2020-04-09 15:35:36
学院(系): 国际教育学院
专业班级: 车辆gj1402班
学生姓名: 李松
指导教师: 袁晓红
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Drum brake, also known as block-type brake, drum brakes, now within the mainstream style sheets, and its brake shoes located inside the brake wheel, brake brake blocks out when open, the inside wheel friction brake, to achieve the purpose of the brakes.
In the vehicle braking system has a very important role, failure will result in disaster if serious consequences. The main parts of the braking system is the brake, in the modern car is still widely used in high performance brake shoe - brake drum. The design of the friction drum brakes were related to the design and calculation. In the design process, based on the actual product, according to our current brake factory general new product development process, and theoretical design requirements, the first model of the vehicle according to the given parameter and the technical requirements, determine the brake structure and, brake main parameters, and then calculate the braking torque brake, brake shoes on the pressure distribution, deformation shoe, brake effectiveness factor, braking deceleration, wear characteristics, brake temperature, etc., and in this brake on the basis of the structural design of major components. Finally, assembly drawings and parts to complete mapping.
KEY WORDS:drum brake, braking torque, brake efficiency factor, braking deceleration, brake temperature rising