enterprise. This is not only a comply with the trend, but also a need for the situation. For us college students, it is nothing but important to pay attention to our own image maintenance, as well as to master foreign-related etiquette knowledge.

Etiquette is one of the important forms of human association. China"s ancient great educator Confucius said that as early as 2000 years ago: Don’t learn ceremony, not to stand . Etiquette is especially important in all ages. Development at Renmin University of China has issued the following interpretation, Jin Zhengkun professor of business etiquette puts forward to that it’s essential to give the correct definition of business etiquette and it is necessary to clear the basic meaning of business etiquette. Etiquette, is a general designation of courtesy and ceremony. It points to that in interpersonal process, people show their strict with themselves and respect for the standardization of the others from beginning to end in certain established procedures . It is obvious that politeness is the foundation of etiquette, courtesy is the basic part of etiquette. Etiquette, is actually made up of a series of concrete, performance of polite manners. [ Jin Zhengkun Business Etiquette [M] Beijing University Press, 2004]

Nowadays, the United States has the most high-speed economic development, along with the first national comprehensive strength. What’s more,its foreign development is also the world"s first, having the considerable number of wholly owned or joint venture company in China. So this article which introduces the cross-cultural business activities mainly refers to the development of China"s enterprises with the United States, from China"s specific business contacts with the United States to reflect the business contacts of China and the rest of the world. Among them, the United States is the most typical country.

2. Literate Review

Presently, there is a large number of people have realized the importance of business etiquette, therefore a lot of scholars engage in studying in this field. Since this thesis studies the difference of business etiquette, a review on the theories of predecessors as follows.

2.1 Definition of Business Definition

Before briefly discussing the definition of business etiquette ,we should try to understand the meaning of this word,etiquette.Etiquette refers to a kind of standardized behavior in human’s communications and contacts which means more than politeness and courtesy .Here is one definition of etiquette as follows: Etiquette means formal rules of correct and polite behavior in society or among members of a profession.(Hornby,1997:491) In addition, from the point of Ma ,he defines the business etiquette as follows: Business etiquette is the norms and criteria along with language ,expression and behaviors, in different situation abided by two or more business parties, by which they express their recognition, show their respects to each other and exchange each opinion ,in order to establish a friendly and harmonious business relationship.(Ma.2004;411)

2.2 Root of Chinese and American Eiquette

China, as a cradle of oriental culture, no doubt enjoying a reputation of the etiquette country. In old China, etiquette is equal to courtesy and ceremony. As early as in Han dynasty, there were three great works, called ”three li’’ nowadays, Yi-li, Chou-li and Li-ji, which together had a great influence in Chinese society.

However, American history is short, so is its etiquette history. The word etiquette was originated from French “etiquette”, whose originated meaning people found not only in court, but in social community. They should abide by some norms and regulations. So etiquette became the laissez-passer of personal intercourse nowadays.(Zhu.2006:3-6)

In that way, American etiquette is not as Chinese etiquette. That’s why Americans don’t care so much about etiquette as Chinese people do.

3. The Manifestation of Differences Btween China and the United States

3.1 The Conversation Etiquette

Conversation is an important means of dissemination of information in business activities. It uses the language as a tool, to make exchanges on both sides to communicates, as well to promote the success of the business activities. In business etiquette, the most direct and most efficient form of communication is direct verbal communication. Language is the fundamental means to express thoughts and feelings. Conversation, just as its name implies, referring with both sides who participate in the activities of cooperation, just as Chinese and American enterprises. Different culture must lead to some differences through the daily communication. People often say, language is the dress of thought. In the process of business activities, the conversation is not only the communication between business people but also the communication with feelings. In other words, it is an important means to enhance understand between each other and it is the important aspect to leave a good first impression to others. To sum up, when we chat with business partners, we must pay attention to our words, to ensure it is used properly and can make each other understand then accomplish the complete communication tasks. On the basis of this, we must learn well about what differences between business conversation etiquette between China and the United States.

3.1.1 Interpersonal Communication

In business activities, it is meaningful to a maintain good relationship in private with the customer, this is the most important way to develop some other customers. Full equality at this time in talking, Americans respect other people, both leaders and employees. You can call their first name. By the way, if two people have similar interests and many other qualities, they may become the friend confidant, etc. To describe men and women to marry in China there is an old saying called a marriage between families of equal social rank, this also applies in business activities in China. A person who is a leadership will often contact with other leaders to form a circle that ordinary people rarely have the opportunity to come into contact with them not to speak and make friends with them. The traditional hierarchical has certain relations with this phenomenon, of course, more with the economic level, social status, etc.

3.1.2 Address

In addition, when we meet the United States business partners for the first time, be sure to call their title and last name. This is a kind of polite, not alienate nor deliberately setting almost, until the other won"t let you so call him (often after meeting they"ll ask you to do so). Sometimes, your partner does not directly tell you his name, in this case you can use a first-name or nickname, it depends on the specific situation. On the contrary, in China, in order to show politeness and respect to the boss, (of course not ruling out a lot of people to lick their boss’s boots), a lot of people will hang the supervisor"s position in the mouth, such as Chairman Li, Manager Wan . It gradually become a social fashion. if you don"t call other people in this way, it will let others feel that you don"t put him in your heart, and, in turn, affecting their evaluation to you.

3.1.3 Small Talk

Although it is the first time to meet with each other, few Americans will be willing to spend a lot of time talking with each other, they tend to touch directly after simple introduction to say the date"s intentions. In their opinions, it is a kind of respect for each other, respecting other people"s time as well as other people"s work. During work time, they will just make a total discussion about the work of various items, laying more emphasis on efficiency. In China, the situation is completely on the contrary, China is a country where person are willing to attach great importance to interpersonal relationships. In the first time to meet someone, it is quite important to greet to each other. Especially to some clients, they used various relationships through various channels to meet them with a hard attempt. As the result, they will do everything they can to improve ties with each other in their first meet, of course do not rule out to some interpersonal intercourse. A good interpersonal relationship is the precondition of the work.

3.1.4 Gossip

For every business person, they have to have a wide variety of formal to talk with others every day because of their jobs. In addition, people in the business also need conduct various forms of informal conversation with others, this is gossip [Introduction to Business Etiquette Jin Zhengkun] In the gossip, Americans obviously pay more attention to privacy, especially when their business partner is not particularly close to them. You can talk about football with an American partner, as well as economic form, etc. However, you should pay attention to don"t involve their family. American’s individual life is usually a privacy, which is cannot be openly discussed in business negotiations. Especially women, they will quite mind unfamiliar people to question for their ages and lovers, they may even think it is a kind of aggressive offensive. While in China ,you do not worry about it completely, the Chinese like to use these little privacy as an entry to contact others, especially the little secret of two people about a third person. In that situation, the two persons can quickly become allies and their relationships will rise rapidly. In addition, taking part in the gossip with Chinese people is very simple, as long as you are willing to join their gossip topics, you can quickly and become one member in it, which is especially obvious in the female.

3.2 The Concept of Time

When Americans are meet for the first time, they will always make an appointment in advance instead of paying a visit directly. Because the American concept of time is very strong, so treasure of time is very important to them. This is also the first important rule when doing things with the Americans must follow .However, it doesn’t mean that there is no possibility to make any mistakes in it.In the most time, when the date will be late for the first time, they will think you do not have the concept of time, even not having good faith quality. Thus they will conclude that you are not a suitable partner, then the rest of your many efforts and preparation will be wasted, because of your no punctuality have labeled that you are an unreliable partner. Therefore, at the business cooperation, punctuality must be kept in your mind. In business activities in China, people have developed more and more to the international standard, among them, punctuality is also an important connotation of development. However, the concept of punctuality is not realized completely, especially between superiors and subordinates. The vast majority of the junior staff can be punctual, but often the superior does not pay attention to set an example by their own action, as far as they are concerned, it doesn"t matter for them to be late. To call for deep thought , junior staff think leader’s no punctuality is understandable, they don"t mind waiting for leadership in the office for one or two hours or even an afternoon. The company with the United States practice extremely difference from this situation in China. Every American attaches great importance to the concept of time, as do some successful person, they respect all the time, including respecting other people"s time and their own time. So they except in special cases, rarely won"t even let others wait for a afternoon. If there is really something unexpected, they will directly cancel the appointment, to meet and make an appointment with you next time.

3.3 Negotiation

Negotiation is such a common activity that most people probably do it at some point every day, to sort out differences with other people, or to get what they want .For managers, negotiation is not only common but also essential for dealing with many organizational problems. Whether working out next year’s budget, setting the delivery time of a product, building support for a new computer system, or deciding the due date of a work assignment, people tend to disagree and managers have to find a solution that is acceptable to those whose co-operation is vital, including customers, suppliers, peers, unions, bankers, government officials and a wide range of other people.[Negotiation Jean M.Hiltrop Sheila Udall page1]

3.3.1 Principles

Although the United States is probably the most prominent who advocates extremely self- culture through all cultures, in the huge machine of the company, everyone has become a tiny cog. Unlike other cultures, American culture was highly emphasized on personal initiative and self achievement of narcissistic orientation. Americans would say “no” without any hesitation. They will not consider whether it will or not let others change opinions yo them, and they wouldn"t be so afraid of their interpersonal relationship will get worse. They care more about their own interests because their concept of friendship is very thin. On the contrary, their utilitarian heart is so strong that they will never feel satisfied towards chasing after success. In China, people will take many other factors into consideration. It is closely related to ancient Chinese culture that people live in a collective where they must consider many other factors, such as others opinions to himself, friends, colleagues, feelings, and so on.

3.3.2 Teamwork

Many of the most important negotiations between organizations or groups are handled by teams that represent the larger collectives. For instance, in international negotiations, which usually involve many complicated issues, it is often expedient for top diplomats and their ideas to negotiation the underlying principles or a framework of the overall agreement. Smaller, specialized committees, consisting of lower-ranking diplomats on both sides, then negotiate the finer details[Pruitt and Carnevale,1993]

Chinese individualism is strong, especially in some enterprise, some decision is often made by one or two people. Personal decision plays a decisive role in the company. On the one hand, this does not benefit to the democratic decision-making. On the other hand, it also greatly improves the efficiency of carrying out some plans. If someone has personal special vision, as well as economic mind, development of the company is also very big.

3.3.3 Work Place

Americans like to treat business as a independent event without any personal feelings and preferences. They always choose working place or negotiation site in office or coffee shop, mostly in some formal places. But the Chinese like to talk about business on the wine table, even leading to the formation of table culture. This is a very special cultural phenomenon, now many Americans have come to learn about the truth. This is a fundamental for businessman to develop a good interpersonal relationship in China. Although it is a bit exaggerating to describe the wine table as a working place, but the vast majority of Chinese business person will go to the restaurant after the cooperation. They are not aiming to talk about the weather or football, but to talk about something which don’t reach a consensus between each other in the office during the formal meeting. Both sides negotiate slowly with each other in the cups of wine, eventually led to the success of the business.

3.4 The Banquet

3.4.1 Expressing Gratitude

In business contact, there often has a variety of banquets. Different from private parties or friends party, interpersonal relationship in the business are more business relationships, so the party is mostly formal than any other parties. Party in the United States, in a formal dinner, there is a big possibility that you will have no chance to see the holder. However, it is essential to show your gratitude to the master when you attend a banquet. In that case, you must find the owner, thanking him for he let everyone in this party have a good night. In American’s mind, no thanks to the host is not polite. if you can"t say thank directly to the master - this is possible, especially at the end of the party, the host will be surrounded by a large group of people who attend the party, then the Americans will write a note in the next day, showing their gratitude and expressing regret . [The Basic Knowledge of The Business Etiquette and Standard Specifications. Peggy Post Peter Post ]

While in China, there is no need to worry about that can"t find the own. On the contrary, in Chinese business banquets, the master who hold the banquet will be positive to talk with each business partner from time to time. Because they clearly know it is the main channel to broaden their interpersonal relationship through their contacts. Of course, thanking to the party host is really in need, this is the most basic courtesy and everyone will willing to give others a good expression .

3.4.2 Toasting Etiquette

Both in America and in China, it is a convention to propose a toast to the host or the honored guest in many large banquets in general . But in the concrete performances of toasting etiquette, there is many obvious differences between China and the United States. First of all, Americans will propose a toast to the master of the banquet, expressing their gratitude. This is the same in China even all over the world. What’s more, Americans are very gentleman, men often take the initiative toast to the lady. Under the circumstance of they don"t know each other, the man can rely on toasting into contact with each other. It is a very common phenomenon in the party in the United States. The subsequent atmosphere of the party would be relatively comfortable more, both leadership and staff can fully relax. Most Americans work meticulously while they are always quite open and outgoing in recreational activities, completely not afraid to make any mistakes together with the boss.

In terms of China business dinner etiquette, compares to the freedom and ease in America, Chinese business banquet make person feel more pressured and uncomfortable .There are many answers can solve this question, but among them ,the most reasonable answer is that the staff always pay more attention to show respect to the leadership. Different from American’s gentleness to women, Chinese people are more inclined to the service for the leadership. Respect in the first round after the toast, there will always find a variety of reasons for the second and third or even more to propose a toast. So, China has some other words about drinking .The more wine you drink, the more business you will get. Maybe it sounds ridiculous, but this is the truth.

3.4.3 Present

Gifts is a kind of etiquette reflecting, also is a kind of feeling expressing, which can make the two sides set up a bridge of communication. In their relations with others, gift giving is a necessary tool. This is a way to contact feelings with your old friend, make new friends widely and enhance friendship. However, paying attention to the kind and style of the gift is necessary. Americans focus on gift packaging. Whether their presents are valuable or not, they will package gift carefully. They think it can make the gift receiver feel the kindness when receiving this gift. This is a reflection of details. Americans used to open their gifts quickly as long as they get a gift and eulogize it in others’ presence. From the point of their views, this is a respect and gratitude to the sender. Such way make each other be happy. Chinese people care more about the price of the gifts. More valuable and more expensive gift you send will make receiver more satisfied. People with high social status are usually sent the more expensive gift. And it is a yard stick whether a person is sincere. The more valuable present, the more sincere you will be, on the contrary, if there is a not very expensive gift sent , receiver will consider him or her is not genuine and sincere. In addition, the Chinese gift giving is linked to face directly. It means that giving valuable things can let a person feel honored. On the contrary, if something is cheap, who send them will also feel ignoble. As for gift packing, the Chinese people is quite arbitrary in this area.

4. The Main Cause

Referring to the differences between Chinese and American business etiquette, the main reason is the cultural differences. In order to carry out business activities more smoothly, it is necessary for us to further study it. China"s four major ancient civilizations, the Chinese nation is the only national inheritance civilization for several thousands. Chinese business etiquette, began in the Xia, Shang Dynasty and matured in the Tang and Song Dynasty. Through constant development and changes,it gradually formed a system. Western society is the successor of the ancient European civilization. After long darkness in the middle ages, it finally ushered in the Renaissance and gave birth to capitalism and the modern civilization. The modern science, technology and culture appeared at that time. Chinese and westerners lived in different cultural background, mainly including differences about customs, religious beliefs, ways of thinking, moral concept, values and so on.

In the United States, it is estimated that 86% of the population is Christian.[Samovar,Porteramp;Stefani,2003] Christians believe in God who is almighty and the Creator of everything ,heaven, earth, moon, animals and human. So they behave confidently and attach much importance to individualism. People generally consider Judaism and Christianity have in common is the the value standard of the Americans’ behavior .However, these values seems to have been weakened, gradually replaced by self-interest and national centralism.[ Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands terry Morrison Wayne A Connor d George a. Burton 】While in China, Confucianism is a philosophic thought that has spread not only in China but also in the whole East Asia for 2500 years. Confucianism can be conceived as involving six core values:(a)moral cultivation,(b)importance of interpersonal relationships,(c)family orientation,(d)respect for age and hierarchy,(e)avoidance of conflict and need for harmony,(f)concept of face.(Fang,1999) According to this thought, individualism has negative meanings. It stresses on harmony, face, peace and so on. All these have shaped Chinese traditional culture. Nowadays, the influence of Confucian can still be seen everywhere in China. With so many cultural differences, must differ from each other.

5. Conclusion

Business etiquette helps to promote business contacts, to improve our interpersonal relationship. A person as long as join in the business activities, he must be engaged in business communication. What we should do is to pay attention to business etiquette. It is meaning to learn about and master business etiquette. In addition to be able to make people full of confidence in the business contacts, one of the biggest advantage is that can help people regulate each other specific communicative behavior, which beneficial to express our respect and love and increase mutual trust and understanding. If everyone can do this, there must be a promotion about social interpersonal relationships and cooperation between nations. Both countries will develop the productivity so that to achieve a win-win situation. So, to us under the contemporary era, especially the university students who are going to carry out the business work, learning business etiquette well is the basic and important step.

Works Cited

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