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 2020-04-12 09:03:23  

摘 要



关键词:电动汽车 指标体系 层次分析法 模糊数学


The energy issue has become a hot spot in China and even the world, and it is a major factor that affects the survival and development of mankind. With the rapid economic growth, energy consumption has become increasingly severe in order to ease the pressure on energy. Governments and auto companies have generally realized that energy conservation and emission reduction are the main directions for the future development of automobiles, and electric vehicles have emerged as the times require. Compared with traditional cars, electric cars have cleaner, more environmentally friendly features, and electricity can be converted by other clean renewable energy sources. At present, there are many kinds of electric vehicles in China, and there are many types of electric vehicles. The level of energy saving is uneven, and the evaluation of the energy conservation of electric vehicles has an unparalleled effect on electric vehicles.

The construction of an energy-saving index system for electric vehicles and a relative evaluation are intended to better reflect the overall energy-saving level of electric vehicles from a macro perspective, and the commencement of energy-saving evaluation is conducive to the better recognition of enterprises and the clear direction of future work. Firstly, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of energy saving in electric vehicles and introduces relevant concepts and theories under energy saving. Based on the analytic hierarchy process, an energy conservation evaluation index system for electric vehicles is constructed, which is studied from the perspectives of manufacturing, consumption and maintenance, energy consumption, and emission levels, and the indicators are refined to the next level, resulting in 10 specific indicators. Through the evaluation of specific indicators to show the energy-saving level of electric vehicles. At the same time, a case study is conducted on the evaluation system of the energy-saving indicators for electric vehicles, and a fuzzy evaluation method is used to calculate and analyze the results of specific electric vehicle models. Finally, based on the previous research, it puts forward specific proposals and plans for the development of energy conservation in China's electric vehicles.

KEYWORDS:Electric vehicle,Index system,Analytic hierarchy process,Fuzzy mathemati


第1章绪论 1

1.1研究的背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究的意义 2

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3本文研究的目的意义及方法 3

1.3.1.研究目的 3

1.3.2.研究内容 4

1.3.3.研究方法 4

第2章 电动汽车节能评价指标体系的构建 5

2.1建立节能评价指标体系的原则 5

2.2指标选取的依据 5

2.3构建电动汽车节能评价指标体系 6

2.3.1电动汽车节能评价的层次结构 6

2.3.2建立电动汽车节能指标评价的技术路线 7

2.3.3评价指标的测算 8

第3章 电动汽车节能指标评价体系的设计与分析 10

3.1权重 10

3.2层次分析法 10

3.2.1.构建层次结构模型 10

3.2.2构造判断矩阵 10

3.2.3运算判断矩阵特征根及一致性检验 11

3.2.4计算层次相对权值、总排序 12

第4章 实证研究 17

4.1模糊综合评价法 17

4.2数据来源及处理 18

4.3电动汽车评价结果分析 19

第5章 总结与展望 21

5.1总结 21

5.2 展望 21

参考文献 23

附录一 权重系数专家调查表 24

附录二 电动汽车节能调查问卷 25

致谢 26








当前,由于我国天然的能源储备以及科技发展的限制,我国的能源结构 与绿色无污染十分不切合,化石类能源所占的能源消耗比重过高,导致了大量温室气体的排放,全国各地雾霾横行,严重污染环境。为了缓解并最终解决当前能源问题,推行可持续发展战略也就应时而生。推行节能减排政策,对化石能源的结构急需整合与改善;鼓励使用绿色无污染的清洁能源,提高水利发电,风力发电,太阳能发电,核力发电等在能源消耗中所占比例。与西方发达国家相比,我国的原煤消耗始终占据能源供应的顶端,近20年来,始终维持在75%上下,与此相比,原油则在能源供应中比例大幅度减少。但是,随着近十年来科技的快速发展,高新技术不断地在新能源开发和使用中应用,太阳能,风能,水能等清洁无污染能源在能源供应中比例正在迅速提升,从然来的零星点点到现在举足轻重的10%,缓慢取代化石能源的地位,而煤炭石油等化石能源所占能源比例则出现小幅降低,占据能源消耗总量的84%。国内研究资源与环保的专家赵静,孙薇,单葆国普遍认为,我国清洁能源的发展迅速固然可喜,但是化石能源所占能源消耗总量比例依旧偏大,是当前中国推行可持续发展战略所不可避免的难题[6]


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